i know Nan2, it has been quiet lively here recently. Neighbour is a particularly difficult person Nan2. Our freehold purchase has been going on for almost three years. He volunteered to deal with the legal side of things and found a solicitor. He has since said that the purchase of the freehold is not that important. I took over the legal side a year ago as we really wanted the freehold document when we celebrated the end of the mortgage. It was only when I complained about the time scale that I discovered that he had put the purchase on hold for a year and, with further digging, discovered that his parents who have the flat underneath them were not eligible to buy the freehold (has to be done as a consortium) as they had not then been in residence for a year. If he had just said then I am sure we would have all agreed to hold off but he didn't. I haven't had this out with him yet but will.
I have to say that downstairs neighbour (although the dogs bark too much) is a nice lady and we have her up he for drinks every now and then. She has just split from her partner of 12 years and has been tearful but has started to get herself back out there. She gave us a lovely card and present at Christmas, the card said "thanks for being the best neighbours". Husband plants the tub by her front door and the front bed which looks as if it is hers but actually in the deeds is ours. Her ex is currently making a lot of noise chopping down two trees, we think he is trying to get back in there but what he doesn't know is that once she has her windows done (same day as we do as she is worried about the workman being here and her being on her own) he is not going to have a key to her new front door. He is in and out like a jack in the box. Actually it as a good thing he was not around when the other neighbour complained because he (ex) is BIG burly bloke........
Husband has said the physio had a name for his hip problem but I cannot remember what it is. It is curable and is basically some tendons that have stretched a bit too far. He had better behave himself or I will make sure to accidentally kick him out of bed during the night!
I have to say that downstairs neighbour (although the dogs bark too much) is a nice lady and we have her up he for drinks every now and then. She has just split from her partner of 12 years and has been tearful but has started to get herself back out there. She gave us a lovely card and present at Christmas, the card said "thanks for being the best neighbours". Husband plants the tub by her front door and the front bed which looks as if it is hers but actually in the deeds is ours. Her ex is currently making a lot of noise chopping down two trees, we think he is trying to get back in there but what he doesn't know is that once she has her windows done (same day as we do as she is worried about the workman being here and her being on her own) he is not going to have a key to her new front door. He is in and out like a jack in the box. Actually it as a good thing he was not around when the other neighbour complained because he (ex) is BIG burly bloke........
Husband has said the physio had a name for his hip problem but I cannot remember what it is. It is curable and is basically some tendons that have stretched a bit too far. He had better behave himself or I will make sure to accidentally kick him out of bed during the night!