Good morning, ladies. Nanto - you never cease to amaze me with all the jobs you get done while I'm still groping my way round the kitchen hoping to find the kettle!! 
Oma - it's amazing how much difference even one street light makes. The light near DS2's has been out for ages and the path is uneven and very slippery when wet - it feels like walking over a bumpy skating rink at night! I hope b has had a good night and is feeling better. xx
Gem - I hope your mum enjoys her afternoon and meal out. As you so rightly say, it's not a good time to tell her. Do your DDs know that she doesn't know yet? (Just in case they happen to be speaking to her).
Mimi - what a shame the Christmas spirit was so low key last night. I really hate those bit tv screen just churning out rubbish. but then I watch very little tv at home, so I'm not the best person to say!
I'm off for coffee and lunch with some of my ex-college friends today. There will only be about 3 or 4 of us, but last time the larger group met the friend who organises it was ill and missed it, so this is a catch up with her. Looking forward to it. If we're not too late, I might do a bit of Christmas shopping on the way home! This is me getting organised early!!!!!!

Oma - it's amazing how much difference even one street light makes. The light near DS2's has been out for ages and the path is uneven and very slippery when wet - it feels like walking over a bumpy skating rink at night! I hope b has had a good night and is feeling better. xx
Gem - I hope your mum enjoys her afternoon and meal out. As you so rightly say, it's not a good time to tell her. Do your DDs know that she doesn't know yet? (Just in case they happen to be speaking to her).
Mimi - what a shame the Christmas spirit was so low key last night. I really hate those bit tv screen just churning out rubbish. but then I watch very little tv at home, so I'm not the best person to say!
I'm off for coffee and lunch with some of my ex-college friends today. There will only be about 3 or 4 of us, but last time the larger group met the friend who organises it was ill and missed it, so this is a catch up with her. Looking forward to it. If we're not too late, I might do a bit of Christmas shopping on the way home! This is me getting organised early!!!!!!