Hope it’s sorted soon Glamm xx
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Well baby GS3 who always naps for 1 and half to two hours morning and afternoon would not go down this afternoon! Hence I am only just posting properly here!
He had his second taster session at his new nursery this morning, he begins properly tomorrow. His daddy dropped him off this morning and I picked him up at 12. 30 after his lunch. He was happy and playing when I arrived and it seems a lovely nursery and the staff likewise
Glamma, I hope your connection is soon sorted out.
Oma Welcome home!
Lizzie, this hot weather must be so uncomfortable for you, and Oma's friend
It is too warm for walking Nan2 I agree. I would have taken the baby for a walk to get him off to sleep this afternoon but couldn't face it.
You cant go wrong with clematis Daisy, beautiful plants.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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It's been warm here all day, but cooling down now. Eva wouldn't have had a walk today if I'd left it any later.
Glam, I hope your BB is fixed soon.
Gem, I wonder if Baby E had had so much fun at his new nursery that he didn't want to sleep incase there was more fun this afternoon! You'd have thought he'd be extra tired after such a busy morning.
Nanto, what a good job you did drive - although perhaps you wouldn't have bought so much if you were on foot.. Tea and crumpets in the garden sounds lovely - very English!
Lizzie, has the weather cooled down a bit for you?
Oma, glad you're safely home, but not a good homecoming for the people whose house was flooded. Your friend must be so uncomfortable in this weather.
I went to the garden centre this afternoon. It was baking hot and so bright I could hardly read the plant labels. I had a voucher to spend so I got a Clematis and then spotted the Canna Lilies and Salvia Hot Lips - I'd lost both in the winter, so I had to buy replacements, didn't I. And then a spotted a really good edging tool so treated myself to one of those, plus a large bag of sunflower seeds for the birds. Needless to say I overspent on the voucher.
This evening I did some watering and portioned up a load of dog food. I'm glad of a sit down now.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning, I wish it had cooled down Daisy, 30+ again today then a little cooler tomorrow for me going away, only 27 degrees. A few cooler days, luckily, then hot again after Sunday.
I have been bitten by an ant, nasty bites as well. I was busy with the plants on sunday, when I came in I felt something in my neck, got it and it was an ant, it must have bitten me 7 or 8 times, painful, the GD's called in last night, they took a photo for me so I had a look on Google for ant bites and that is it. I always react strongly to bites and stings.
It was lovely to have them both last night, they were out on their bikes and fancied a drink, luckily I had got some ice lollies in so they both had one before getting on their bikes again. I was at theirs on Sunday and GD2 asked if I had any of the cleaning lotion in my cupboard? I told her I didn't but I had seen it was on offer so would go and get them both one, it is from Givenchy and they like it. I called at the shop on my way home and they took it with them last night.
The lady I swim with came yesterday afternoon to see how I was, I told her I am fine but no way can I get changed in this heat, she said the friend had said she would have helped, I know she would but once we had removed them I could never get them on again. The lady from Irak that goes with us, she lives on the first floor, she sent me a sweet message telling me she missed me at the pool.
Gem, the baby would soon be asleep when he got home last night if he had missed his nap.
Glamm, I was wondering what BB was!
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Another hot start to the day.
Lizzie,i think Glamma means Broadband, but i could be wrong.
Hubby out for a couple of hours this morning.
When he gets home we are going to visit his sister,if they are in.
He said to have a quick and easy dinner,so pizza it is.
Have a good day ladies. Don't get overheated.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Good sunny Tuesday morning, everyone.
Lizzie, you've got good friends - it's lovely that they offered to help and also check how you are. But then I can see you are a good friend to so many. I love how your GDs call round to see you whenever they can. What lovely girls they are. I hope the forecasters are wrong and it's a bit cooler than they say for your holiday.
Nanto, a nice easy day for you, but we need to relax and enjoy this weather while it lasts.
Gem, I hope GS3 caught up on his sleep last night. I'm glad his new nursery sounds lovely.
Glam, I hope your BB is sorted. You've had trouble with it before, haven't you?
We're off for a day out on the Kennet and Avon canal - in a horse drawn canal boat. We've done the trip once before, some years ago, and it was lovely. Of course, there's a cream tea afterwards - no day is complete without one!. It promises to be very hot, but a lot of the canal route is shaded by trees. I've got to get a move on to take Eva to DS2's first.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Morning Nanto/Ladies
Another hot day on the cards ,
Ive had Crumpetfor breakfast and B said he will have them for lunch , great minds and all that😁
Its nice when your missed isn’t it ,
My friends husband puts her stockings on but it’s getting a bit much for him now he’s getting on and her legs are massive so she can either go to the local clinic each time or have a district nurse come in .
Up with the larks this morning so all the dark washing was done and on the line by 5.30
B busy making lasagna for GS not sure if he’s coming for lunch or tea yet , it’s all prepared ready to bung in when he tells us what time .
Popping to Lidl for their fresh bread out of the oven before it gets too hot.
Need to pop to B&M for a large tarpaulin for the car ,
B taking down a small shed behind our big shed that was only used for garden furniture , now we have the big Plastic one it’s not needed plus him and SIL intend starting on the fencing this week so all rubbish must be gone , lots of old pots etc need to go to the tip tomorrow .
our posts crossed , that sounds a perfect day enjoy xxxIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning everyone.
Quick easy dinner sounds perfect in the heat Nan2. We have quiche new potatoes and salad planned
Oma, crumpets are GS2's favourite breakfast
I'm sure they miss you at the pool Lizzie. It's lovely that you see your GDs so much . I react badly to bites too
That sounds a lovely day in store for your Daisy.
Library this morning then a chilling out afternoon. Possibly in the garden in the shade. No GS1 this week so an afternoon off. Tesco is delivering between 2 and 3 so that will need putting away.
Keep cool ladies
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Ex Guiders meeting this afternoon, I am picking up a friend (Tawny Owl). I am trying to keep cool in this heat but must not complain
Daisy, a trip on a canal sounds good for this hot weather, nice and slow and shady.
Oma, Lasagna is a favourite meal of mine, lucky GS. I have some crumpets in the fridge, keep forgetting to use them.
Lizzie, you have a lovely relationship with your GD’s
Nanto, a quick and easy dinner is a must in this heat. So sorry you are having to miss your swimming.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
hope the library is cool although being new I guess it has climate control or Air con not like some old stuffy libraries.
A nice smooch around in the shade is a must this sfternoon 😁🥰
Plant Enjoy your morning
B likes lasagne also , I'm not a great fan of pasta but I will have it occasionally.
GS loves lots of cheese on it he likes when it gets a crispy cheesy top 😋Im not fat just 6ft too small
It is hard to keep cool Plant but as you say we shouldn't complain!
Oma the library is hot despite being quite big and us having doors and windows open! It was very quiet, even the librarian was looking for jobs to do so I came home after an hour. It was much cooler in my house so I got the floors steamed. A job I kept putting off as it was too hot! I hung washing out before I went out this morning so apart from emptying the dishwasher and putting the shopping away when it arrives, the afternoon is mine“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Oma, it is a problem getting the stockings etc on and off, I wonder how long I can cope doing it myself, that is why I do hope it isn't rheumatism in my hands. They have nurses that come and do them, but, you can sometimes be the last on their list and that is 11am!!!
I have just re-potted some plants before I go away, you would think I was making a world trip!
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