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    Good morning ladies. Welcome to a new week, the last of January!

    Oma, love the coat! It's shame when a meal out isn't as good as you expect.

    Lizzie that roof garden looks amazing.

    WG, so far I have avoided having to stand on any touchlines with any offspring or GC. In fact I had a word with 6 month old GS3 on this topic this very week. Hopefully he will heed my advice Seriously though I imagine you feel proud watching, despite the cold and mud

    I didn't notice that about the sound quality on Call The Midwife Daisy. Mind you it was quite late when I watched it and I feel asleep a couple of times so need to rewatch some of it. I will take note!

    OH and I enjoyed out meal out last night. Even more so as the majority of it was paid for on voucher we had been given as a present.

    No plans today apart from giving OH some reflexology. I am more or less retired since the pandemic, but a friend bought a gift voucher for 2 treatments from me at Christmas. The recipient has booked her first treatment so I need to do a couple of refresher treatments on OH First. She is not complaining

    The cold is improving but I'm not convinced it will be totally gone by Wednesday afternoon for C and P to come. I have prewarned C and told her I will be in touch on Wednesday morning.

    Have a good day everyone.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning Nan2 and Oma
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good Monday morning everyone.

        It's 5C here and feels so different from the run of frosty mornings we've been having.

        Oma, enjoy Ikea! I hope b gets a treat for going to his least favourite place. I did n't know that Reggie was Leslie Grantham's son. His lovely nature comes through in his role in Call the Midwife.

        Nanto, it sounds a good day to get the bedding out on the line. Dinner sounds tasty.

        OH has a hospital appointment this afternoon (usual eye jab). We both hate going in the afternoon - you can't park and hit the rush hour coming home, and by then the clinic is usually running late. Hey ho. In the larger scheme of things it's nothing. I'll take Eva out this morning for a quick walk, and need to make her some treats for training on Wednesday. I'd better get a move on.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          I didn’t notice the sound was strange in the Midwife and I didn’t know that Reggie was Leslie Grantham’s son, he is a good actor. I have a soup lunch in the village hall today, the same people organise this once a month who also arrange the games afternoon. The village hall manager and her OH organise both. DD and Sil are on their way to the tunnel crossing for their holiday in Normandy so I am home alone.

          Daisy, I hope the trip to the hospital goes okay, how much longer will he need that injection?

          Gemini, now no more brain washing your GS3, he might be a famous tennis player, that would br nice. I hope your cold will disappear by Wednesday.

          I have to go now, will pop back later.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Good Morning ladies how busy everyone is at the minute.
            Oma I am green with envy about your shopping trip I have not been to Ikea for such a long time it is one of my favourite stores apart from The Range,and new sofa etc how exciting my sofa's at the minute are burgundy leather from Sofology and I just love it it suits my lounge not too big not too small dressed with pale pink cushions and small round occasional tables to the side of each sofa.
            Have a happy time shopping x

            Sun is shining here today making for a happier outlook not so dull and miserable I am going out this afternoon to buy birthday cards I have about 4 to buy for during February and two little gifts.

            Oliver has certainly taken umbridge as he has not come home from Jims next door for 3 days I took Jim his lunch yesterday and went in to find him stretched out across Jims coffee table he would not move and come home with me even when I offered him fresh chicken I shall have to go and bring him home this afternoon by force I think then keep my door locked so he can't disappear again its funny really.

            I am off to change bedding and put a wash on before I go out so will catch up with news tomorrow take care everyone x
            Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


              Chatting to B this morning he said he didn’t notice the sound quality on Midwife last night but I definitely did , I had to turn it up once or twice
              went to IKEA and Asda ,
              Called into SCS and Furniture village , couldnt be bothered to do anymore ,
              We will go another day , not rushing into buying one yet so plenty of time to look .

