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    Morning ladies

    Nanto ,
    Enjoy you trip to Pontefract , I always think of Pontefact cakes I loved them, don’t see much of them here.

    Good to hear GD enjoying her job ,
    Cant get better than freshly picked potatoes can you .

    Yes it’s Dark green all the fashion at the moment but I don’t like it , when we took him for his bedding he chose a dark green throw for the sofa , I think it’s vile 😁

    GS is a good little cook and he can make proper gravy from scratch , I taught him that as he likes his gravy thick enough to stand a spoon in ,
    His flat mate is good at keeping things tidy so they should be ok .

    When we moved into our first house the man who lived in it before worked in the shipyards so every thing walls and paintwork was Battle ship grey,
    He had used the same paint on everything , obviously stolen paint 😁
    We thought it would be easy to cover but it wasn’t and the wall paper was a nightmare to get off being painted over with that .
    Took us weeks of scraping and sanding .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Good sunny Saturday morning, everyone. I hope the sun is shining for you, as well.

      Lizzie, you can't beat new potatoes, fresh from the allotment. I hope DS1's visit to Leeds and Liverpool next week goes well, although I presume he's there for work reasons. It's great to see our youngsters starting out with little (or not so little) jobs and enjoying them. I hope you have a good bike ride, enjoying the fresh air.

      Nanto, that's a nice, cheery "good morning", thank you. Enjoy your day out in Pontefract.

      It's our final day of getting everything ready to go on holiday on Monday. We're out all day tomorrow (not ideal planning!) and want to leave as early as possible on Monday. Sainsbury's are coming tonight, so I can finish getting food sorted out. It's great having the camping freezer. We usually just use it for dog food, but it also means I can put some quick meals in it for the girls (sausages, fish fingers etc). We'll eat out mostly, but it's handy to have something quick if they (GD2 mainly) are tired in the evening.

      Gem, it seems as though your holiday is going very quickly, but I hope you're all having a great time.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Oma, our posts crossed. I'm going to start a thread on house colours and decorating! It seems we've all got a story to tell.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Good morning ladies!

          I'm am quickly reading through to check you are all OK

          Yesterday was golf day for SIL2 and OH. OH managed 16 holes before heat beat her, but she did well considering.
          The rest of us stayed at the villa. The 3 older GC made rocky road. We all went out for a meal by the sea last night.
          They all love the pool and the baby loves his cousins being here. He hero worships GS2, it's lovely to see!
          SIL2, DD1 and the older boys are off to the zoo today. Chilling out here for the rest of us
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Nanto, have a lovely day in Pontefract.

            Daisy, we are supposed to get some some good weather next week, I do hope so for your holiday.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Gemini, your holiday sounds fun for everyone.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                We had a good day in Pontefract, but it was quieter than usual.
                As soon as we got to the car park we remarked how few cars there were.
                Even the church clock didn't chime.
                Hubby kept saying its gone on strike.

                Oma, hubby loves Pontefract cakes but i don't. He bought some last time we went.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Originally posted by Nanto2girls View Post
                  Even the church clock didn't chime.
                  Hubby kept saying its gone on strike.
                  Nanto - Brilliant! That made me laugh out loud.

                  Gem, S did well playing golf in that heat. I'm sure lazing in the shade by the pool with a nice glass of chilled wine and a good book would be my choice.

                  Plant, I hope you're right about the weather. We're camping close to a large sandy beach and I know the girls will be keen to enjoy it.

                  Well, the caravan is packed, apart from perishable food, all the ironing done and some of the hoovering. I've even done some dusting and gave the lawn another trim. We had quite a hard shower late morning, but I left the washing out on the line and it dried in the wind.

                  I had a proper senior moment this afternoon. I needed to post a sympathy card to a friend, and also hand deliver a thank you note to a friend who lives round the corner. I took Eva, despite it being very windy. She rewarded me almost immediately with a poo. So, with two cards in a clean bag, and the poo in a poo bag in one hand and lead in the other we called at the local friends. They have a post box on their wall, so I took the card out and dropped it in their box. Immediately I realised I posted the sympathy card by mistake! I think they might be on holiday, but I've phoned and left a message, and hope if they don't see the card until we have gone on holiday they will kindly put it in the post box for me!
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Oh dear Daisy, we all have senior moments at times.
                    Sounds like you are almost ready for tomorrow.
                    I think the forecast is for some good weather this week.

