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    Keen frost again.

    Our plans for today might have been scuppered.
    We were going to the farm shop,garden centre and then Asda.
    But,hubby is going to help his brother,to see if they can fix his car. The garage he rang can't look at it till Tuesday.
    He needs his car for work,so if they can't fix it, he looks like using a taxi.
    Hence the car graphic.

    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Good morning everyone. Frost and fog here.

      Oh dear, poor car Nan2! I hope they can fix it.

      I'm glad you have the wellies Lizzie, what colour are they?

      Oma, how are back and mouth doing?

      We have two little people arriving later for a sleepover. Well, one little person and one taller than me! They will be here around 3. We will all have sausage and mash tonight which they both love. I have also bought doughnuts with chocolate sprinkles, and pancakes as breakfast option.
      GS1 is also on a sleepover at his dads. I just hope there are some treats for him there, unlike last time! Those of you who have followed that thread on YEO will know what I mean.

      Have a good Saturday everyone.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Another frosty day but lovely sunshine. Although I am doing the exercises, my shoulders are still very painful and the pain keeps me awake at night unless I take painkillers. My physio GS is going to be here today and tomorrow, I will ask his advice. H was next door yesterday and running in my DD’s hall she tripped and her lovely cheek hit the corner of a wall and she now has a red weal down her cheek about 3 inches long, it almost broke the skin. I think it will take a long time to heal.

        Nanto, what a shame your trip out has been cancelled, I hope they can get the car fixed.

        Gemini, good luck with your villa search.

        Daisy, I can imagine how lovely your drive through the forest was.

        Oma, I hope the rest of the stitches come out soon.

        Lizzie, you be careful on those icy pavements and roads. Pleased to hear you have your wellies.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Poor little H Plant

          Very useful having a physio GS, I hope he can help, pain in your shoulder is no fun at all.

          The fog has got thicker. We can hardly see the house opposite now
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good frosty Saturday morning everyone.

            I'll be back later but just popping in to say 'hello'. My computer isn't working, there was a smashed up box of tea bags in our Sainsbury's delivery which have taken for ever to clear up off all the shopping, and I need to get our bedding in the wash. At least we've got sunshine.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Morning ladies
              Oh it’s freezing outside , thick ice and fog but the sun peeking through.

              Poor H I bet her little cheek is sore today poor little lamb. Your heart breaks when they hurt themselves , they bounce back better than us and get over it when we still fretting over it .

              Its not nice when pain keeps you awake , I hope GS can suggest something to help you must be tired xx

              only at grandmas do you get doughnuts for Breakfast 😁
              I hope GS1 has a better sleepover or I think Daddy might find he doesn’t want to go again .

              Hope the car is fixable , the RAC man that came out on Thursday was saying they have had a record number of breakdowns this month already .

              Been to Sainsburys it was very quiet ,
              Stripped bed it’s in wash and hand washed a couple of Bras
              Did my usual Saturday blitz apart from skirtings I’m not confident if I get down on the floor I could get up yet and I definitely won’t bend over ,
              My back ticking over nicely I don’t want to push my luck .

              Sat down to have a cup of tea , Had a massive shaking fit and tea went everywhere ,
              all over my iPad , the arm of the chair , the floor , down the radiator cabinet next to my chair .
              but for all that for the first time it missed my hand so no burns .
              Just as well we bought a new carpet cleaner 😱🤣🤣

              I have a very smug hubby at the moment ,
              As most of you know he is a brilliant cook can turn his hand to anything , makes amazing bread by hand , cakes , pastries meals anything you can imagine but he can never get the hang of Scones ,
              I always make them .

              Well last night he was pottering in the kitchen preparing tea and decided to have another go at them ,

              They came out perfect light and fluffy and fruity . He’s still basking in the glory this morning , you would think he had won gold in the olympics 🤣🤣🤣
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                WELL DONE B - Star Baker

                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Oma, I share B's joy! I've only recently mastered scones that are edible. They're not as wonderful as B sounds, but I'm getting there! I'm glad you're thinking about your back before getting down to those skirting boards. Thank goodness your hand escaped the scalding tea - you don't need any more painful bits.

                  Plant, I do hope your Gs can give you some help to ease that pain. You need your sleep. I hope little H is ok. You feel awful for them when they suffer bumps and bruises like that.

