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    Good morning. Raining heavily this morning and it's very dark.

    Gem, very good news for S, so pleased for you both.
    Yesterday was your day for good deeds.

    Lizzie, I've got 2 freezers. Fridge freezer in the kitchen and a freezer in the outhouse.

    Oma, see MIL can be good when she wants to be.

    Dinner is chicken and bacon pie, mashed with swede and veggies.

    When bro in law gets home from work, hubby going to help him with a plumbing job.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.



      Used the wrong graphic earlier, meant to use this one.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Nan2 we have 2 freezers as well. Fridge freezer in the kitchen and a freezer in the shed. For some reason both seem to always be full!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Morning Ladies
          Same weather here , it’s never stopped and it’s dark,

          We have two freezers also , a freezer in the kitchen and a smaller one under the stairs ,
          Like Gem they are full , silly really when only two of us
          We bought the smaller one just to use at Christmas time to put all the extras in , then defrost and unplug till the next Christmas that was the plan but it’s used all the time now 🙄

          Not got the dog today so we are going to Aldi then after lunch to our SILs parents for the afternoon,
          we don’t get to spend as much time with them as we would like , they came to us last Thursday so we going to them today and we will do our usual Sunday morning coffee meet up .

          Have a good day ladies , weather permitting
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Both of our freezers are always full,but we do use everything.
            I have suggested to hubby about getting a freezer for in the garage.
            He insists there isn't room.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              I have one very small freezer built in the fridge, when I first got rid of my freezer, 18 years ago, a friend said I would never cope, I do, when the fridge needed replacing I was looking at a fridge freezer, they are much cheaper than built in fridges, only, I haven't really space in the kitchen without getting rid of a dresser, I like that and it is handy so it stays.

              Like at the moment with my blackberries a freezer would be handy, but that is once a year.


                Good Wednesday morning everyone. We've got rain on and off (more on than off) and high winds. Please can we have summer back.

                Nanto, I did a double look on your posts - I thought Id got confused with days of the week or something, but the busy hairdressers one is fun.

                We have had a chest freezer for years, but downsized it about 10 years ago, because I wasn't using it much. Now I wish we'd replaced with a larger one, but OH has put racking along the garage wall and I can't see him taking any of that down! We had a fridge-freezer in the kitchen, and ended up getting a second one. Now both of those are showing their ages so we'll replace with a larger fridge and a tall freezer eventually. Most of the space gets taken up with dog food - a month's food for our two Yorkies didn't amount to much, but Eva is a much bigger dog and a month's food takes up most of the chest freezer plus one of the kitchen ones.

                To add to our collection we recently got a camping fridge/freezer, which is brilliant. You can have it as all fridge or set the larger area to freeze. It saves us a lot of hassle with dog food and leaves the caravan fridge free for our food!

                Lizzie, I'm sure your dresser is much prettier than a freezer as well as being useful! I thought you'd said your GD1 was off to college in September, but wasn't sure. Is she looking forward to it? Is it local or further away?

                Oma, enjoy your afternoon with your friends. Will Storm be there or has he got other social activities for today?

                Gem, I like to buy from our local electrical shop when I can - they are so helpful and know their products better. I was wondering who would set T's new set up for him. We got ours during lockdown and couldn't have anyone in to set it up and it took us forever! You've got a busy day today, but at least the timings seem to be well spaced. Isn't it a relief to go to a local hospital rather than a huge General with busy roads, parking problems (and charges) and confusing signs etc. I hope the scan goes well. Is it connected to your knee operation or independent of that?

                A relatively quiet day for me today. Dog training this afternoon and that's all. I hope the wind dies down a bit though - Eva's quite spooked by strong gusts.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  GEMINI, So pleased to hear the good news about S’s check-up. Enjoy your aqua. I take tablets for my bones but haven’t had a bone scan for years. Should have had one before Covid kicked in but it was cancelled, nothing since.

                  I have a fridge freezer in the kitchen and a freezer in the garage. I don’t live near to shops, apart from one which doesn’t stock much. I did a big shop in the local town yesterday so the fridge and freezers are full. Board games in the village hall today, I shall be an expert soon. A friend is bringing me some redcurrants today so I shall be stringing them later, I shall make some jelly with them.

