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    Good morning everyone. It's chilly here, too, but at least the sun is shining.

    I'll be picking GD2 up from playgroup at 12 and spending the rest of the day over at their house. I'm really pleased we're back to me looking after the GDs on Mondays and Tuesdays, but there's another busy week ahead and jobs in the garden and allotment aren't getting done.

    I've also just got a new external hard drive for my desktop and need to do a major backup before I take my Mac into the Apple Store to get the screen swivel mechanism fixed.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Good morning everyone.
      Its cloudy here today, I am hoping it will brighten up as I plan to do some odd jobs outside but at the moment it isn't very warm out there .

      Daisy you sound very tech savvy with your plans to put your pc back up on an external hard drive. A few years ago I put all my photos that were on my dying pc and that went well, that was until I ungraded this pc to Windows 10, now it won't let me view my photos that are on the hard drive. I need a 5 year old to show me what to do but unfortunately they are all at school at the mo !
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        Just waved twins off after having them today they have been really well behaved, could have eaten more but hey ho, tomorrow is playgroup will be nice to chat with the other grandmas after a break .
        Two lines of washing done too.
        Enjoy your break Libra keep knocking those days off.
        Gem hope DD the new mum one is feeling better today.
        Early night for me 🙉😴💤


          Originally posted by Mimi View Post
          Daisy you sound very tech savvy with your plans to put your pc back up on an external hard drive. A few years ago I put all my photos that were on my dying pc and that went well, that was until I ungraded this pc to Windows 10, now it won't let me view my photos that are on the hard drive. I need a 5 year old to show me what to do but unfortunately they are all at school at the mo !
          Mimi - no I'm not that tech savvy! I hope it will be really easy - I've bought a drive that is already set up for a Mac so I don't even have to choose the operating system! But my iCloud storage is full and I want to put that on the new drive and then delete from iCloud so they don't keep nagging me to buy a subscription for more space, plus I've got loads of photos from 3 different computers and I'd like them all in one place. Goodness knows when I'll have time to sort through them and get rid of the rubbish. OH has Windows 10 and all his photos are visible from Windows XP and W7 Ultimate, so I think yours should be viewable on W10. You definitely need a handy 5 year old. It's amazing how they seem to know what to do by intuition, isn't it!

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Sun is shining,but I've just heard on the forecast that it is going to be very cold at the weekend.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Originally posted by Nanto2girls View Post

              Sun is shining,but I've just heard on the forecast that it is going to be very cold at the weekend.
              Nan2 , I'm having a sulk now.

              It can't turn cold for next weekend, I've just sorted out my wardrobe and got out my summer skirts plus I still have lots to do in the garden.
              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Daisy, that was all gobbledygook to me . I have to leave it to DH, at least the complicated stuff.

                Mimi, I put my winter coats away last week and had to get one out again yesterday, we definately need some warmer weather. We are off to Bletchley Park tomorrow, should be very interesting.
                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                  Good morning
                  It is sunny here, and I also heard reports of a colder end to the week

                  Free day today as I am having GS1 on Thursday instead of today. DD2 knows I am free if she needs me, but we left it that I will see her tomorrow, unless I hear from her.
                  I think I have little excuse to not tackle the iironing pile today!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Morning ladies it's our friends Funeral this afternoon , I have made tea for tonight just needs putting in oven when we get back , bedding in washer might get it on line today , just dashed out with bins only remembered when heard the bin lorry , having 5 minutes in between jobs have a good day ladies xx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Aww, that's a sad afternoon for you Oma.

                      I'm just waiting for the washing to finish, so I can hang it out, before walking down to the village to the bank and library.
                      OH brought some very muddy trousers home from the golf tournament. As she is playing again today, I thought I should get them 'Vanished' and in the wash asap!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Afternoon all, missed the morning where did it go...hmmm OH left the house about 6am, then two DD's around 7.30am, woke up thinking they had slept in only to find it was 8.37 and i had missed everyone, I slept through it all, jcould have been anyone in the house.... just text DD as we don't see much of her now she is all loved up and i had wanted to have a catch up with her this morning over a coffee, (lovely lovely lad, there well suited) she said she could hear me snoring through the wall...ooops must have needed it,

                        Oma sorry to hear your at a funeral this afternoon, hope it goes as well as it can.

                        OH off work today went for a walk with a few of his "mates" from work, so should be home soon, was watching Robson Green in Northumberland last night what a lovely programme and can't believe there is so much to see just on our doorstep, so planning a few "shorter" walks for the two of us............ quite enjoy it saying that i have only done one...

                        Gem hop OH's trousers come up clean, im sure i will have muddly trousers when OH comes back home....
                        How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


                          Sad afternoon for you Oma.
                          Last of the cupboards painted today. Bedding changed, dried lovey.Bedrooms cleaned. Errands done.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Pearl, the trousers came up nice and clean Who in their right senses wears pale blue trousers to play golf with the rain we have been having??? She has plenty of darker pairs, I don't know what she was thinking of
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Afternoon or should I say evening. Hubby kindly walked the dog for me so I could get a few chores done. I cleaned my windows and put up my summer net curtains, along with yet another pile of washing.Where all this washing comes from for 2 people Ill never know, had a chicken casserole cooking in the slow cooker all day and its making the house smell delicious.Hope the funeral goes as well as these things can Oma.
                              "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                                Funeral went well ,( as you would expect with the family being funeral directors ) she had a mass last night so just a few words in the church today then a private burial . Sun is still shining been a lovely calm warm day supposed to be the same tomorrow
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

