Gem - I'm glad your mum has coped so well, and as you say your DDs will help to reassure her if need be. It probably helped her because you explained everything to her and she knows what your treatment plan is.
Just back from the wood turning club bash. It was nice to catch up with some old friends. The disaster of the evening was a quiz, with really obscure questions delivered by a quiz master who wouldn't use the mic and mumbled for England!! The motley assortment on our table came 5th out of 7. Not great, but we were the furthest away from the mumbling and closest to the Belly Dancing class blaring away next door. I think we should all take ear trumpets next time - made out of beautifully turned wood, of course. Hahaha.
Just back from the wood turning club bash. It was nice to catch up with some old friends. The disaster of the evening was a quiz, with really obscure questions delivered by a quiz master who wouldn't use the mic and mumbled for England!! The motley assortment on our table came 5th out of 7. Not great, but we were the furthest away from the mumbling and closest to the Belly Dancing class blaring away next door. I think we should all take ear trumpets next time - made out of beautifully turned wood, of course. Hahaha.