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    I think rain is forecast for all day, in fact all weekend.

    We are going into town today.
    DS2 is meeting us for a cuppa.
    Not shopping for anything in particular, need some birthday cards.
    Browse round the shops see if anything takes our fancy.
    Also need some stuff for the birds.

    Have a good day ladies.

    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Good morning everyone.

      Same forecast here Nan2. 90% chance of rain all day. Not very summery.

      Daisy my friend's dad spent many happy years working on a kit car I remember!

      Fortunately yesterday afternoon's weather was a lot better than the forecast. It did rain a couple of times when GS2 and I were out but the majority of the time it was fine. It closes at 5.30 and we were one of the last 2cars in the car park

      No plans today, apart from going to the card shop. I want wrapping paper for the new baby's present and a birthday card for a friend.
      Baby GS will be one tomorrow! We have already given DD his card and present. His party is tomorrow afternoon.

      Happy Saturday ladies.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Morning ladies
        Same weather here also.
        Housework done bedding in wash , need to hoover bedrooms but apart from that I’m done .

        That sounds very expensive , can you not see the podiatrist through your surgery ?
        If I lived near I would have gladly done them for you
        You may have had to hire a hoist to get me off the floor though 😱😂😂

        He looked very happy in his go cart pleased the rain didn’t spoil everything ,
        Thank you again for sorting the train tickets out your a star 😀⭐️🌟

        When you have one of those days it’s best to give up and start afresh another day ,
        I end up getting annoyed with myself when that happens 😁

        Hope you don’t get wet while shopping ,
        Will it be indoors or out ?

        Drs rang three times yesterday trying to sort Appointment for B with Rheumatologist
        First they said our local Hospital in Sunderland was only place they could get appointment ,
        Fine we know the hospital well ,

        They then rang back sorry they don’t have any appointments it will have to be the Freemans in Newcastle ,
        Again fine as it’s where B had his Cancer treatment and transplant so again know the Hospital well

        Then they rang back sorry can’t go there so we have made you appointment with Washington health centre .
        Rheumatologist have a monthly clinic there,
        Even better we live across the road from it .
        Why they couldn’t have just done that in the first place , it would have saved all the hassle.

        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          What a carry on Oma. At least in the end the appointment is in the best place for you. You would think they would try their best to make B's appointments there whenever possible as it's so convenient.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good Saturday morning, everyone. It's sunny here at the moment, but rain is forecast for this afternoon.

            Nanto, enjoy your browse round the shops. I hope the rain holds off for you.

            Gem, hard to believe your GS3 will be a year old tomorrow. It doesn't seem 5 minutes since we were all celebrating and cooing over all the new GRU babies last summer. I'm sure he will have a lovely party and enjoy blowing out his candle. Is you neighbour home with her little baby yet?

            My evening didn't work out as planned. We ate rather late and I took Eva out for a quick walk round the block at about 9 o'clock. OH was on the phone to DS1 at the time, so I just waved and said I was off. I got back less than half an hour later, rang the bell. No answer. Phoned the landline, then OH's mobile. No replies there either. I hammered on the door, went round to the side gate (locked) and shook it for all it was worth. Hammered on the garage door, and repeated over and over again for half an hour! At first I thought OH must have gone down to the shed for something, but after half an hour I was getting worried. Eva was bedsides herself, trembling and shaking because of all the noise. I even rang DS1 to see if OH had said he was going round to a neighbours or something. Our neighbours with a key had gone to bed. Eventually he appeared, cross I was making so much noise. He'd gone down to the shed and decided to do something while he was there, totally not thinking how I might get into the house! I wasn't a happy bunny!

            I have no specific plans for today, apart from tying in and feeding the tomato plants before the rain starts later. I do need to get some housework and baking done, though, ahead of a busy day tomorrow.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Oh Daisy what a commotion that must have been ,
              Moral of the story take your key next time 🤣🤣🤣
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oh Daisy, I would be cross too!!

                I don't think they are home next door yet. We have a little present and card so once I get the wrapping paper we will pop it round, then may find out a bit more. MIL's car is still here.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Oma, our posts crossed.

                  How frustrating for both you and the doctor to have to keep trying different hospitals, but at least it's sorted and the most convenient one. My OH had 3 separate letters yesterday for 3 eye injection appointments - what a waste, Why couldn't they all be put in one letter!

