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Gem I detest the tube and train in the rush hour too. I am lucky that I am able to plan my meetings (usually) around the busier times. I admit that I get mini panic attacks when it is really crushed especially on the tube. Jubilee line is the absolute worst as far as I am concerned and I will often route around it at busy times.
it is very grey and overcast here, rained all day yesterday, raining now. I hope this is not going to affect the installation of the windows. I cannot face being holed up in here yet another day, I only went out into the fresh air yesterday to take the recycle and food bin from the road. I must remember to tell the installers not to step on my little clumps of snowdrops, they are old friends (the snowdrops not the installers).
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Good morning, very windy here and more rain. Looking forward to seeing DGD later, she is on her way back from Australia after spending 3 weeks with DS and family. I think she will be jet lagged and emotional after leaving them all, I can remember the feeling. Especially coming back to this awful weather.
We are looking ahead to the summer and have just booked another little break for September. This time we are going to Oxford, haven't been there for years and am really looking forward to it. We have decided to holiday in our own country this year, we have seen so little of it really and I think we are so lucky with all the lovely places to go."Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
Good morning everyone.
Enfys, it will be lovely to get your granddaughter back
Zizi, I hope your snowdrops survive!
GD from school today, and some shopping to do. I will ring my mum. I will see her tomorrow and on Friday, so unless she's unhappy, which I hope she won't be, I won't go over today.
Very windy today. It was yesterday as well, my little car was rocking on open areas of road as I drove to collect GS“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
A nice lie in this morning ready to face the day housework and Botox this afternoon with a bit of luck
Zizi if you have cabin fever now how will you go on in retirement lol
Enfys enjoy your G/D company a nice time for you!
My cold I'd just abt gone hope others are feeling better
Gem enjoy a quiet day
Afternoon ladies truly awful weather here today, rained non stop since yesterday afternoon. Haven't been able to get out for a walk with the dog as yet, hoping after collecting girls and dropping off at ballet it will have cleared. Bring back cold and dry. ZIZI hope the rain doesn't delay the window installation, but sure you wouldn't want all this rain blowing inside either. Oma sorry to hear Brians treatment has been delayed Gem I hope your Mum has got over the shock of the burglars hiding in her shed, must have been unsettling for her. I must say I never get cabin fever, love being at home doing what I want when I want."What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."
Not had Botox done yet again still infection had stick test it was clear got onto treatment table had an antibiotic injection local anaesthetic and when they went to inject bladder they showed me on to screen and it was like measles! I am still on my own antibiotics till tomorrow doc seems there is chance it will work after antibiotics finish , I had a weepy moment just pure frustrating 3/4 trip there and back £2 parking each time, she did tell me they can't do it as any infection and then sticking needles in and sometimes it bleeds can cause Botox problems as it is a poison and in very rare cases can cause paralysis. Can't fit me in for another month, I will be ok in a few hrs I guess just disappointed xx
Qwerty how disappointing, hope after a good nights sleep you are feeling better in yourself.
Up early this morning, I was having one of my rare 'good ' nights sleep, albeit aided with the help of very strong pain killers, when I was woken up with the sound of OH watching the tennis ,in bed on his iPad . Has this man got some sort of death wish, does the silly man not understand what a battle I have with sleep, or should I say the lack of sleep?Bring me sunshine in your smile.