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    Morning ladies
    Its the same with us I have loads of takeaway cartons as I use them for MILs meals but we have far too many .

    Nice of him to escort the girls home , enjoy the presentation xx

    Safe journey home xx

    Nurse for me at 9 , then GS coming for breakfast and then we are taking him to Dunelm to buy him Duvet, bedding etc to take to Uni .He can choose his own .

    Another night with MIL . 10.30 she rang Bs sister wasn’t well couldnt breath oxygen levels low
    So Sister rang 111 said to take her to hospital so went over then they rang back as we got there they were sending a paramedic to check her over first .
    Waited hours for him , came out did all the usual checks said nothing wrong with her and she was remarkably fit for age .
    She miraculously recovered and had the nerve to say it was us panicking .

    She has this finger monitor to check oxygen levels that the hospital gave to FIL he’s been dead almost 10 years , she keeps checking her oxygen level on it we keep telling her it most likely is past it’s best now and not giving acurate reading but she won’t part with it .
    Never a dull moment .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Oma, never a dull moment with your Mil but I am pleased she was okay, such a worry for you all.

      Lizzie, what a hectic life you lead, certainly is open house at yours.

      Oma, I hope GS finds some bedding he likes, good idea to let him choose his own. We have a Dunelm quite close to us, their bedding is good and lots of choice.

      Nanto, I have a cupboard with lots of plastic containers and had a sort out recently and wondered why I have boxes with no lids and lids without boxes when I sorted them not long ago! I am not good with Graphics, where do you get your from?
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good Monday morning, everyone. It's still cool here and I've just had to put a cardigan on!

        Plastic containers are a pain in our house! I never have the right size for the right thing, and I've recently thrown out all boxes with no lids and all lids with no boxes. I try to store smaller containers in larger ones, and then can never find them! I know it's a first world problem, but it still drives me potty!

        Gem, I look forward to hearing about your Great Escape. Safe journey home today. I hope the back and hip pain is related to your knee problem and that the Consultant has some solutions to offer.

        Oma, your MIL keeps you all on your toes! Those oximeters aren't expensive - perhaps she just needs a new one. Even the Sports one are pretty accurate.

        Nanto, doesn't it lift your spirits to see a rainbow! I always loved new potatoes, crispy bacon and broad beans, but haven't had it for ages.

        Lizzie, how kind of that father to ride home with your GDs. You are such a busy lady!

        WeeGranny, you are another busy lady! Well done on going on the school trip to Legoland, and on not mislaying any of the children. As you say, nice to be a helper rather than the organiser. Enjoy all your walkies while you are dog sitting. Has the painter finished the outside of your house now? It looks like being a busy summer for you, but lots of nice things. I'm sure you will enjoy having GS along for the trip to see your DS.

        Plant, is little H sleeping ok at your DD and SIL's? She's such a bundle of energy isn't she.

        We've had an early start - took my car in for its MOT first thing, and OH has now gone to help with transferring an elderly man to a care/nursing home. He was discharged from hospital Thursday/Friday last week and has had carers going in over the week-end until a bed becomes available for him for today. I hope the poor chap is ok - he's understandably anxious and worried about the move. I'm going to get the washing machine on and get on with a few (non)-exciting chores around the house.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Took GS to Dunelm for bedding ,
          2 Duvet Covers ,
          4 pillow cases
          2 fitted sheets
          I duvet
          Two extra large teddy bear throws one for bed one for sofa
          2 cushions with infills
          £220 and he didn’t choose the expensive ones thank goodness , lord knows how much more that would have been .

          We then went for Anniversary cards for DD &SIL , 25 years married tomorrow ,
          He also chose a balloon and a set of champagne glasses all out of the Bank of Grandad again 😁

          Hes one happy boy but was shocked how much everything costs ,
          I think he thought we could get everything for about £50 , 🤣🤣🤣 he has a lot to learn about the cost of stuff .

          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma, what would they do without bank of Nan and Grandad.
            But, like hubby says, its nice to be able treat them while we are here.

            I sorted the plastic boxes out, hubby took a couple for in the shed.

            Sun is shining now,makes everything seem better.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Oma, No pillows? When GS3 moved to London he wanted a Skillet.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                0c9fd222-ab92-462e-97db-53f9e857f45c.jpg e1b6749a-283c-4972-a951-ca87c318a732.jpg ccdc577f-c052-413a-9e08-afd4297cbd95.jpg 58742a0f-0691-480c-987a-f0a7d4072fd4.jpg 75696bbc-915c-477f-9342-0e701f61e7fa.jpg Oma, you do spoil him!! He will get a shock when he has to pay it all himself!!!

                Just come home from the graduation, friends have taken the girls out for a meal and they will be back later on this evening.


                  Hello everyone.
                  I am home!
                  We arrived back around midday and fairly quickly OH left for a golf competition and and I went out for lunch with my friend C, and an other friend we went to school with. We haven't all 3 been together since we left school! We plan to meet up regularly now.
                  I have just put away the Tesco delivery and am putting my feet up as it's busy day tomorrow.

                  Lizzie the pain in back hip etc is definitely due to my knee. It affects how I walk, which causes pain and muscle contractions all over the place. This is all much worse and more debilitating than the knee pain, but is caused by the knee pain. The sports massages help but I don't have another booked for over a month.

                  I have read back, and caught up. but can't respond to everything!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Lovely photos of the girls Lizzie and lovely to see you too
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Thanks Gem.


                        Lovely pictures Lizzie of the girls and you.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          We bought the Pillows yesterday 4 of them 😁

                          What lovely photos girls are very pretty , you must be so proud 😁

                          Pleased your home and putting your feet up now xx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Lizzie, they are lovely photos, and a red letter day for your GD. Her mum and dad will be delighted to see how well the day went.

                            Oma, youngsters don't have much idea of what things cost, do they! It's nice to be able to spoil them though, and hopefully he'll change the sheets etc every week! Have his mum and dad got to do any work on the flat before he moves in?

                            Gem, welcome back. I don't know - home from a week-end away and immediately out again for lunch. But how lovely that you were meeting up with such old friends. I bet you all had lots to talk about. Is C the lady who was being treated for breast cancer? If so, how is she now?

                            Nanto, I'm sure your OH will find a use for those boxes in his shed!

                            I've been busy all day. My car passed its MOT - no advisories either - and I've done several loads of washing, including all Eva's bedding, throws and towels. Heavy rain about the time it rained at Wimbledon drenched a whole load of things on the line, and I just left them there. They had mostly dried by this evening.

                            I've just got back from walking Eva and it's time for bed! I don't know where the day's gone.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Daisy, yes it is that C. She's doing well. She starts 5 days of radiotherapy next week so we wanted to get this lunch date in first.
                              She is going to see Bruce Springsteen (who she has seen may times and adores) on Thursday so that was her main focus

                              Well done car!

                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                The sun is shining and towels are in the wash.

                                Lizzie lovely photos.

                                Jacket potatoes with cheese and beans for dinner.

                                Will catch up soon, off to get the towels out.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

