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    Went to the doctors yesterday because my GD says I am a bit breathless when I am out with her. Dr. Was very thorough, she said she could hear crackles (?) when she listened to my chest and wants me to have an X-ray and blood test. I haven’t felt right since I had that last chesty flu like infection before Christmas. I liked the doctor very much but she is only covering maternity leave.

    Busy day for you Gemini sorting out the printing for the Library meeting. I am sure your DD has mixed feeling about going home, she must have been very grateful for the support she has had being with you and S.

    Daisy, I hope that modem arrives soon so that you can be connected at last.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      I've done all my chores. Kitchen cleaned,fridge cleaned and rest of house has been tidied.
      Rest of the day is my own,just need to keep us fed and watered.

      Gem, glad you are having an easier day today.

      Daisy,enjoy your lunch out.Hope the router makes an appearance soon.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Afternoon ladies

        Another nice visit with MIL today , not sure how long this will last but it’s nice while it does .
        Took her Home made Fish pie , Chicken in Peppercorn sauce and new potatoes , Lamb hotpot , she didn’t want any puddings she has some in freezer .

        Changed her bed , took Recycle bin out and went to local post office to pay her rent ,
        Bs sister usually pays her rent but she’s still recovering from COVID
        very cheery and chatty today 😁

        Enjoy your meet up with friends , hope your not waiting all day for your router,

        Enjoy your free( ish ) day try to put your feet up for a while xx

        You could still have some infection there especially if it’s crackly
        Shame this Dr won’t be staying , it’s nice to get a Dr you trust .

        A afternoon doing nothing, no visitors will do you good , recharge your batteries 😁
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Plant, as Oma says you may still have a bit of underlying infection which needs sorting out .
          I hope you had a lovely sociable lunch Daisy.

          Oma, has MIL mellowed in her old age??!!

          It was such a spring-like day here. I went for a lovely walk with DD and baby this morning.
          This afternoon they went off to see DD1 on their way home, to drop off her birthday present.
          The AGM went well and predictably I am Secretary for another year
          We held it in the reading cafe and were provided with lovely cake. I brought a couple of slices home for our pudding as it needed to go
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Gem, it's it great when we suddenly get a day that makes us feel Spring really is on the way. I'm so glad your AGM went well, and I'm sure everyone is more than happy for you to continue as Secretary. The cake was a nice bonus. How is DD1 today?

            Oma, perhaps your MIL has turned over a new leaf. It would be nice if she has.

            Nanto, did you enjoy relaxing for the rest of the day? You've had quite a busy time just lately.

            Plant, it's best to get your chest checked out, and the doctor sounds lovely. What a pity she's not staying there.

            I had a lovely time having lunch with old friends. There were only 5 of us there today, but in a way it was better because we had chance to have a good chat and catch up. The sun kept coming and going, but when it did come out from behind the clouds it was beautiful. It's a spectacular view from the Club House, over the Solent to the Isle of Wight and the Needles - picture perfect. I didn't get home until gone 4 o'clock so just got changed and took Eva out. It was bitterly cold!

            The man came to service the boiler this morning, and adjusted some of the radiator valves and the radiators are getting warmer now. He's a lovely man and always tries to offer the least expensive options.

            We phoned BT about our modem etc and they absolutely promised they would courier it to us for tomorrow morning and will have an engineer available to connect up in the afternoon. HA!! Tonight OH got an email saying the modem had been sent by Royal Mail 24 hour service. Great, but our post usually arrives about 2 pm. We'd be delighted if it all happens tomorrow, but I can't see it somehow!! Goodness knows why they've used Royal Mail instead of DPD!
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning. Looks bright outside.

              Daisy, hope you get everything sorted today.

              No plans for today,i'll just keep tidying as i go, if you know what i mean.
              Hubby will be out for a couple of hours, so i should get jobs done.

              Dinner is fish in batter courtesy of Captain Birds Eye,mushy peas and home made chips.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Morning all, it's cold this morning, it was almost spring like last weekend, what a disappointment that winter is still with us.

                I hope everyone is feeling well today.

                The last three weeks I have been going mad with the sounds of my pulse in my ear whenever I bend down or look up . I have been treating my ear with a earwax removal product for 2 weeks but it hasn't made any difference and now I am experiencing on and off pain . Now seeing a doctor isn't actually a straight forward procedure. You can't actually phone the surgery for an appointment unless you are experiencing an emergency, in which case you are directed to A and E all other appointments are requested via an on line form which will be accessed within 5 days ... I am now on day 5 !

                Daisy we are due to have our new all singing, all dancing, faster broadband installed on Monday, I hope we get a better service than you are having at the moment.

