Makes me feel tired out just reading what you've got lined up for today Gem. Sorry but I couldn't work out whose birthday you're celebrating. Still fuzzy brain time for me til second coffee 😊
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Happy Birthday to your little GS Gem.xx
Zizi you certainly deserve your holiday! I hope you have a fabulous time.
We are going away tomorrow for about 10 days. Some of the time will be with my sister and her hubby. While we are with them I will be completely incommunicado as regards internet access. They don't have a computer thus no Wi-Fi so apologies in advance for being in a Grans'R Us free zone!Talk about "cold turkey!"
As I won't be able to see what you are up to I'm trusting you to behave yourselves with no wild parties in The Grannys Arms!. Oh dear,perhaps I've put the idea in your head now!
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Morning Ladies i have been a domestic goddess this morning I have made 4 corned beef and potato Pasties and 1 corned beef and potato plate pie , 2 Apple pies 1 with cinnamon 1 with sultanas , yesterday i baked Cheese scones and Apricot and Ginger Scones so there will be plenty in freezer , will take a Pasty in to the hospital for Brian later . Washed and dried DD bed throw as her washer wont take it , done our little bit of washing and changed the filter in cooker hood , im doing no more this housewife malarky is hard workIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Clover, we will really miss you! You deserve your holiday though, and I hope you and OH have a lovely timeYou have reminded me that we need to reopen The Grannys Rest
Oma, you really are Wonderwoman! A couple of hours irong, an hour or so forum work and clearing all the fallen aplles from the lawn has me exhausted. I don't know how you do so much every day
Feet up for an hour now before going for GD!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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I am stuck in a car park at Heathrow Hatton Cross tube. Spaces are tight here anyway but I cannot get out because of two big beggars parked next to me and another one behind leaving not enough room to turn the car to reverse out. I initially got panicked, calmed down, tried again but it is not working. Husband is on his way on the bus to help - not sure what sort of help but he insists. There is nobody here apart from a plane spotter who I asked to see me out and I won't tell you what he said but he is not a nice man. Feel a bit stupid........If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Gosh I am back! that must have been the equivalent of a 326 point turn. Tiny bit to the left, reverse tiny bit to the right etc. While I was waiting for husband Sainsburys delivery man phoned and said he could deliver early if I was in and I had to admit that I was blocked into the car park. I have tried to phone him to say I am home but he isn't answering. Never mind.
Got home to note from neighbour to say she has put a parcel which she took delivery of inside the barbeque. She and her partner are splitting up and he isn't moving out until the end of the month so she is making herself scarce and going to stay with her mum. I do feel sorry for her. She is very upset, thank goodness she didn't put his name on the flat or expect him to pay any of the mortgage, at lesast she doesn't have that problem.
So all in all today has been a wash out, what with the weather - it is absolutely chucking it down - AND going all the way to Stratford to a meeting and then nobody turning up so coming all the way back then getting blocked in........... I cannot believe I got so anxious about that parking problem. Having had a conversation with husband I have now decided that I am not going to Wolverhampton the week of the holiday - I will do the meeting via telephone conference and I am going to take the 5th off which will not please my line manager as I will miss his Senior Leadership Meeting but he hasn't bothered much with me since I was seconded so he will just have to put up with it won't he. That means we can have a lesirely drive to the hotel at Gatwick without me stressing about being on the M25 in the dark and in the rush hour PHEW!If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
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Originally posted by Nana View Post
Daisy, I'm having tests for a really troublesome tummy. My DD wondered if I'm gluten intolerant. I wondered if your DS2 has had tests because reading up on it, cutting out foods containing gluten shouldn't be removed from the diet before the test confirms it. Seems as though it doesn't give an accurate reading. Just thought this might help.
Nana - this is the inevitable cunundrum over food intolerances. If you accidentally omit a substance from your diet, and you go from feeling lethargic, full of aches and pains and woolly headed to feeling totally normal with plenty of energy you don't really want to revert to your former diet to prove you had a problem! My GS1 (DS2's nephew) has been on a gluten- and dairy-free diet for 9 years. It's transformed his life.
DS2, who has been suffering these, and more, symptoms with increasing intensity recently had a gluten-free day and all his symptoms disappeared. So of course, wild horses couldn't force him to eat gluten again and have all those symptoms back. He didn't plan to avoid gluten - in fact he didn't even know he hadn't had any, and it was DIL1 (GS1's mum) who made the connection.
You're right - you have to be on a 'normal' diet (for about 3 months, I think) to get an accurate test result.
I hope whatever is causing your tummy problems gets diagnosed and treated - it must be a horrible feeling.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Clover - have a lovely holiday - I'm sure it will do both you and OH good. We may not behave ourselves in your absence but we will make sure we confess all, from under the table in the Granny's Arms!! With the miserable wet weather today we need cheering up.I have to admit that when we were on holiday in June and had no Wi-fi access I felt cast adrift from the world, and GRU in particular! If you need a potted news summary, text me!
Zizi - I would have been furious at those inconsiderate drivers - and the 'Definitely-Not-Good-Samaritan who refused to help you. thank goodness you've decided not to be Miracle Woman on the day before your hols. The world won't come to an end, and if your boss's ego is bruised because you're not at his meeting - tough!!! He'll get over it.Now, tonight, put your feet up and relax with a nice cup of cocoa (cough, cough!) and start getting yourself into the holiday mood. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Off tomorrow for a little break in Somerset, bag is packed, ready for the off! DH has been backward and forward to,the docs with a urine infection so didn't know if we would make it but the antib's have done their work and he is fine now. This little break will do him good, and nice for me with no cooking"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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