              That Oliver has the best of both worlds hasn’t he , spoilt in both homes 😁

              Will you be ok on your own ,
              enjoy lunch and games afternoon xx

              Hope it doesn’t take too long for Js appointment, we hate late appointments too.

              dont take any chances with C Im sure she will understand and be grateful your thinking of her health .
              pleased to hear you enjoyed your meal out xx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oma, I am not keen to be alone at night but I could go and sleep at DS house but it is a bit of a hassle.

                Glamm, Oliver is a rascal, he picks and chooses where he wants to rest his head.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Bedding didn't get changed.I only changed it a couple of days ago.
                  I washed the towels instead and they had a really good blow.

                  Glamma,you sound a bit brighter than you have done of late.

                  I haven't wathed midwife yet.I recorded it.i'll take notice of the sound when i do watch it.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Daisy I can see why you and OH prefer a morning appointment. I hope things go smoothly.

                    Glamma, naughty Oliver staying away!

                    Plant, I hope the soup was good at the soup lunch. We had sweet potato and red pepper which I made yesterday.

                    Lovely bright day here with a bit of breeze. We got bedding dry on the line!
                    I gave OH reflexology this morning then after lunch we went round to the house of our friends who are away for 7 weeks to check everything is OK.

                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Hallo everyone, very late today. We went to the pool in the car, it is still a very cold wind.

                      Glamm, my friends had a cat, it wasn't even theirs, it was a neighbours, as my friends were home earlier from work than its owners were she decided to move home! It worked out well and she "shared" homes, she was 20 years old when she died so had a good life between homes!


                        Gem, our posts crossed this morning - sorry I've only just seen yours. I certainly wasn't ignoring you. xx Glad you and S enjoyed your meal out yesterday. How did the reflexology go - was your practice client happy?

                        We're back from the hospital. All ok, except a horrible drive home straight into the setting sun, but at least we were a little ahead of the rush hour! I'm just going to get dinner on and I'll try and pop back later.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Blowing a gale this morning.

                          Daisy, glad J's appointment went well.

                          Got a busy morning, well i have,hubby out with his other pal this morning.
                          Its just a pizza today for dinner.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning to all.
                            I like the teddy Nan2.

                            Library for me this morning, GS1 from school this afternoon. The usual Tuesday routine during school term.
                            DD3 is coming round with the baby later. They are planning to go to the baby cinema this morning. They have been several times before. Then she will collect the key from me at the library. We must get a spare cut for her!

                            Have a good day everyone.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Morning ladies
                              Beenfor bloods this morning and BP it’s high again so have to see Dr tomorrow , also Nurse has put down about my tremors,
                              Said to have a word with him , she has them and takes meds so I may be able to get something , I said when I seen a specialist years ago he said nothing can be taken but she said there are several pills now that can help so it’s worth speaking to Dr about .

                              GS coming for tea again ,
                              It’s absolutely freezing with that wind and its strong , we were going to go to B&M but changed our minds
                              Nearly blew B over coming out of Drs , he’s unsteady to start with.

                              have a nice morning at the library , never heard of baby cinema 😁

                              How is Js eye this morning , I know some times are easier than others , hope this is a better one .

                              Easy dinner for a change

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Nothing special today, feeling quite mild again but very dull. I need to go to Waitrose sometime today, probably late morning. Big crowd in the Village Hall yesterday having lunch, I think they were not all village people, couple sitting next to me were not, I hope it doesn’t get out of hand. H is entering the terrible two’s age, throws herself on the floor and cry’s when things are what she expects. I spent some time with GD1 yesterday, we fetched H from the childminder and she didn’t want to get in her car seat then threw a wobbly when presented with her dinner. It really upsets GD. It didn’t help GD that she had lost the dog in the woods when she was walking her earlier, several people said they had seen her and one lady followed her and the dog went home but was shaking., this is the dog that was her late Mil’s. GD had already been to work at 7am to look after the horses so not a good day, they both have the day off today.

                                Gemini, have a good library session, will you see 3 of your GC today?

                                Nanto, keep your gales up there, very still here. I haven’t had Pizza for ages.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

