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    Oma - I think we all echo what Nana has said. I'm pleased to hear Brian has managed to eat a little today. And I bet you didn't tell him he couldn't have ice cream unless he ate all of his sandwich! Even better is the doctor saying he's on track. That's really good news, and you must be feeling a bit better yourself. Storm will keep you busy tonight. Does he like lots of cuddles?

    Mimi and Enfys - thank you for making me feel normal!

    Nanto - I hope your OH gets on with the decorating - you don't want wet paint for Christmas!

    I've had a relaxing afternoon starting to make tags for the GSs' presents, and as OH is out tonight I watched a lovely programme on Sky Arts about birds and other animals being musical, and the final episode of the Landscape Painter of the Year award. It's nice to have control of the remote occasionally!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      He likes to play tug of war Daisy , almost pulls my arms out , he's a puppy in a adult dogs body he forgets his own strength 😊 he knows he's not allowed to get on my sofa or chairs so tries to sit on my knee , not with success I may add he just hangs off the sides and then slobber in my ear , he has a thing about ears 😊 he's been very good with the decorations the only thing he's trying to get is the tassels on my table runner , a few sharp NO,s and he got the message . We have just shared a Ginger nut biscuit ☺
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        So pleased Brian was feeling a bit better today, enjoy your evening with the dog

        Mimi and Enfrys that is funny, what did the carrots taste like?
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Oma - for a second I thought Brian likes to play tug of war!!! Hahaha. Yep, they don't realise their own strength these dogs. He'll quieten down when he gets a bit older - 5 or 6 probably! I've got a very funny mental picture of him hanging over your lap slobbering in your ears! It's his version of whispering sweet nuttins - he must love you very much, as well as your ginger nuts.

          Eva's too big to sit on your lap, but she never lets that stop her!! She cuddles up to you like a baby, and your heart melts and you think you don't really mind being squashed!!

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Morning ladies I'm up showered and dressed , dog still asleep . I came down and the naughty lad was sound asleep on my chair , he knows he's not allowed but I didn't have the heart to disturb him 😊 have a good day ladies xxx
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Good morning Oma and everyone else! I feel a lot better than when I went to bed last night! We hope to get our Christmas tree today. There is an ice scuplture trail in town this weekend. We want to go to that today, and meet up with a friend while we are in town. DDs 1 and 2 are at the live recording of Strictly tonight. They are very excited Have a good day everyone.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Good morning one and all. Feels very mild this morning.
                Oma, hope B is feeling a bit better this morning. Shopping day today.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning ladies, good news about Brian Oma you must feel a little relieved now he can keep something down. Its dull and wet here but very mild, looks like I'm going to have a soggy dog walk. We are going to the lighthouse at 4pm to see Aladdin with the eldest 2 GD's, the younger ones are off to london for the weekend with DD and SIL for some pre Christmas fun. A trip to Hamleys is essential of course.
                  "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                    Good morning everyone. What a lovely cheerful graphic for a damp, dull day, Nanto. Thank you.

                    LG It's the same here! I bet your two youngest GDs will have a fantastic time. We always took our two sons to Hamleys every Christmas. It was one of the highlights of the year for them, so it's nice to know it's still on the agenda for family trips.

                    Oma - I do hope Brian has had a good night and is feeling a bit stronger. xx How are you?

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Another rainy day here so far.
                      Oma I hope you and Brian had a good night. You need to get as much rest as you can, the pressure on you at the moment must be enormous.

                      How is everyone else this morning ?
                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        Dull and over cast here as well. I have Christmas Eve boxes and wrapped all the children's presents. Got a message from Hermes courier yesterday saying the final present (telescope for Ben) was delivered and signed for at 4.18 yesterday. Oh no it wasn't! That is the third time a parcel has been delivered and signed for but not by me or husband! I telephoned Debenhams and well done them, no hesitation, said they would do a next day delivery and it arrived around 11am. Who is this person who keeps signing for my goods? Dishonest person.

                        I also ordered some hand team gift sets and exclusive L'Occitaine notebooks which did not turn up. I called them and they redeliverd but the notebooks were out of stock. Hand creams came yesterday morning, it was chucking it down so decided to wear my wellies which are at the bottom of the stairs by the front door. Went to put them on and there was a note from the postman in one with very detailed instructions as to where he had put the (original) parcel. Goodness knows how it managed to fly into the welly. It was obviously not our normal post man as he knows exactly where to put stuff! So I phoned L'Occitaine and explained what had happened and they have given me a free post address to return the extra hand creams to.

                        We did the bread, meat and veggie shop this morning and when we came back I ordered sister in laws gift, a plant and chocolates which will be delivered in 22nd December as it is her birthday. I have ordered a Sainsbury delivery for Tuesday and one for 23rd December to cover Christmas celebrations.

                        i am going too have a big bubbly bath this afternoon and out a colour on my hair. We are going to see the little people in the morning. Monday is my office Christmas lunch, a lot of them go off somewhere else after lunch but I don't usually go with them. It is too difficult to get back here in public transport and it would be worse if I was squiffy!
                        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                          You squiffy Zizi, never.

                          I feel exhausted reading your post, I am getting some cards done and making mince pies. I only buy one present per person so not too bad, I am sure your grandchildren are thrilled with their boxes.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Ha ha Plant🍾 Problem is I don't actually eat during the day (although obviously I will be eating on Monday lunchtime with my colleagues but only a light lunch) so when I have a couple of glasses of wine in the afternoon I tend to "go" rather quickly. If I were to go out in the early evening drinking with that lot I would be totalled before 6pm.

                            The GC aren't allowed to open the boxes until Christmas Eve and apparently badger the parents constantly from early morning which doesn't make me the most popular person in the world. I buy the GC one main thing and then little bits like books, water bottles, clothes etc. I say "little" Sadie's dress and little jacket cost nearly thirty quid!! For the adults I always used to buy loads but this year it is a wine selection and a few little gifts: hand cream, note book, chocolate shoes (yes I do) and bits for the dils and a couple of other small things then smellies and stuff for the boys.

                            Apart from from my husband and our immediate family I buy for my two sisters, their husbands and neice and nephew. For my sisters I have bought silver jewellery which I got from Achica earli in the year, the male contingent are having John Rochas socks in a pretty box, neice is having a hand cream (two little tubes in a festive tin) and £10. She is sixteen and I have no idea what girls of that age want these days, I have had enough trouble with Joe this year now he seems to be becoming an adult at a rate of knots!

                            I have to get some bits for my husband in addition to his man bag but I can do that while I am out and about. I have some spare bits and pieces in case there are any surprises but I also have a well stocked wine rack and lots of bottle bags.........
                            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                              Been shopping. Bought the wallpaper for the feature wall in the small bedroom.

                              Stocked up at the butchers, bought some more tins for baking the mince pies.
                              Also bought some more toiletries for son's girlfriend and our 2 grandaughters, couldn't resist them.
                              Bought some more Christmas gift bags from a market stall. Iv'e got plenty in, but the designs were really nice, so had to have them.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                We went to town, and the ice sculptures although lovely were definitely melting! It' far too warm for December.
                                We met up with a friend and went for coffee with her. We went to Poundland while we were out. I got big Christmas carriers For GD and GD1s presents, and OH bought some LED Christmas lights for her golf bag on Tuesday. It is some sort of Christmas competition that day, where they were Santa hats or antlers.
                                Christmas tree is bought (we are now £50 poorer!) and will go up tomorrow.

                                From FB I see my 2 eldest DDS are VERY excited to be at Strictly
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

