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    Enfys there has been reports of 'someone' lurking around here this morning
    Now wouldn't have been you would it ?

    As its a horrible day today I am going to waste an hour or so looking around for a better home insurance quote only to go back to my current provider. I do it every year, I find a cheaper quote which is offering the same cover, phone the company I am with informing them I am leaving only for them to uncut my new offer !
    Enjoy the weekend everyone.
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      Wet and miserable here, but I have 2 little rays of sunshine staying over until late tomorrow. Mummy and Daddy viewing properties in Devon.
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      This gallery has 1 photos.
      "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


        Lovely pic Libra beautiful girls you have ,
        Spent the morning at OH,s brothers lots of laughter as usual got Dog for a few hours tonight while DD and family at a birthday party but apart from that a relaxing night for us
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          I've had a busy day with both GDs, although GD2 isn't well. It sounds silly when she's nearly 3, but I think she's cutting a tooth! At this rate the front ones will be falling out before all the back ones are in!! While she had a nap I played games with GD1.

          It's a typical, miserable November day here. The sort of weather when you feel like hibernating - and the heating hasn't come on yet. I've just checked and OH had turned the thermostat down to 16C. No wonder I'm shivering. I've bumped it up to 21 and will wait until he moans it's too hot. This scenario will continue all through the winter.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Asked GS (15years) what he would like for Christmas and he replied 2 tyres for the bike I am building. That is going to be an interesting present to wrap.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Plant I would love to see how you wrap them 😂😃
              Been talking to Qwerty she's been full of cold for two weeks but feeling a lot better now , her friend is out of hospital but very weak , Qwerty visiting her next week she's been afraid to go with such a heavy cold
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oma, good to know you hsve been in touch with Qwerty. I miss her here.
                Plant, wrapping your GS's present could present something of a challenge!
                Daisy, you definitely need that heating turned up!!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Thanks from me too Oma. I think about Qwerty often & wonder how they are. The present that causes me lots of head scratching is a bottle of wine. Think I'll start getting bags.
                  "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                  (Doe Zantamata.)


                    Gift bags are the way to go Nana, especially for bottles.I use them more than wrapping paper now! I bought some nice ones in Tesco the other day, 3 for 2, so bought 4 got 6
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      After a wet start to the day,it did brighten up.didn't get the strong winds that were fact hubby says it's come very mild.
                      Had an appointment at Specsavers today,Bought 2 new pairs(buy 1get1 free).Having one pair fitted with reactalite lenses.
                      They have a lot of work on,so will be ready next Sunday, just in time for going away the next day.
                      Mimi, i never learnt how to crochet,but i did a lot of knitting,until the internet came along.
                      Pleased to hear Qwerty is getting over her cold.Sad about her friend.
                      Libra, love the photo.I notice she is playing with her phone,just like our Rosie.

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                      This gallery has 1 photos.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Got back today from a sunny and very warm Portugal to a freezing house and rain! Still had a good break, soon got the woodburning stove alight and the central heating on. Electric blanket nicely warming up my bed....... hi everyone
                        Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                          Hi and welcome back Avo!
                          Electric blanket a very good idea, especially for your first night back!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Originally posted by Nana View Post
                            MEMORIES OF LEONARD COHEN
                            [I can't remember where to find the new thread informing members when a famous person dies ..hope I wasn't dreaming this.]

                            In my younger college days I liked some of Leonard Cohen songs. I heard that he'd died today aged 82. I've just watched a documentary about him & found it quite poignant to see him as a little boy in his little sailor suit, running as fast as his little legs would carry him. (Oops, lots of 'littles' in there).

                            I went to see him in concert (on one of my college jaunts) & he wouldn't come out on stage. After about an hr he appeared. There was thunderous applause. He sang about two lines of a song, swore & said he couldn't do 'this' & walked off again. That was it.

                            A couple of months back I played some of his songs on a long journey home in the car as OH didn't know him or his music. We ended in fits of laughter as OH said he felt like slitting his wrists. I said some of his songs were melancholic . ..OHs reply was they were bruddy awful.An acquired taste I feel.

                            "Like a bird on a wire
                            like a drunk in a midnight choir
                            I have tried, in my way, to be free"
                            Nana - The sticky you're looking for is under Topics and Issues of the day/In the News/Obituaries. It is a bit hard to find - perhaps we should move it.

                            For those of you who are wondering who Leonard Cohen was - I've posted a couple of links in Obituaries. As Gemini said you probably know the songs but not who composed them. "Halleluia" has been covered by about 500 other artists. He's definitely not someone to listen to if you're feeling a bit down in the dumps, but the words of his song are very deep and meaningful.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Nanto - if sounds as though you got a Specsavers bargain!

                              Plant - I hope you'll post a picture of your GS's present when you've wrapped it - quite a challenge I should think.

                              Oma - next time you're in contact with Qwerty, do send all our love. I hope she's well enough next week to visit her friend.

                              Avo - welcome back to the sunny UK. Ok, I know it's raining and cold, but it will be sunny one day. Your wood burning stove, central heating and electric blanket sound just the job. We lit the wood burner tonight - it's such a lovely heat and makes the room look cosy.

                              LG - I bet you will be glad of a rest after your busy weekend.

                              Mimi - I can't crochet, so out of curiosity I've just watched a video called "Learn to Crochet" - described as 'simple'. It didn't look simple to me! Good luck - I hope you do master it.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                I already told her everyone sends their love Daisy 😊xxxx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

