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    A rude awakening for your OH Nan2!

    We saw about 6 flakes of snow this morning but no sign since!

    Daisy although the Christmas stuff was in one of the spare bedrooms and in no ones way for now, I was glad to have it put away. OH was gladder! We also got down the cot and mattress from the loft at the same time. We will put it together soon. At the moment the baby sleeps in the middle of the spare bed banked with cushions but he will be 6 months old soon. We need him in a proper cot, certainly before I start to look after him all day once a week.

    We have had a lovely time with the baby who is now napping upstairs. DD has had her hair cut and is having little wander around town as the baby is settled here.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Hallo everyone, I went to do coffee this morning only to discover it was another lady's turn! She came to me, I had the 16th in my head, the right date in my agenda! She was busy doing folders and didn't mind if we swopped so she will do it for me next week.

      We have had rain all the morning but is dry now, we have been to aqua and enjoyed it.

      Gem, you will need a cot before the baby gets on the move.

      Oma, I hope your back soon improves.

      Nanto, that was an early start. I have nothing else but early starts!


        It's amazing - we've still got sunshine. But it's very cold. I haven't been out with Eva yet.

        I'm fed up with websites not working. I've had several instances lately of companies advertising a particular product/deal and when you get to the website the promotion code doesn't work. Grrr ... Mostly I just give up and buy the product elsewhere, but sometimes it isn't feasible/possible. Combined with our unbelievably slow internet it seems to be taking up far too much time!

        Gem, what a good job you kept the cot. Yes, I'm sure GS3 will be on the move soon. I remember one of our GDs totally refusing to use our travel cot, and I ended up building barriers round a single bed for her. Actually once she was in the bed she didn't try to climb out, but I spent a lot of time lurking around the door just to make sure she was safe.

        Lizzie, it's easy to get confused with dates that aren't every week, but it sounds as though that lady was very pleased not to have to do the coffee this morning.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Lizzie, i was already up,i'm always up early.Best part of the day.

          Oma, hope you get some relief from the back pain soon.

          We have got 3 lots of beef casserole,each one will do both of us.
          Also done 3 pies.

          11 o'clock on the dot,we had a very slight bit of snow. only lasted 2 minutes,none since.

          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            I have just been to take my crutches to GD1, she has been in the hospital most of the day, torn ligaments in her ankle! DS1 is in the UK so DIL has plenty to do! GD2 has her brace removed at 7pm so it is all go there. GD1 has "bandage" on her ankle as it is too swollen for a plaster, that should happen next week

            GD2 went to Den Haag with friends yesterday, 2 said they knew their way round, they left the other 2 to it! GD2 had no idea where to go so phoned her mother and poor DIL had to go and pick them up, roads closed etc, the rain didn't help! DIL managed it, luckily, they certainly won't do that again. It was for school as well.

            Daisy, the date was in the agenda, some way or other I had the 16th in my head, I even said on Friday " I will be here again on Monday"!
            Last edited by Lizzie48; 16-01-2023, 05:28 PM.


              Nanto, I should get organised! Every time I read about your forward planning with meals in the freezer I tell myself "that's brilliant. I really must do that", but somehow it doesn't happen very often.

              Lizzie, it's all happening in your family. Poor GD1 those torn ligaments must be painful. But at least I'm sure GD2 will be glad to say goodbye to the brace.Your DIL must feel pulled in all directions at the moment. At least your date mistake helped the lady doing the folders. x

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Oh Lizzie the poor girl.

                "Gem, what a good job you kept the cot. "
                Daisy, I wouldn't let OH throw anything away just in case! All we did get rid of a couple of years ago was the second hand highchair which had seen it's best days after 3 GC. We were going to buy a cheap Ikea one for this new GC but DD has been given two highchairs so we will have one of those

                Baby GS was very good and a pleasure to have. He and DD left around 3.30.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Glad you had a lovely day with the baby.

                  Daisy,casseroles are in the freezer,pies in the fridge,waiting for the pastry topping.
                  Thats a job for tomorrow.

                  Lizzie,hope GD isn't in too much pain.
                  Good that other GD has said goodbye to the braces.
                  DIL to the rescue yesterday.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Lizzie poor GD can she manage the crutches ,
                    Other GD must have been a bit scared not knowing her way around but sensible girl phoning her mother ,
                    I remember GS1 having his braces off he said his mouth felt weird for days .

                    GS1 came for his tea then was going to pick girlfriend up
                    we talked about some strange things everything from films to religion and Golf 😁

                    Saves some money on a high chair , we didn’t have room for one so we had one of those high chair seats you strap onto a dinning room chair .

                    Didnt feel like eating today so B made me a salad and we had bought some Brie and cranberry balls from Iceland so he took some of those out of the freezer to cook ,
                    They were disgusting and no idea where the cranberry filling was supposed to be ,
                    The rest of the bag went in the bin .

                    Ive tried going to bed but can’t lie down comfortably so I’m up and will doze in the chair .