                We've had a busy few days with visitors but today should be quiet with just our Tesco delivery due today. I am planning to make a quiche with salad for lunch...... there is every chance it will be just quiche . I suppose I could serve it with turnip as suggested by Theresa Coffey .
                There is a saying, Its better to remain silent and let people think that you are an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt

                Nan2 the daffs look lovey .
                I teated myself to two bunches off daffodils when I was in the Co-op on Tuesday they are sitting on my kitchen windowsill looking very cheerful, brightens up the kitchen after all the winter gloom.
                Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                  Morning Ladies

                  It rained all night but it’s bright now chilly but the sun is peeking through.

                  We said the same about that stupid woman , her mouth opens and stupidity reigns 🙄
                  Could the pulse in your ear be your BP raising as you bend down worth checking it .

                  strangely enough we were just saying we may have the same for tea
                  B did a Chicken Stir fry yesterday it was lovely.
                  Enjoy your couple hours on your own 😁

                  Its a running Saga with that broadband isn’t it ,I would have given up by now 🙄
                  We are changing from Sky To Virgin in next few weeks they have to run the cables to connect to our house I hope it’s not like your problems with your broadband .
                  Sounds like you had a really good time with your friends ,

                  I don’t know what MIL is on but this is 3 weeks we have had a pleasant visit ,
                  My DD said aliens have abducted the Nasty Nana and left a nice one in her place 🤣🤣

                  Another year as secretary your a gluten for punishment , not too bad if you get cake every time though 😁

                  Going to pop to Iceland this morning it’s only 5 minutes drive away then upto farm foods ,
                  Nanto said they have Carte d’or in 2 for £5 so will get some while they have it on offer .

                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good morning everyone.

                    Daisy, I often find smaller groups are better really as you can chat to everyone more. We waited with bated breath for the news of your broadband!

                    Beautiful daffodils Nan2! DD and I enjoyed seeing so many colourful spring flowers on our walk yesterday.

                    Mimi there may be some fluid in your inner ear, which could eventually go by itself or may need antibiotics. If you are not contacted today, you will need to lie! Submit another request saying the pain is so bad it is keeping you awake or somesuch. It seems now that only those who make fuss, and yes, lie, are seen in any hurry. I know its not the same in all practices, but it is around here.

                    I am at last going to visit my mum today. I first cancelled because the baby was poorly and I was needed, then because I had a cold (so I believed) then I had to cancel because although I felt fine I tested positive for covid! It seems ages since I saw her. DD is going to bring the baby along for a while too. So hopefully it will be a happy visit.
                    This morning we are going shopping for a few things. The sun is shining again

                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Had a phone call from the surgery I have an appointment to see an actual Dr not a health care assistant or nurse an actual Dr, they are as rare as hens teeth around here .
                      My appointment is 3.45 pm
                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        Wow, well done Mimi!!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good Morning everyone,
                          Thanks so much for the heads up on the Ice cream Oma I will pop into our local store and see if they have any DGD loves it its the only Ice cream she will eat.

                          The weather is a wee bit damp here today and slightly chilly I had to wrap up for my walk this morning with doggy pal we only had a short walk to the park and back then had breakfast.

                          I'm out for lunch today to our local Bistro with my DDs friend from college she has kept in touch over the years and is a good friend she lives not too far away in Chester near the Zoo so not to far to travel.

                          Over the week-end I am hoping to go for nanna-cuddles with new baby just for 1/2hr I'm not going to stay long as they are probably getting into a routine of some sort and mummy needs her rest I'm sure. I'll take them some scouse for their freezer my DGS loves it with beetroot.

                          I must get a move on now and do a bit of tiding before visitor arrives just got to do floors and glass tables AGAIN who puts the wet marks on the edge of the coffee table I wonder ??
                          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                            Going to a funeral at 12.30, picking up a friend, then National Trust meeting at 2.00, the talk is about how they are dealing with our waste.

                            Gemini, I hope the visit to you mum goes well, I am sure she will love to see the baby.

                            Daisy, we are awaiting boosters but they will only send one at a time and sil thinks we will need three for me to get a good signal. Like you he is fed up with the lot of them, not the men who turn up and no parts are delivered for them to do their job.

                            Oma, long may your Mil stays cheerful for your visits. We don’t have any choice about having BBand as our present signal will not be available.

                            GD1 thinks H has got chicken pots, she face timed me yesterday evening when H was in the bath, she certainly had a lot of spots, too early to say if they are chicken pots.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Just Face Timed GD, H is covered in spots, definitely chicken pox.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Plant, our nephews 2 year old has got chicken pox.

                                Gem, hope you have a lovely visit with your mum.

                                Oma, you will have to find out what MIL is on.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

