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    Hello all. Sorry for being AWOL haven't been well throughout this first two weeks back at work. I have still got the problem I posted in YEO and have got antibiotics but they do not seem to be shifting the infection. I became dehydrated and disoriented and had to take a couple of days off work, was taken to hospital when I became ill on the train coming back from town. I am back at the hospital next week.

    Despite that I have finished the Christmas shopping, written the cards (and sent them) and wrapped all the presents. I only have Sadie's pink guitar to wrap now. I ordered personalised hessian sacks for the children and now they are here we realise that I am allergic to hessian. They were sitting on the arm of the spare sofa out of their wrapping and I was itching like mad and coughing like a 100 a day smoker. We have put them in the loft and I took an antihistamine and hey presto itching and coughing stopped. Think I might have to give them to parents rather than have them here, been ill far too much lately to tempt fate.

    My first two weeks back at work have been odd. There is no reintegration plan so I am mostly doing what I want to do. I visited a new site in London near Barts hospital, had a couple of other meetings, written some reports, had my exit interview with my connector co ordinator. I sent something to my replacement (something helpful by the way) and he sent back that he was starting to understand my frustration in the role. He sounded really quite low. I mentioned it to my co ordinator because quite often blokes don't like to admit they are struggling do they? The company are not being fair to him either. His line manager, newly appointed, has said that he is not interested in the role, he will sign his fuel card returns and expenses but other than that he is not interested! At least, although my line manager did not appear to be interested, he did contact me from time to time. He has a company car and lives in Ashford, Kent. They will not allow him to have a travel card or put train tickets on expenses because of that. I have a company car but I got a full travel ticket and I had less of a journey than him. So he is having to drive and find car parking spaces in London. Stressful and tiring.

    Oh and it is 12.09 and I am still in my nightie........
    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


      Jane those boys are so big now what lovely little men they are 😀
      Tizzy I think you work too hard your wearing your self down its time you put yourself first , take more time for yourself are you eating and sleeping enough and getting plenty to drink , sometimes when people are so busy they forget and think they are till they step back and realise they are skipping meals and just having the odd fluid intake , you worry me please slow down xxxx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Afternoon everyone, we went to visit GD's who are still on a high after their trip, saw about 200 pics and 6 video clips. DD made lovely homemade minestrone soup with crusty bread, so the chops we took out of freezer will be eaten tomorrow now feeling stuffed to the gills. Dropped hubby off and ventured to a few shops, manic everywhere but got the bits I wanted now home with a nice cuppa. ZIZI you take care of yourself.
        "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


          Gem could you put your ADVENT Calendar as a sticky I keep forgetting about it I have just found it again and I love to see each days 😀
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Originally posted by Oma View Post
            Gem could you put your ADVENT Calendar as a sticky I keep forgetting about it I have just found it again and I love to see each days 😀
            Your wish is my command my dear

            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              OH seems to be snoring whilst 'watching' the snooker final on TV!
              Normally this would be the cause of much annoyance. As snooker on all night has achieved me buying my last 3 Christmas presents online however, I'm not too annoyed!
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Drizzling this morning.

                ZIZI, hope you are feeling a bit better.You definitely work too hard. Take care.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning everyone.

                  Quite a busy day for me. This morning we need to return our relatively new satnav to John Lewis, as it suddenly ceased to work on Friday night!
                  I am working this afternoon, before that I need to visit my mother, calling in at library and pharmacy on the way. I would also like to make mums Christmas cake at some point today , if there is time!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Zizi how are you feeling now, how you are soon feeling better. When do you have to go back to the hospital. x

                    We put up the Christmas decorations up yesterday and this morning I put the wreath on the front door in the hope we don't have any more gales. I have attached the wreath to a mega sized suction cup , threaded some festive string through it and puled the string over the door and attached it to a smaller suction cup on the inside. This I have hidden under a Christmas decoration. If that doesn't hold it nothing will
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      Morning ladies Brian at hospital getting his Chemo , I was going with him but didn't get to bed till 5-45 had a bad night have a flare up with Arthritis every joint hurts so couldn't get rested sat with two hot water bottles all night changing from joint to joint 😯 just pottering doing things slowly I'm to tired to do anything at pace
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Sorry to hear you are in some pain Oma take it easy Brian will be fine without you for once but you do get fed up with aches and pains and sleepless nights must get you down.
                        Well OH fell in the garage yesterday trying to get to the xmas decorations our kitchen door goes straight into the garage and stuff does get left at the back of the garage laundry basket mop bucket etc, I was upstairs and when I came down I saw him lying on his back looking at the ceiling, I said what are you looking at in the ceiling! at which point he said I AM NOT looking at the b****y ceiling I have fallen anyway he is ok just bumped his elbow and knee.
                        He had to pull the 2seater car out to get to the xmas stuff don't know how , he has pulled this car in and out of the garage Many times but putting it away this time he scraped it knocking the side light off so things come in 3,s he is cleaning the conservatory Windows now so watch this space


                          Afternoon ladies, well 1 tree is up.Hope to get some odd jobs done today, I gave my friend a lift to the hospital then popped to Boots to buy a hair dye. Tomorrow the long hair is coming off, had enough of looking like a scarecrow when I go out in wind or rain. Going to look at some styles see what I fancy. Also having to pin my hair back to get hearing aids in is a real pain. Although I do want an over the ear style. Decisions decisions.
                          "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                            Poor you Oma, pain is so stressful, hope it improves soon

                            Pleased to hear Mr. Qwerty didn't injure himself.

                            Pics please Libra when you have decided
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              A nice Bob would be nice Libra


                                Eldest g/d lost her 1st tooth yesterday middle one at the bottom she has lost 2 previous top teeth due to an accident many of you will remember so tooth fairy could cost us something!