                  When is the appointment? I hope he doesn't have to wait long to be seen.

                  Gem, I sometimes think they discharge new mums and babies too quickly, so hopefully new mum is being well looked after.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Not yet Daisy got to wait til they send one out .
                    Why couldn’t they just put all Js appointments in one letter , I am assuming they from the same department .
                    Madness isn’t it.

                    will you see baby E tomorrow on his Birthday ?
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      No plans today, I shall just go with the flow. Sil tried to book our rooms for Birmingham last evening, got right to the paying for them and then nothing, try again later was coming up so tried and tried. We have the train booked so will endeavour to get the rooms booked today. DD and Sil were looking to see what they can do.

                      Nanto, enjoy your day out, I like a day mooching but don’t like our local town, spoilt it years ago. It was a lovely market town with water running though it now we have an eyesore precinct. The only saving grace is the M&S and I don’t think that is as good as it used to be.

                      Daisy, what a frustration for you not to get into your house after your walk with Eva and then to be chastised by your OH for making a noise.

                      Gemini, your GS looked very happy getting his ride on the go-cart, did you have a go? I can’t believe that GS3 will be a year soon, that time has really flown.

                      Oma, what a carry on about B’s appointment, at least it suited you in the end. I have cancelled my appt. To have my toe nails cut, she quite understood that I didn’t need specialist treatment.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Plant, maybe there was glitch on the Premier Inn site last night.

                        Aside from the fact that they are for kids (I think) , my knee wouldn't let me ride a go cart. GS wanted me to and was optimistic that I would be able to once my knee is sorted!!
                        We played several rounds of crazy golf together though.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Just been to our local farm shop and tea room ,
                          Bought some Penshaw piglet sausages , B chose a Lamb shank for tea and I opted for a Gammon steak , all from their own farm animals ,
                          Not cheap but the quality is lovely .

                          We then went next door to their on site bakery for bread and a Custard slice for B and a fruit tart for me ,
                          The custard slice could serve two easy but B will manage to polish it off😁

                          We we’re tempted to go to the tea room but it was packed with walkers and runners , they were queuing out the door in the rain to get in ,
                          As B said they had been walking and running in the rain so queuing in it wouldn’t be a problem .

                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Hallo everyone, very busy on here this morning, having to catch up on all the posts!

                            We have just had a heavy shower, more forecast all the coming week I see, never mind, we need the rain now and again. I did get to my veg man on the bike before the rain came down.

                            Daisy, what a carry on to get into your own house! I would have been annoyed as well.

                            Oma, hope the appointment for B is all settled now.

                            Gem, the baby a year old already, I have to keep a check on the dates as my bonus GGC will both be 2 years old soon.

                            Nanto, enjoy your walk round the town and a meal, I hope it stays dry for you.

                            I have cycled past the brambles, so many, I am having a job getting the special jelly sugar I use, none in the village at all, I will try the supermarket in the next village, if it stops raining, otherwise I see that the Makro have it.


                              Originally posted by Oma View Post
                              Oh Daisy what a commotion that must have been ,
                              Moral of the story take your key next time 🤣🤣🤣
                              Oma, I never take a key when I walk Eva. I'm terrified of losing it - it's so easy to drop it if you pull a poobag or tissue out of your pocket, or it can fall out if you bend down to 'pick up'. I think what really riled me last night was when he noticed how late it was and was worried about me, and actually heard me rattling the side gate and thought it was the washing machine! I did ask why he didn't check the washing machine but he never thought about that!

                              I've sorted out the tomatoes - they're not doing very well this year - and now it's pouring with rain, so no excuse to leave the housework for the garden!

                              Lizzie, our brambles didn't have a lot of flowers on them this year, I think it was too hot and dry. The special jelly sugar sounds interesting - do you use it for jam-making?

                              Oma, doesn't it make a difference when you can get really good quality produce like that! Enjoy your gammon and lamb shank today.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Oma, I haven't had a custard slice for years! My mum and I loved them. The baker down the road from my previous house sold the most delicious ones I have ever tasted.

                                I hope you get the sugar Lizzie.

                                I dropped the card and present off next door and gave it to baby's Grandma. They are home now All well, but they were sleeping. I said I didn't expect to go in anyway, such early days. It will be lovely to see her when we can though!
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

