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    Gemini,I think I will join you in bed. I had a good nights sleep. My bones are aching and I have a very sore throat. Family members are due to arrive about 12, I shall pop in, they want to take a family photo.

    Oma, so sorry to read your foot is still giving you pain and you are such a busy person. Have a good nap.

    I shall take my decks down after the weekend, I don’t have too many.

    Lizzie, I hope the family have a good trip, pleased to hear your GD is feeling okay to go.

    WG, pleased to hear the trip went well, the hotel sounds good.

    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Oh Plant, it's no fun is it? My throat is less sore today. Try to rest as much as you can xxx
      β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good Thursday morning, everyone. We have sunshine, although I don't know how long it will last. Just enjoying the moment.

        Mimi, that was exactly how OH and I felt after Christmas Day. I do sympathise. We're just about starting to feel ok again. Your DD is very kind, and I'm sure you will find occasions when a nice biscuit it just what you want. It's lovely to have these gifts, but we all seem to have had more than we can easily eat this year.

        Nanto, you're doing well with lovely Spring graphics. They are so cheery. Enjoy your morning out if you decide to go.

        Lizzie, I'm so glad your GD2 is better and the family can enjoy their trip to Antwerp. With city centre parking being so expensive (and difficult!) going by train sounds a good option. Do big cities in the Netherlands have congestion charges or pollution charges? London is very expensive to take a car in. I feel sorry for people who have to use their cars there. Those new exercises at the gym must be doing you good if you're aching today. Pears in the slow cooker sound lovely. Do you peel and slice them, and do you add anything else?

        Gem, having a lie in and a rest will do you good. It's sensible not to risk passing your bugs on to your Mum, but I do hope you are well enough to enjoy New Year's Eve. I've been meaning to ask - how did baby E cope with Christmas? Was he fascinated by the tree and decorations etc and all the present unwrapping? That first Christmas is so special.

        Oma, poor you with your foot. It sounds as though rest is what you need. Is it swollen? I dithered about taking painkillers last night, but in the end used Volterol gel. It took a while to get to sleep but it's a bit better this morning, and less swollen. Lizzie, I remember you saying about insoles but can't remember the details. It sounds as though they've made a huge difference to you.

        Plant, I hope you slept well and are feeling well enough to join the family today.

        We always celebrate New Year's Eve with friends, and we take it in turns to be the hosts. It's not our turn this year, but we like to leave our decorations up till after New Year's Day. Then I can't wait to get them down and put away in the loft! I always go through the dilemma of wanting to put lots of decs up, but knowing I'll hate the boring taking them down again! We have been known to leave them till Twelfth Night. We have a lovely neighbour who puts his outside lights up one or two days before Christmas, but they're often there until nearly Easter. We rather like the annual light show and enjoy his quirky timing! They're lovely neighbours and we're lucky to have them.

        I'll start a thread for New Year's Eve celebrations (or otherwise).
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Daisy, there are no congestion charges as yet, as for polution, in most cities older cars and diesel engines are not allowed.T The parking charge in most cities is really expensive, Amsterdam being a no go!!!

          I do peel and slice the pears, I put spices and lemon peel in with them, it smells really good at the moment.

          My soles are my ordinary soles but with carbon under them so that I haven't to bend the front of my foot, it is unbelievable but really helps, the man was telling me they make a lot like that for people with arthritis in their feet.

          Plant (and Gem) I hope you are soon feeling better. Oma, is your foot swollen? These are the exciting photo's of my soles!



            No swelling or bruising , just so odd , it’s not so bad now I’ve had my feet up so a mystery really πŸ™„πŸ˜
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Lizzie, many thanks for the photos. Somehow I had imagined insoles! I wonder how that works, or maybe just not bending your foot it what makes the difference.

              Oma, my foot was very swollen and I think it might be because I got some new slippers which I wore all day on Christmas Day. They are more shoe-like than my old slip-on slippers and I was on my feet the whole day. I've gone back to my old ones until my foot gets better.

              I seem to be having a non-day! Not doing much, not reading, not playing with anything like painting or music, but the day is slipping by very quickly. I can't wait for lighter evenings to arrive.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Daisy, that is how it works, just can't bend my foot!
                Strange enough it doesn't bother me.