                    Bs sister rang she had been to MILs today but said she had to leave early as she also can hardly move with back ache and MIL was being nasty she couldn’t cope with her and pain ,
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Good morning. Wow ,very frosty this morning.

                      Oma,hope you managed to get a bit of sleep.

                      A few jobs to do.One of them being putting pastry on the pies.
                      I think i'll bake one for dinner and put the other two in the freezer.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning ladies

                        Very frosty Nan2 and very cold! I wouldn't leave the house today given the choice!

                        Oma, I do hope you managed some sleep and your back eases today.

                        Library for me this morning. I have booked a Sainsbury's delivery between 1 and 2 so must make sure I leave the library by about 12.50. The morning shift is 10 until 1 but as volunteers we are not expected to necessarily cover the whole time, although I usually do.
                        GS1 from school this afternoon this afternoon.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good morning, very cold and icy here, at least it is dry, I walked to the gym as it was icy.

                          Oma, GD1 had a practise on the crutches, she is at school today with them. DIL was taking her, I have said if she can't manage every day I will take her, a friends mother has offered so they will cope."

                          I have ordered Hunter wellies, out of the sale, DIL has the long ones, I can't get my foot in them so I am hoping I can get my bad foot in the ones I have ordered.

                          GD2 would be scared, not a nice thing for the other 2 girls to do, I have said I will go to Den Haag with her one day and show her the directions etc. She could have used Goole maps but was sensible enough to save her 4G to keep in touch with her mother, bless her.

                          Nanto, you must have delicious meals in your freezer. GD1 said she had less pain now with the bandage on, she did have a lot of pain though beforehand.

                          I haven't heard how GD2 went on having her braces removed.

                          Gem, you will be pleased with the high chair, I had just sold GD1's buggy etc when GD2 came along!

                          A friend is coming for coffee, I helped them for 20 years with the ironing, cleaning etc, ironing came first! They are both my age and I got on well with them, they moved to the penthouse before the lockdown, could be 4 years now.


                            Morning ladies
                            Its very frosty and bitter cold snow still in our cul de sac, it always takes ages to go as it’s in the shade so even on a sunny day it doesn’t get a lot of light this time of year .

                            Im very tired with no sleep and I can’t really move to do anything , if nothing else it prevents me from doing housework .
                            Have a good day ladies xx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma, so sorry to hear your back pain is still very bad. I do hope you can get some sleep. Would an osteopath help? Your MIL is the end, she doesn’t deserve visitors, I don’t think I have ever met anyone like her.

                              Busy day for you Gemini. You are getting quite a lot of contact with your GS3, how lovely, we are lucky GM’s seeing our GC grow up.

                              Nanto, meat pie sounds lovely on a cold frosty day

                              Lizzie, how sensible your GD was to ring her mother. Sorry to hear your other GD is on crutches.

                              Had a lovely day yesterday with GD1 and H, she loves the play centre we went to. We had lunch in Waitrose first, GD’s old colleagues were pleased to see GD1 and H. The shop was very cold, heating turned down and only sandwiches and cakes in the restaurant as the dishwasher had stopped working. GD is enjoying her new job but the wether is making the fields so muddy, it is difficult to walk on them to see to the horses. the Trust have some very famous horses finishing their days there including one of Princess Anne’s horses. If you are interested, the place is called The Horses Trust, Speen, Bucks.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Good frosty Tuesday morning everyone. I'm very glad I don't have to go anywhere today - after the floods yesterday and -4C overnight our roads are treacherous - lots of accidents during the 'rush' hour. Added to various road closures already in place and it's mayhem! I feel sorry for the people who have to be out and about all day in this.

                                Oma, you must be worn out, girl, with all the pain and discomfort, lack of sleep and not being able to eat properly. Those brie and cranberry balls sound yukky! I hope your GS1 is careful on the roads today. I think it's the first time my GS1 will have driven in such icy conditions, but luckily it's mostly main roads for him to get to work. Sending hugs.

                                Gem, it's a busy day for you, but hopefully the library will be nice and warm. Is it being offered as a 'warm place' for people who need it? It was lucky your DD was given two high chairs. We only sold the travel system DS2 and DIL had for GD2 about a year ago. You never know when things might come in useful.

                                Nanto, it's certainly a winder wonderland here this morning, provided you don't have to go out in it. But just the day for a comforting pie for dinner.

                                No plans for us today, but hopefully our new hoover will arrive! In the end I chose a pet version of the GTech I had before. I tried DIL1's Miele stick cleaner on Sunday, but it was quite heavy - I needed two hands to push it - and I don't think the suction was any better than the GTech's. Their house is bigger with more carpets though and I can see the benefit of having something sturdy.

                                Edit: Sorry Plant, I didn't see your post before I posted. How lovely to be able to spend time with GD1 and H. Was the play centre noisy? I'm glad GD is enjoying her new job. If she likes it at this time of year she'll love it when the weather warms up a bit. I bet she's enjoying getting to know the horses' individual characters, and it's lovely she's got some well-known ones in her care.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

