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    Gem - I'm glad your mum has coped so well, and as you say your DDs will help to reassure her if need be. It probably helped her because you explained everything to her and she knows what your treatment plan is.

    Just back from the wood turning club bash. It was nice to catch up with some old friends. The disaster of the evening was a quiz, with really obscure questions delivered by a quiz master who wouldn't use the mic and mumbled for England!! The motley assortment on our table came 5th out of 7. Not great, but we were the furthest away from the mumbling and closest to the Belly Dancing class blaring away next door. I think we should all take ear trumpets next time - made out of beautifully turned wood, of course. Hahaha.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Gem, it's the early hours of the morning and I just had to pop on here and see how your mum was when you told her your news. That's a weight off your shoulders now she knows and she can now support you over the next couple of months. It doesn't matter what age we are, we still need our mums once in a while. X
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        I will say good morning ladies but it's almost middle of the night , blooming cramp in my calf won't let me sleep as soon as I think it's gone the blighter attacks me again 😲 we have Hospital this morning for a Magnesium transfusion , DD picking us up at 8 on her way to work then picking us up at lunch time , it takes at least 2 hours then the prep before and after so about 3 hours in total , got to be there at 8.45 and it's a half hour drive .
        GS1 came last night he never left hubby's side , he came in and hugged him for ages wouldn't let go , he's hitting his teens soon but still needs and misses Grandad 😊
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          If i have another sleepless night i'll go mad.

          Hope all goes well at the hospital this morning Oma.
          Daisy, you ought to have insisted he use the mike.At least you didn't come last, and you enjoyed the night our.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Nanto I understand completely, why oh why did I have to lie, wide awake wondering if I'd remembered to order carrots on my Tesco grocery delivery for today. Oh all the worries in the world I'm fretting about stupid carrots. Unbelievable!
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Oma - I hope the transfusion goes smoothly this morning, and I hope there are no nasty bugs lurking out there. GS1 must have been so pleased to see his Grandad home and I'm sure it did Brian good to see him as well. It's lovely when grandsons are so affectionate - my GS2 is, and he hugs for England.

              Nanto - poor you. Apart from anything else, you must be so tired. Have you tried going out for a walk just before bedtime? I know it's not a very attractive prospect at this time of the year, but it can help. I think the quizmaster was a lost cause, Nanto. Apparently it was the same last year!

              Today I'm on a mission to catch up with all the jobs I haven't managed to do this week (hahah, some hopes!) Tomorrow we've got all 4 GCs, with the boys staying for a sleepover, so I've got to hide presents etc - it gets harder to hide things as they get older!!

              Have a good day everyone.

              Mimi - you were worried Rudolph & Co would go hungry.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Good morning everyone.

                Nan2, do you know why you are suddenly not sleeping well? Sometimes we have these phases when we don't, I know. My sleep pattern has been off since I got my diagnosis, so although on the surface I am coping fine, deep down it is affecting me. I hope you get a decent nights sleep.

                Mimi, I think of daft things like that when I am awake at night!

                I had to smile at your mumbling quizmaster versus belly dancing report Daisy

                I hope all goes well at the hospital Oma. GS1 loves his grandad
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  I hate it when I can't edit!
                  My tablet doesnt play nicely with GRU!

                  Hopefully later I can go back and edit the above post which all runs into one
                  For now I will continue here.
                  Baby GS here today. DD will pick him up this afternoon then collect GD and take her home instead of me having her. As we are having both children for a sleepover tomorrow night, she didn't want me doing too much.
                  She is my most thoughtful daughter
                  Out for a meal with tonight 4 of our closest friends. It is the restaurant in the village, so no driving or taxis, for 4 of us at least!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Gem, i don't think think there is any particular reaso i'm not slwwping well.
                    I've no worries/problems and i'm not stressed. I have phases like this, probably just the way i am. Not to worry.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      I feel really sorry for those of you who have difficulty in sleeping. Thank goodness I usually sleep well but I do go through phases of dropping off to sleep then within a matter of a few minutes(according to OH) I'mwide awake again and then find it really difficult to go back to sleep. Sometimes I'm looking at the clock for two or three hours even though before I settled down to sleep I was dozing off over my book! I know this doesn't really compare with those ladies who don't sleep at all night after night. You genuinely have my sympathy.

                      We had a lovely lunch out yesterday. Enormous portions. I think mine could have fed two if not three people! I made a valiant effort though


                        I feel really sorry for those of you who have difficulty in sleeping. Thank goodness I usually sleep well but I do go through phases of dropping off to sleep then within a matter of a few minutes(according to OH) I'mwide awake again and then find it really difficult to go back to sleep. Sometimes I'm looking at the clock for two or three hours even though before I settled down to sleep I was dozing off over my book! I know this doesn't really compare with those ladies who don't sleep at all night after night. You genuinely have my sympathy.

                        We had a lovely lunch out yesterday. Enormous portions. I think mine could have fed two if not three people! I made a valiant effort though


                          Eco test today, everything fine so onwards to the next step. I hope it is sorted before Christmas.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            That's good news Plant ,
                            Brian didn't need the transfusion after all , his magnesium levels are normal now , bloods good , only thing is they altered his Anti Rejection drug , it's working to fast at this stage . They want to introduce it slowly so reduced the dosage , back again Monday for blood check again . He came home and fell asleep for 2 hours
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Good news for Plant and Brian.
                              I hope you can get sorted out before Christmas Plant
                              Oma I think hospital trips are exhausting, no wonder Brian needed a nap.


                                Plant - good news today. It would be a weight off your mind if it could be sorted ut before Christmas. xx

                                Oma - Brian must be sending the doctors back to rewrite the medical books. It's great that hi didn't need the magnesium. I think it must be a result of the brilliant home nursing he's getting.

                                Nanto - shall I come and sing you a lullaby tonight? It might not help you to sleep though, hahaha xx

                                Clover I sometimes wake up about an hour after going to sleep, but I usually drop off again very quickly.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

