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    Glamm, pleased to hear you are feeling a bit better, having your DS1 there must be helping

    Nanto, have a good day in town and a nice lunch.

    Mimi, weather not good enough for drying outside. I hope your washing didn’t end up in next doors garden.

    Gemini, Good idea to have a mini bus, I can’t climb into one now unless they carry a step. I have one and take it with me if I am going in a mini bus.

    I am enjoying watching a squirrel trying to get food from a squirrel proof feeder I bought yesterday, he/she sat on top of the fence trying to work it out but didn’t manage it. I felt sorry for him/her so filled the other feeder. A lot got dropped on the grass so two crows arrived to finish that up.

    Daisy, what a day you had, I love the thought of your OH using a crowbar to get to your food.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Sorry I'm a bit too late to say 'good morning'! I love the colourful and cheerful graphics - they always make me smile.

      Mimi, I wish someone had video'd your battle with the washing and the wind.

      Glamm, I'm glad you're starting to feel better, but I would be cross as well about a friend's birthday flowers being delivered late. Your DS1 is a treasure coming and doing those 'difficult' jobs. I guess we're all like Mimi. Heavy jobs just get to the point where we can't do them anymore. Time to call in someone to help!

      Nanto, it's raining here as well. I hope most of your shopping is under cover. No cooking today is good, though.

      Gem, it seems once one thing goes wrong with a delivery, everything does. It's very frustrating because there's not much you can do about it. I hope you're enjoying your free days. Enjoy your friend's 50th tonight. Lovely no-one's got to drive, so you can all relax and enjoy the meal.

      Plant, I'm the same with the squirrels. I get cross when they raid the bird feeders, and I've now got two squirrel-proof feeders, but feel sorry for the squirrel continually falling off it, so I put seed into an ordinary feeder for him/her! Madness!!! At least the crows benefitted as well. I spilled some seed when I did our feeders this morning in the pouring rain, so I left it and within second a couple of pigeons were clearing it up for me.

      My GS2 is 18 today! How did that happen! I'm sure he was still in primary school last week. He's having a good day. He wanted drum lessons for his present from his parents and has had his first lesson this morning. He's got some pals coming round this afternoon and then his mum and dad are taking them out for a meal this evening. Tomorrow is "Grandparents' Day", and we're going up for a buffet lunch. I'm taking gammon using that brown sugar recipe Nanto found for me. I've put two smallish joints in the slow cooker, so fingers crossed it works ok.

      I'm having a 'catch up' day today - the washing machine is being kept busy, but no chance of drying outside. I'd need waders to get to the washing line!

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Hallo everyone, storm and rain here! GD1 is improving and managing to walk a little.

        Glamm, I would be upset as well about the flowers not being delivered on the birthday. As for flowers I got a bunch or roses last week, they are really huge now they are open.

        Daisy, happy birthday to your grandson, I know, they seem to grow up far too fast! DS1 was saying they went to a reception last night from DIL's work, the girls stayed home, a friend of GD1 was there as well , they all had a meal then watched films.

        I have ordered a few tops and a blouse out of the sale.

        Gem, how is your knee? Enjoy the meal etc this evening.

        Daisy, I can almost smell the gammon!!! I was saying to DS1, there is a lot of water about here, I cycled past the church yesterday and the lawn was just one huge lake, I have never seen that before.

        I have the washing hung in the spare room, it will be dry tomorrow.

        92405a39-4e81-4dca-b171-9258d24ab60c.jpg bf55a59d-1415-45bc-b369-2ddc9046fe84.jpg


          Had GS1 for lunch , he rang to say he was feeling a bit better today( another one with dreaded cold ) DD away on a works thing that I had forgot about , he was hungry so could he come for lunch .

          He arrived with the dog who was also hungry🙄

          GS wanted chicken curry toasties.

          As it happened I had cooked chicken in the fridge and a tin of Homepride curry in the cupboard ,
          So he had that , Dog had Sardines and they both went home happy and full .

          Felt a bit sad when he started to tell us about his university applications we are going to miss him so much when he goes .

          your GS will be doing the same I suppose , give him a Birthday hug from us 😁🎂xx
          Hope the gammon goes down well , if anything like my lot with gammon it will be gone in no time 😁

          Beautiful roses shame they don’t last isn’t it .

          Just realised the post I wrote this morning had disappeared .
          Wasnt much in it just that I wasn’t well this morning with cold and mouth pain and had decided I wasn’t doing my usual Saturday blitz ,
          So nothing of interest really 😁
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Just received this , my niece in her scrubs on her first placement as a trainee Nurse ,
            Shes our Martins girl so proud of her ,
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            This gallery has 1 photos.
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              A lovely looking young girl Oma, when your GS1 goes to uni you will have to do less food shopping!

              It hasn't stopped raining and blowing all day, I like to get out at least once a day, even with a good coat on it won't be a nice walk.

