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    Lovely fish and chip lunch at our local pub with over 25 of my WI friends today, very enjoyable
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Dry and doesn't feel as cold as they sais it would be, but that can change.
      Oma, skimmed through the story of the little boy in the supermarket.Will read it properly later.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Good morning, Nanto. It's not as cold here as I expected. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

        Plant - that sounds like a lovely way to pass a winter's lunchtime.

        It's just hit me that it's half term next week for our grandsons, and they'll be here for a couple of days so I need to get the bedrooms habitable - especially as one is knee-ddep in ironing. I think I need a new iron - one that works without me having to push it up and down!

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Morning ladies we had snow overnight but its melting nicely, cars are full of frost and i just went out to put stuff in recycle bin and the lid is frozen shut again,
          Have Eye test at 11.45 and B picking up his new glasses, then i need to get some more shopping things i forgot yesterday , i think it was all the commotion that was going on i forgot stuff . I need a new soap dispenser the one in the downstairs loo keeps depositing soap in the sink even when no one is near the sensor , then if you change the batteries it sulks for about 10 minutes before it will work again ,
          Plant we had Fish and chips for tea enjoyed them but could keep on tasting them all night
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Very dull here, friend coming this afternoon to try to teach me to crochet, wish me luck.

            I suffer a bit after fish and chips too Oma, had to take some Gaviscon
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Good morning all. Dull here but not really cold. I think I've caught something from Oma .. Up early and cleaned everywhere, feeling very virtuous now. Mind you it doesn't take long in this little bungalow.

              Plant, good luck with your crochet, I'm sure you will pick it up. I prefer it to knitting now and am making yet another blanket. They look lovely folded up in the conservatory and are useful too.

              DH is off for his blood test so will be home this am but might go walking this afternoon, as long as it doesn't rain.

              just checked the weather where DS lives (Adelaide) and they are in the middle of yet another scorching heat wave. Electricity has been cut off at various times as all the air con has overloaded it, there has been chaos at some traffic lights. I think I'd rather be here, really can't stand the terrific heat plus,the humidity.

              Have a good day everyone
              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                Good morning everyone.

                Good news from my meeting with radiotherapy consultant this morning (lovely lady who I hadn't met before) I will be fine to wait for my 3 weeks of radiotherapy treatments until after my holiday. It is recommended to start within 6 to 12 weeks after surgery and I will be a few days inside the 12 week window. I will get an appointment to go to Leeds before my holiday for all the planning and measuring at the actual unit.
                We then went to Asda (with relevant form) for OHs blood taking.
                Next I have to books more Fastpasses online at 12. Then immediately off to collect my mum, as we have to be at an important meeting about my sisters Continuing Care assessment at 1, and it is almost 30 minutes drive. Busy day!

                My auntie and I had a fish and chip lunch on Tuesday Plant
                Well done to your car on passing it's MOT Daisy. Always a releif isn't it?!

                Have a good day whatever you are doing.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Gem, you are right, you are having a busy day, good news about your meeting with your consultant .
                  Enfys I don't think I would swap your DSs weather for ours. We all want some nice sunny warm weather but not to the extreme that he is having to endure at the moment.
                  Daisy, good news about your cars MOT.
                  All this talk of fish 'n chips is making my mouth water, its been ages since we had something like that.

                  Its very cold here today and there is little to tempt me outdoors but I MUST get some fresh air after lunch , it will do me good. ( If I say it enough times I might believe it )

                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    it's really cold Mimi, wrap up warm if you do persuade yourself to go out
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                      it's really cold Mimi, wrap up warm if you do persuade yourself to go out
                      I will Gem,
                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        Collected B,s glasses then I had my eyes tested , I need stronger lenses. I suspected so as eyes are getting a bit blurry it's 2 years since I got these ones , didn't have time to stay and choose new ones I will go back tomorrow , I'm hoping I can keep these frames as I like these ones but if not I will just have to bite the bullet and change them . Wizzed around Sainsburys bought a duck for during the week and some plums to make plum sauce to go with it , spent ages looking for Star Anise , wanted a packet of them but had to settle for a little jar with about 5 in from the spice Isle , well better than non . B having BBQ ribs for tea I have no idea what I fancy probably settle for soup
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Oma, what a terrible thing to happen to the little boy. poor little mite.
                          Plant, good to hear GS is getting better.
                          Gem, like it when OH says we.

                          Heard from friend this morning. She had to go to Sheffiels hospital, as regards to her reconstruction.Doctor examind her, felt at her stomach and said she's a perfect candidate.
                          She can't have it done before October, to give time for all the blood vessels to heal. Here comes the crunch, if there is enough funding.

                          Keeps trying to snow, had a few very fine flakes on and off through the day.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Nanto,good and bad news for your friend. I sincerely hope she can have her reconstruction.

                            Oma my OH has managed to keep his glasses frame through two new prescriptions but I doubt they'll survive a third. Obviously you're not actively encouraged to do this as it's less cash in their hands.

                            Plant,how did the crochet lesson go? I used to do a bit of straightforward crochet but never mastered increasing and decreasing but I suppose like knitting and most other things if you persevere it becomes second nature.


                              Well, I have a small square as a result Cover, found it difficult to keep the tension, I must keep practising now my friend has started me off.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Very good Plant , I did crochet when my children were small , I don't know if I would remember how now . Keep it going let us see the end results xx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