                  Oma, Pleased your Mil was on her best behaviour yesterday, it makes taking her out so much more enjoyable. You must miss Storm when he doesn’t come to you. You will enjoy your time with Sil’s parents.

                  Nanto, love the graphics, dinner sounds good, I don’t make pies just for myself. Your OH is so good helping others.

                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    He is at home with DD today , he doesn’t go to other GParents they live to far away now , that’s why we don’t see them as often .
                    When they lived near us and DD we took turns looking after Storm , James misses his walks with Storm . He would pop in anytime and take him walking , its 35 minute drive so he can’t do that now.

                    B takes tablets for his bones but they think he will need stronger ones now that’s why he has to see the specialist,
                    Enjoy your games morning.

                    DDs freezer in the Garage is just for Storms food , a big dog takes up a lot of space doesn’t it😁
                    Hows Js eyes today?

                    If you can do without a big freezer that’s good , as you have such nice places to shop and you can go daily, I can understand why you don’t have a big freezer.

                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Daisy, the college is in Den Haag for the first few months as they are building a new one which will be closer and easier to get to with the metro. She seems to be looking forward to going.


                        Plant my last bone density scan was years ago too. My last should have been in 2020.

                        Daisy it's not connected to my knee op. It's to check for osteoporosis. The daily drug I take depletes calcium so a scan every 3 years is recommended. I have only had one. I hope the wind dies down for doggy training.

                        I have done my class, had coffee with my friends, had my hair cut at midday then coloured it this afternoon.
                        I will leave about 5.30 for my appointment in case of unexpected delays!

                        DD3 and I are going to see the Barbie movie tomorrow so I have just booked our seats.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Gem, you day has gone to plan - that never seems to happen for me! . I hope everything was ok with the scan, or have you got to wait for results?

                          Lizzie, it's an exciting time for your GD1 then. I hope the new building is completed on time so she doesn't have so far to travel.

                          Oma, I'd forgotten that your friends had moved further away. I bet Storm misses them as well, but I know he loves coming to you - not just because of all the treats he gets. It's surprising how much space the dog food does take up. I portioned up 4 kg last night and put the portions in the kitchen freezer, but the chest freezer looked just as full as before! I would guess Storm needs more food a day than Eva though. Thanks for asking about J's eye. It's very much better today and he's been pottering around in his woodturning shed this afternoon.

                          Plant, we're not close to big shops either, although our village veg shop is very good. Tesco Express seem to cater more for the campers than locals. Homemade red current jelly sounds delicious. But you do need patience to prepare the fruit.

                          We've had a horrible wet day here today. It looks more like winter with puddles everywhere. The wind dropped a bit this afternoon though, so dog training was ok. There was a new dog in class which makes them all a bit fidgety to start with.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Good morning, believe it or not, it isn't raining.

                            No plans for us really, hubby is going to tidy the garage, I'll be doing jobs as they crop up.

                            Daisy, glad OH's eye wasn't too bad.
                            Gem, hope your appointment went well.

                            Menu is jacket potatoes with tuna mayo and cheese.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning everyone.

                              Not raining here either Nan2, and it's actually SUNNY

                              Daisy, the results of bone density scans go to your GP in about 3 weeks. If there is a change from 2017 when I last had mine, they will probably give me an infusion or calcium tablets, or both! It's not a result to worry about. I hope you have a less wet day today.

                              Baby E all day today. S will be away playing golf. Baby and I will play upstairs in between his 2 naps, to save me 2 of the 4 carryings up and downstairs!
                              Tonight DD3 and I are going to see the Barbie movie.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Morning Nanto/Ladies

                                Its actually dry here also although from about 4pm till early hours it lashed down.

                                Enjoy your day with Baby , let us know what you think of the movie.
                                It’s had a lot of hype hasn’t it.

                                Being a big dog he has larger meals than most dogs ,
                                He will eat most things , We have been trying to get him to eat Shiitake mushrooms as they are really good for him but he’s having none of it , he will eat around them if you mix them with his food naughty boy

                                Got MILs this morning take her food
                                3 big hot pots Two shepherds pies one BBQ chicken two containers of veg and two Rhubarb crumbles.
                                That should last her a while.

                                Had a nice afternoon with our friends drank tea and had cream scones lovely 😁

                                Got up with a headache this morning so not in the mood if MILis being difficult .
                                Enjoy your day ladies whatever your doing xx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