              I have had these roses for over a week now, it must be a new one as I have never had them with such a huge flower.


                We had a good day in town. Didn't need a lot of shopping,but it got us out.
                I got the flowers i wanted and birthday cards that were needed, then went to the butchers.
                it was nice not having to cook.
                Then went to Asda on our way home. Was able to get all that i needed and more.

                Oma,good luck to your niece for her nurses training.

                Lizzie,those roses are beautiful.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good luck from me to your niece for her nurses training Oma. I hope your mouth pain goes soon.

                  Oma has GS1 decided where he would like to go to University?

                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Lizzie, glad to hear your GD1 is able to walk a bit now. It must feel strange for their parents to go out and leave them at home. What gorgeous roses.

                    Oma, is your GS1 planning to go far away for uni? I know quite a few who have gone to their local uni and continued to live at home. In your GS's case he'd still be able to pop round for a meal. It saves a lot of expense, but I'm not sure they get the same "uni experience", of fending for themselves. My GS2 doesn't want to go to uni at all he'd like a degree apprenticeship in the IT industry. His brother is just completing his apprenticeship and has loved every minute.

                    Your niece looks very professional in her scrubs - I wish her every success in her training. I hope you're soon feeling better, but good to hear you didn't try and do your usual blitz round the house. xx

                    Gem, I hope you've enjoyed your friend's 50th and the meal was good. Have you been resting your knee? xx

                    I haven't done much today apart from some washing. I took Eva round the block just before it went dark - she'd been asleep most of the day, and at least it had stopped raining by then. I got back home about 5 o'clock and the birds were still chirping away. Lovely.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Good morning.Very wet and very windy here.

                      No plans apart from a bit housework and some cooking.

                      Pork fillet in the slow cooker,will have it with roast potatoes and veg.

                      Just off to put some towels in for washing.

                      Gem, hope you had a lovely meal.

                      Oma, hope you and B are both feeling a bit better today.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good Sunday morning Nanto and all who pop in later.

                        It's dry here at the moment, but getting chilly and I don't think the watery sunshine will last.

                        Nanto, pork fillet sounds delicious - enjoy.

                        We're off to celebrate GS2's 18th today. His mum has done a buffet lunch for all the grandparents. It's always good to see everyone and great fun. It can get a bit noisy for Eva but she usually attaches herself to one of us (probably to make sure we behave ourselves )

                        I hope all the poorly people are feeling a bit better today. xx
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning everyone. It's not raining!

                          Good luck to your niece Oma.

                          What pretty roses Lizzie.

                          Pork for us as well Nan2,.

                          Daisy, see below regarding resting my knee!!

                          We had a very nice evening. Champagne at our friends house then a mini bus and taxi to take 10 of us into town. The Italian restaurant, new to us, was lovely, excellent food. Sadly we were on the top floor up 2 rickety flights of stairs. Not the the best for my poor knee! Walking back through York to find a taxi home was interesting! York on Saturday night is no fun, but in the end we found a taxi rank and got home safely.
                          Today we are going to the cinema with SS who is OH's golf friend and my aquafit friend. We have invited her back for a roast pork dinner afterwards.

                          Happy Sunday everyone.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Our posts crossed , Daisy. I hope it is a wonderful day celebrating GS2's birthday
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Morning ladies

                              Daisy my niece is Finley’s big sister 30 years age difference 😱😁

                              How did the Gammon turn out ? Hope you have a lovely day,your GS is your double 😁

                              GS has applied to several universities, he’s leaning towards Leeds it is only about 2 hours drive away so would be handy to come home when he feels the need but I suppose it’s where will be best for his Music studies .

                              How did the meal go was it nice , How’s the knee holding up , hope your resting in between and there was no dancing on the tables last night 😁

                              pork in the slow cooker is always nice and tender isn’t it ,
                              Not sure what we are having neither of us has felt hungry or fancied anything all week .

                              Our colds seem to be going I don’t feel as bunged up today neither does B ,
                              Mouth still a bit of a problem but good old Paracetamol doing their job ,

                              Need to pop to shops today for fresh bread ,
                              I have the part baked bread rolls in but can’t chew them at the minute they too crusty , so need something soft .

                              Its a fine day so hopefully it stays that way ,
                              Towels on a hot wash and a small amount of whites to iron later but that’s it for the day .
                              Enjoy your Sunday ladies whatever your doing xx

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good morning, it is still very windy and bitter cold with it! I have been for a walk, no gloves on and I was frozen! I met a friend, she gave swimming lessons long ago to the GC, I used to go every week to "mother and child" swimming, she often gave those lessons, as I say, I met her, she had just been for a swim in the lake!! She was telling me the other day that she goes almost every day. I told her I find our pool cold at the moment, I daren't think what it would be like to get in the lake!

                                Gem, those stairs would be no help to your knee, I am pleased you enjoyed the meal and you will enjoy today as well.

                                Daisy, enjoy your GD's birthday.xx