                  Lizzie, how nice to have new wellies. The perfect wellies are essential.

                  Nanto, I hope the car repair doesn't take all day, especially in this cold weather.

                  Gem, enjoy your gCs' sleep over tonight. It's handy they both like the same meal! Doughnuts and pancakes sound wonderful. My GDs' breakfast treat here is waffles with toppings of their choice - honey, ice cream, nutella, blueberries, strawberries, anything they fancy in fact.

                  Well, I've made some progress. Cleaned up all the pesky tea mess, put the bedding in to wash and got my desktop going again. I don't know what was wrong, but it wouldn't even switch off at one point. The pointer was showing on a blank screen. It's nearly 10 years old, so it's doing well, but I'm glad I've got a laptop as well!

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Daisy, GS2 weirdly doesn't like waffles! He always says 'If we are having waffles I only like potato waffles' So we don't do waffles. Sometimes it's pancakes with toppings but sometimes just plain cereal and toast
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Just been in to see H and found GD2 and her partner there, they are all gathering to go to their cousin’s 40th today. H’s cheek injury was not as bright red and she was in good spirits, no more prancing about the hall. H had decided GD and her OH were there to amuse her, GD’s OH went into their bedroom so H went to find him, got him by the hand and led him to where she wanted to play, she isn’t into dolls much but loves cars and garages. I could watch her all day.

                      Gemini, have fun with your two GC, I must invite myself for breakfast. I hope the sleepover for your GS1 goes well otherwise he will not want to go again. It is up to his daddy to make his visit a happy one.

                      Oma, sorry to hear you have been throwing your tea around again. My OH would cook me a steak, boiled pots and peas but that was his limit but he was a very good gardener and could fix cars, you can’t have it all ways. The best scones I make have buttermilk to mix them or clover which has buttermilk. Just fancy a scone now.

                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        The car is fixed,for how long we don't know.
                        At least brother will be able to get to work tomorrow.

                        Plant, i bet H's cheek is sore.

                        Oma, at least you didn't burn yourself this time, so thats a blessing.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          3ffa10b7-41c5-4205-9543-f713edc31433.jpg Hallo everyone, I have had a day out in Den Haag with GD2! We had a good walk round the centre so she knows roughly where she is! It was lovely weather, cold but sunny, turning very foggy as we were on our way home. I introduced her to TK Maxx, she loved it, we got a hoodie there and earrings in another shop, it was quite busy in the town. We had a very good lunch and both enjoyed our day out. On the way home I called at the Lidl for my box, a really good one as well, fruit and veg for the week including a pumpkin soup packet, I will make that tomorrow.

                          Gem, enjoy your evening with the GC and I hope all goes well this time for GS1!

                          Plant, children can be so fascinating at that age. I hope H cheek soon heals.

                          Oma, the scones sound delicious, my mum made lovely scones, in fact she was a good cook, especially when it came to baking.

                          I am just reading back on the posts, a lot to catch up on today.

                          My wellies are navy Gem, I would have liked black, but, then again they are wellies, hardly a fashion item!
                          Last edited by Lizzie48; 21-01-2023, 05:54 PM. Reason: GD2 in town!


                            Beautiful girl Lizzie
                            At least now if she goes again she will have a good idea where she is .

                            good to know H is ok today xx

                            Fingers crossed the car hold up x
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Thanks Oma, I told her the tips that she will remember! Rotterdam was bombed flat during the war and built up again with straight streets etc, Den Haag has all the old streets and buildings and more complicated.


                                Lizzie, what a lovely photo of your GD2 - such a beautiful young lady. I think you've got a shopping partner there is she enjoyed rummaging through TK Maxx. Isnt' it funny how we remember things like what our mums used to cook. Mine made fantastic cakes and pastry - and scones.

                                Plant, I'm glad H's face is ok. At that age they just seem to bounce back, don't they. I agree, it's fascinating watching them playing and H certainly knows how to get her Daddy organised.

                                Nanto, good to hear that the car is fixed. I hope it lasts, but you sound a bit doubtful.

                                Gem, I hope your various family sleepovers are going well tonight, especially GS1's with his daddy. I'm sure breakfast will be a feast in the morning.

                                Oma, I hope you've not overdone things today.

                                Enfys, how did your Family History group go today (it is today, isn't it?)
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