                    Hubby has gone to a car boot sale with his brother.

                    While we were out yesterday, we had a lovely carvery dinner.
                    So, today its only fish fingers,potato croquettes and peas.

                    Oma, hope all is going well in Leeds.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good Sunday morning everyone.

                      Just a quick hello from me. We're going on a cruise today! It's on a restored steamship, and I think we go from Southampton to Portsmouth Harbour and back. We went on its first voyage after restoration about 30 years ago, so it will be interesting to see her again. I've still got a few things to pack ready for holidays tomorrow, and to sort food out. The GDs are arriving tonight, ready for an early start tomorrow.

                      Have a good day everyone. I'll try and pop back later.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Happy holidays Daisy in case I miss you!

                        Morning everyone, I will be back later
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Morning Ladies

                          Enjoy your few hours of peace while hubby out 😁

                          Sounds like a good day although you have a busy night and day ahead .Still a nice relaxing sail before the madness starts 🤣

                          Well I ache in places I didn't know I had.
                          We never stopped yesterday , got there at 10 and cracked on,
                          ​​​at10Got living room dinning room stripped all walls came off OK except one little window recess wall it must have been on with super glue. Took DD and myself 1. 1/2 hours just with that bit came off in little shreds nightmare🙄
                          We then set too giving all the paintwork doors and windows a clean in living area and hall , I then cleaned all kitchen cupboards inside and out and floor and DD did the Bathroom. By then it had gone 7 pm we were hungry and tired so we stopped . Had something to eat then decided to drive home rather than stay , so got home just after 9.
                          just the bedrooms to clean before decorating but they can be done next weekend .

                          I fell into bed and slept till 3 when foot and leg cramps woke me typical isn't it 🙄
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning, Daisy, enjoy your cruise! Oma, no wonder you ache all over!!!!

                            Nanto, you would enjoy the carvery dinner, always good!

                            I went to visit my friend yesterday, I was almost at the home and I saw her out in the street, I thought she had escaped, no she had been for an ice cream, I heard later from the nurse that she has a GPS tracker on her so they can see where she is, it isn't far, she enjoys the walk and of course the ice cream!! There was me thinking she had escaped!!!! Her son and partner welcomed their baby this week, a girl, Maudi. This was very welcome as he had testicular cancer as a child and they never expected him to be a father. My nephew had the same actually and he has two children.
                            Last edited by Lizzie48; 13-08-2023, 08:45 AM.


                              Wow Oma that was some marathon, now don’t overdo it.

                              Nanto, do you worry what OH might come back with. I thought of you yesterday when I used my slow cooker.

                              Daisy, that cruise sounds lovely, hope the weather is kind to you. At least you didn’t put the poo bag in the letter box. You have too much on your mind thinking about the holiday, you want it to be such fun for the girls and I am sure it will be. I bet they are excited. I did love our caravan.

                              Gemini, all your pictures are of a family enjoying a lovely holiday together. It looks a gorgeous villa and situation you have chosen.

                              I have no plans today, didn’t want to get up. I am sure I will find some jobs in the garden if it stays fine. A bit of sunshine has just appeared. Had a lovely day yesterday, DD and Sil had an indoor BBQ because of the weather. GS1 and his family were here also GD1, her OH and of course H. H loves to be with her cousins and copies what they do, she loves GS1. Today we have GD2 and her OH arriving for the week, their flat is being treated for the awful mildew. Ships in the night here.

                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                How lovely they had a beautiful baby girl.
                                It's amazing when you think about what they went through and not knowing if they could have children or not .
                                Pleased your friend hadn't escaped 😁

                                Indoor BBQ sound fun , shame the weather wasnt kind but i imagine no one minded .
                                just as well GD2 has somewhere they can stay while the work is being carried out isn't it .

                                I had to laugh about the senior moment but can you imagine if you had posted the poo bag 😱😵‍💫

                                We have dog today DD and SIL have gone back to the flat, SIL wants to measure up for the flooring and do a few jobs .
                                GS1 coming from work at 3.30 no doubt hungry.

                                B just been to get me some Deep heat for my shoulder blade it's killing me all the stretching yesterday.
                                Last edited by Oma; 13-08-2023, 01:00 PM.
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

