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    Morning ladies
    Well we had torrential rain all day and night , it finally stopped at 5ish this morning ,
    Like a river down our street the drains couldn’t cope .
    Dry this morning thank goodness

    Safe journey home I hope there are no delays xx

    I vote Piddle Hinton too 😁
    Hopefully todays weather is better so you can get out with the girls xx

    I like a nice Chicken salad ,
    B has decided we having Fish and chips from the chippy for tea

    Did you enjoy your glass of wine , I hope you put your feet up and relaxed with it 😁

    Been to have my yearly Diabetic foot and eyes screen this morning all well on that front ,
    the eye drops to open your pupils sting like crazy and leaves my pupils open for hours ,

    We went to M&S for fruit straight after , I must have looked a fool walking around the shops with sun glasses on .
    The lights hurt so I had no option rather look a fool than painful eyes .

    Nothing planned for today so no need to go out .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Have a safe journey home Gem.

      Oma, glad all was well at the clinic.

      Well the grass is done. Tidied round inside before I went in the garden.
      Just put the eggs on to boil for the salad.
      Need some coleslaw, hubby bringing some from town.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Good morning everyone, hope you have a good flight home Gem.

        I went to DS2 yesterday for lunch, he was rushed to the hospital last week with blood poisoning, one small cut in his thumb caused it! They managed to stop it in time with antibiotics, otherwise they would have had to have operated.

        GD1 ate here last night, she was working at the Lidl this morning so I went there to do my shopping this morning.

        It is dull at the moment with drizzle now and again.

        Oma, those eye drops would be painful, I had them once and they stung!


          Oma, I have had those drops, not very nice after with the light hitting the eyes. I did enjoy my glass of wine thank you.

          Gemini, I presume you are on your way home, safe journey.

          Daisy, I hope the sun is shining on you and you are settled in.

          Nanto, I am having salad today with some lasagne which I am going to buy from the cafe on the green. Thanks for reminding me, I need some coleslaw.

          H stayed here overnight as she had to be taken to child minder this morning, poor little mite she is here there and everywhere but it doesn’t seem to bother her. GD2 has gone to London for an interview. Her work on television programmes is contract only, she has been working on a programme to be on television soon about Coco Channel. It is a case of getting your name known. They are hoping to get back to their flat after the weekend and hope that the damp/mildew problem is fixed.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Good morning from fairly sunny Burnham on Sea. After a long tiring day yesterday it was good to wake up to some hazy sun. Leisurely breakfast. The girls and I are just off to find the play area while OH does the chores. Lunch then pr Cheddar this afternoon. Xx
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Lizzie, thank goodness the antibiotics did their job.

              Daisy, hope you and the girls enjoy the play area.

              Plant, hope the mildew problem is sorted now.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Hello everyone.

                Glad to hear you arrived safely Daisy and there was sun!

                We got home around 5 All went smoothly with the journey .
                We are going to have fish and chips now and catch up with some TV.

                Aquafit, Tesco delivery and getting the washing done are the jobs for tomorrow morning.
                Catching up with forum is on tomorrow's agenda too
                β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Welcome home Gem
                  We have had Fish &Chips too
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Welcome home Gem. Glad the journey went smoothly.

                    Sun is still shining here.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Welcome back Gem!

                      I had GD2 here for lunch, she came to swop bikes round as my lovely neighbour has put a new front tyre etc on for her, ready for school next week! She was telling me she couldn't get in at the supermarket, a long waiting list, a very good friend of theirs has a coffee/lunch/ice and luxury chocolate salon in their village, they have a daughter the same age, they have always said when they are 15 they can both work there but the lady said as they are both sensible they can start now. They will start with serving ice etc, they will both be in the same class at school so have the same timetable then they can arrange when they can help.


                        Good morning,the sun is shining.
                        Got washing out.

                        Lizzie, hope GD2 enjoys working at the chocolate salon.

                        Hubby is out for a couple of hours with DS1.
                        They will be back for a full english dinner.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Good morning all.

                          Lizzie that job sounds great for your GD.

                          Aquafit this morning. A Tesco order will arrive while I'm out by OH can deal with that. Not much washing to do as we had a washing machine at the villa, but it's a sunny dry morning to get it dry
                          We need to collect my car from the garage too. I will start to unpack but I'm not known for getting it all done straight away!

                          I hope everyone is well and has a good day, especially Daisy on her holiday
                          β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Nanto, love the graphic. The sun is shining here.

                            Full day today, I am picking up a friend, we are meeting WI friends at the local golf club for coffee. this afternoon is board games in the village hall

                            Welcome home Gemini, enjoy your fish and chips.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Morning ladies
                              A nice morning after a night of heavy rain again ,

                              Enjoy your day it sounds good x

                              That graphic is definitely me 😁

                              After all your swimming on holiday Im surprised your going to Aqua fit 😁 you will be growing a fin soon 😁🐬

                              How nice that GD can have a little job with her friend , it sound a nice way to earn some pocket money ,
                              Selling ice cream and chocolates 😁

                              Hope the weather is being kind .

                              Not much happening today , SIL dropped Dog off ,
                              Hes had his treats he’s now in the shed with B what they are doing I don’t know but Storm has to be in there helping 😁

                              I have a little bit of Ironing to do but no rush
                              Have a good day ladies
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Morning ladies! Glorious day here! Off for afternoon tea with my fellow book clubbers this afternoon. Shouldn't need anything to eat tonight!

                                Plant, I have coffee at the golf club while my car is being washed! Very reasonably priced car wash and it's lovely in the clubhouse. Enjoy!

                                DS made dinner last night, home made burgers and chicken kebabs. My contribution was potato salad! I have to say the food was delicious, though I think he used most of the bowls he could find!

                                We're off to the Suffolk coast on Friday for a long weekend. Hopefully the weather will be good. One of our favourite areas, so, looking forward to breathing in the sea air!

                                Enjoy the rest of the day ladies xx
                                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                                Theodore Roosevelt.

