Morning ladies off to B&Q for new lamp shades for bedroom side lamps , we have Black ones and over time they tend to fade to a horrible dusty looking black so changing them , then pick Dog up and back to get some jobs done that need to be done like tighten the tap in the wet room hand basin , change light bulb in kitchen light fitting etc , little jobs that I just know will go wrong when he's in hospital , saves getting a man who can out 😊 Gem enjoy today , have a good day ladies xx
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Been quite a busy day to say we had no real plans Housework done,washing dried in the sunshine.Went to Asda shopping.
Had fish and chips today,so no cooking.
Oma we got new lamps a couple of weeks ago for the bedside tables. Got them from Argos,as i had some vouchers to use.
I bought a Masha for doing the mashed potatoes, but hubby didn't like them, thought they were too gloopy, so i have gone back to using a hand masher.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
This gallery has 1 photos.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Managed to get to docs. Antibiotics & throat numbing spray. Chest & throat infection. Also sent for x-ray. Lovely to pop on here to catch your chat form of normality.x"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
Good morning everyone.
Nana, I hope you are soon feeling much better.
Shem, I hope things settle down within your group.
We use a potato masher, it seems to work well.
Last night was Night Golf at OHs golf club. An annual event, with lit poles to mark the holes, plus borders of bunkers, ditches and ponds, and the edge of the green. Otherwise total darkness! The special golf balls used light up when you hit them, and remain lit for 10 minutes, so you can find the ball. OH and 2 golfing friends went top watch some of it, and I went with them, with torches! It was very cold out there. Fun in its own way, although we were all glad to get back to the clubhouse for a warming glass of wine and some food. The choice of meal was steak pie or sausages. As I can't eat beef I chose sausages. I fear they were beef sausages, as I have been in pain a lot of the night, and to and fro to the looIf I had known I may as well have had the pie, as it looked yummy!
Today OH is going with a friend to Huddersfield to see a football match. I am meeting them in York tonight for a (non beef!!) meal.
Not sure if I will go out today, or have a totally lazy day at home.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning ladies.
Nana, hope you feel better when the antibiotics kick in.
Gem, sounds like you had a fun evenuing, apart from eating the sausages. Hope you feel better soon.
We are going to an organised displey tonight. I wasn't really fussy,but hubby and Rosie want to go.
It's the same place as we all went last year,and it was the best firework display we have ever seen.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Morning ladies not a nice day , Did my house work today as I have been very good this week and just done the basics , boy was I glad to get it scrubbed out as had dog yesterday too ,but I must admit the sky didn't fall in or the dirt police didn't call because I hadn't done it all week 😀
Just dyed my hair we going to a moving house party tonight with fire works , I've heard of a house warming party but never a house moving party 😁
Nan hope you feel better soon
Gem what would have happened if you had been a vegetarian?
Have a good day ladies xxIm not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning ladies.
Nanto - I hope you soon start feeling better.
I was going to make mashed potato yesterday when we had visitors, but I chickened out and did jackets instead.
I thought we were escaping the fireworks last night, all was quiet, so around 7 o'clock I let Eva out - and immediately a noisy rocket went off in a neighbour's garden! Poor Eva fled back inside shaking like a leaf.Tonight I'll be more prepared.
If you are going to firework displays - have a lovely time and warp up warm! OH is going up to DS1's this afternoon and won't be back until Thursday, so I think I'll be spending the evening cuddling a big shaking bundle of fur.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Daisy, thank you for the get well wishes,but it's Nana feeling under the weather, not me.
By crikey,it's cold today and we keep having a few drops of rain.
Made parkin this morning, it's cracked on top but never mind.
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This gallery has 2 photos.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.