                  Daisy that sounds possible , maybe being on your feet all day made your slippers to become tight ,
                  Are they any better now ?
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Lizzie, that does sound odd, but if it works it's great.

                    Oma, It's really strange. My foot's been a bit niggly all day. I've just taken Eva out and put my wellies on and it was hurting. Then we stopped on a grassy bank which was covered in several inches of leaves. When Eva had 'finished' I put my foot down between her and her 'present' (otherwise she kicks leaves all over it and I can't find it in the dark!) and it just stopped hurting! It's aching again now and a bit swollen. How is your poorly foot?

                    Gem, I do hope your restful morning has helped you to feel better. xx
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Windy this morning,(the weather, not me). Not as cold a wind as it was yesterday.

                      Hope those of you feeling under the weather,feel better soon. Hope all the poorly feet get better soon.

                      No set plans for today.
                      I think dinner will be chips,beans and egg.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning to all.

                        I posted here at 11pm last night before I went to bed, but no sign of it now! 😲

                        Cute doggy Nan2. Your meal is what we had last night, but with sausages instead of eggs.

                        Oma and Daisy I wonder what is causing the GransRus Foot !! I hope it's easier for you both today.

                        My restful day yesterday helped and I feel a lot better. I had already decided not to see mum today and I think I should stick to that as I still sound quite coldy and am probably still infectious.

                        So, another easy day on the cards for me. I may make the new years eve mulled wine today, just so I can test it out tonight 😊

                        Have a good day everyone. I hope Plant is feeling better.
                        β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good Friday morning everyone. It's dark and wet here.

                          Gem - how odd. I posted on another thread about 10.30-10.50 and that has disappeared, but our connection was very poor last night. Everything seems to be ok this morning. I'm so glad you are feeling better, and I'd definitely recommend a quiet day with plenty of mulled wine for medicinal purposes!

                          Nanto, I don't know what that little dog has been up to but he looks guilty!! It's funny how we turn to comfort meals after all the Christmas goodies, isn't it. We'll probably have bacon egg and beans tonight!

                          Oma, I hope your foot is better. Mine's still painful but not as bad - yet!

                          I need to get a couple of loads of washing done today, including bedding. There is no chance whatsoever of drying out side though! This afternoon I'm going with both GDs and their other grannie to the panto. Cinderella, put on by a local group. I don't know if it's the girls' first panto or not, but I'm sure GD2 will love it - oh yes she will! Not so sure about GD1. It might be too noisy for her.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Enjoy the panto Daisy
                            β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Morning ladies

                              best not to visit Mum just to be on the safe side and another easy day will help you recover ,
                              Have you got the horrible cough everyone seems to have with it too.

                              Maybe it was the way you put your foot down helped stop the pain , strange isn’t it , Mine is sore but so much better , I can walk without too much pain now just a niggle nothing bad now .

                              Chips eggs and beans has to be one of the nicest meals 😁

                              I have been very busy this morning
                              I washed all the window frames down and then cleaned all downstairs windows and the 3 mirrors downstairs plus front and back door inside ,
                              We then took down and packed away all the Decorations , only the tree to do now and outside lights ,

                              Then we popped to Morrisons , I had run out of ice cubes and toilet duck plus Ribenna

                              I going to have a cup of tea before I wash the doors and skirtings ,
                              B said he would clean the kitchen cupboard doors for me so tomorrow there will only be the bedrooms to clean and everything will be done for new year .

                              Im going to have to take my curtains down and wash , I managed to throw a cup of tea up them last night , my hands just took on a life of their own and threw the tea at them πŸ™„πŸ˜

                              Hope everyone is having a good day

                              how are you feeling today xxx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Had a lovely day yesterday with all the family but today I am shattered, not getting dressed. Every bed was occupied, including the cabin. Only GD1 and H went home. My DD and sil ordered wonderful food from Waitrose so didn’t cook, we had a permanent buffet all day. After the little ones were in bed the adults played a very silly game, my voice had gone by then.

                                Gemini, I think you are very wise not to go to see your mother today, I hope you are on the mend.

                                Oma and Daisy, I hope those painful feet are on the mend. Oma, doing all that cleaning might set off your foot pain again, for goodness sake slow down, it isn’t time for Spring cleaning yet.

                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

