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    A bit late, but happy New Year's day to one and all. After last night's fun and feast I can't even think about food for tonight! It will be whatever is in the fridge and doesn't need too much preparation from me. We've had a nice lazy day.

    This morning I had a good look round our front garden and was thrilled to see the first signs of Spring! Bulbs are coming up and lots of plants and shrubs have got little tiny buds appearing. I found several things in flower - helebores, primroses, sarcococca confusa (sweet box), - so I'm starting to get excited at the prospect of getting out in the garden and planning for the summer.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Daisy, it was only this morning we said the same thing about the spring bulbs.
      We have quite a few showing now.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Same here ladies, and the nights are getting lighter
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Good morning.

          Decorations are coming down today. Yay.
          Can give the living room a good clean.
          I think dinner will be mashed potatoes,bacon and beans.
          Thats my day sorted up to now.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good morning all
            OH was up early this morning, in his pyjamas putting out the rubbish ( he was thrilled , you can tell can’t you !)
            As it's a Bank Holiday the rubbish collection tends to come very early in the morning.
            Neighbours across the road have wheelie bins and so they are able and put their bins out the night before but this side of the road we have plastic sacks so it's not advisable to put anything out over night as the foxes rip the bags open and spread the contents about.

            Daisy I have noticed that we also have some bulbs peeping through the soil in our planters This morning I am going to remove the green netting off the planters that I put over them in the autumn in the hope that it would deter the squirrels from digging the bulbs up.
            Too soon to be looking for Spring I grant you but we are heading for the right direction.

            It's no good I am giving to have to tackle the laundry that's has grown in size alarming these past few days. Where does it come back from. Is there a phantom dirty laundry ghost that visits here in the dead of night and deposits items in the laundry basket?

            Nan2 we took out decs down yesterday, this is the earliest we have ever done that.
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Good morning everyone.

              It will be all sparkling clean and tidy Nan2 and Mimi!
              Someone deposits washing in our laundry basket too I'm sure Mimi.

              Reflexology for me this morning. Third time lucky as my reflexologist wasn't well and had to cancel twice.
              This afternoon OH and I are going to DD1's. She needs help to get her bed and mattress downstairs and out for a council collection tomorrow. No other family members were free and presumably she didn't want to ask her to-be-ex OH. My OH is strong. I'm not sure how much help I will be. Perhaps between GS and I we could carry something small
              No coughing last night thank goodness, but ribs still sore!
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Morning ladies
                Its the. Mattresses that are the worst to move they are so heavy and awkward,
                good to hear the cough was better last night I hope you slept well, do you feel better in yourself yet ?

                That laundry gremlin visits a lot , for just the two of us it’s ridiculous,
                we took our decks down a few days ago , we usually leave them till New Year’s Day but I wanted my rooms back to normal .

                a nice easy meal after all the rich Christmas food makes a change doesn’t it .

                Hows the foot today ?
                Have you tackled the red wine stains yet 😁

                I bet the view fro the 11th floor was spectacular, I had a cousin who lived on the 8th floor of a retirement block , she could see for miles on a clear day .

                I have my Curtains in the wash get rid of the tea stains room looks odd without them ,
                Need to pop to shops for a few bits apart from that not much else on the agenda see how the day goes .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good Monday morning, everyone. We have sunshine and it's fairly mild. I know everyone's saying it won't last, but I'm going to enjoy it while I can.

                  I agree about the laundry gremlins. Mind you, I blame Eva for a lot of the washing in our house - muddy towels appear like magic!

                  Lizzie, I would find it very difficult to live in a flat, but a good view is still wonderful.

                  Gem, I'm relieved you have shaken off that cold and the coughing has stopped. Hopefully tomorrow your ribs will feel less sore as well. Enjoy your reflexology this morning. Take care, both you and S getting that bed and mattress downstairs. Mattresses seem to have a mind of their own when you try and move them.

                  Oma and Nanto, I'd like to get our decorations down today as well. I will have to persuade he who climbs the ladder to reach the high up things! This is when we regret being so lavish when we put them up!

                  Mimi, I'm intrigued! Why does one side of your road have wheelie bins and the other plastic bags, and are they collected at the same time? Your poor OH, he doesn't look at all happy trudging outside at the crack of dawn in his jim jams.

                  Oma, our red wine decorative art will have to stay there until OH decided he feels like painting - I think we'll have to do the whole kitchen. Have the tea stains come out of your curtains ok?

                  Thanks for asking, my foot is much better. How is yours now?

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Good morning, Daisy the friends lived in Delft with a huge garden, I didn't think they would settle where they are, until I saw the amount of roof garden they have! It is really huge, different area's etc etc. They love it.

                    I have been to the gym and the circuit, the sun is out now so may have a bike ride.

                    Gem, I hope they manage the mattress between them, awful things to move!

                    Mimi, I am the same as Daisy, why wheelie bins on one side of the road? I know there is a road not far from me, when Den Haag took over years ago, one half went to Den Haag and the other stayed as our village, they have different collection days etc, when they need new driving licenses or whatever, one side comes this way to our town hall and the other goes to Den Haag.

                    Oma, watch what you are doing with your hot tea etc! I know what you mean about the curtains, when I take mine down to wash them I have the idea that it is so open and bare.

                    DIL1 is taking the girls and a friend to the new shopping mall not far from here, I told her to get there early as I read every day in the news how busy it is with parking etc etc.


                      Curtains washed lovely and I popped them on a baby clothes tumble although it said don’t but I have done the matching cushion covers before and they were fine ,
                      Just ironed them but to be fair I could have hung them as they were they came out uncreased .

                      My foot is fine now Daisy no pain at all ,

                      it’s odd when they fall into two areas , we have some streets like that .

                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Daisy and Lizzie48 We have bags here because wheelie bins have to be put outside the front garden gate/hedge and then returned to the back of the property
                        As this side of the road is older persons bungalow and many of the residents are either in wheel chairs, using walking frames or just have mobility issues .
                        Also the main road where bins would be left is too far to move a wheelie bin so we are given bags which can be put over a low fence which is surrounded by grass . Those who can't actually put their bags there are helped by their carers/family or neighbours.
                        The local rubbish collectors walk across the grass to collect the bags
                        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                          Mimi that’s good they do that ,
                          we can if your elderly or disabled request the refuse collectors to come into your garden for the bin and put it back ,
                          MIL has 3 sets of stone steps to g et to hers so we put the bin at the top of them every week and they collect it from there and put it by her back gate when empty so SIL puts it in garden when she goes up .

                          Mind you we can’t leave a extra bin bag by the bin , if it’s not in the bin or balancing on the bin it’s left ,
                          Thats ok for us there’s only us two but us be a nightmare for families .
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Decorations down and all packed away.
                            Living room all polished and hoovered.

                            Had a visit from one of hubby's sisters this morning. She doesn't come very often,but when she does my god.
                            Always tells you how nice her house is,what they are doing to it and how much they spend on it.
                            I asked how the grandchildren are, her reply,they are ok and i'm definately having a new kitchen this year.

                            Lizzie,i bet the girls will love visiting the new shopping mall.

                            Oma,glad your foot is ok now,and that the curtains washed ok.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              So glad to hear the poorly feet are better Oma and Daisy

                              How was the shopping mall trip Lizzie?

                              You can tell what your SIL's priorities are Nana2!

                              We had a productive afternoon at DD1's. DD and OH got the mattress and dismantled bed downstairs. For collection tomorrow. Also a chest of drawers. GS and I carried all the drawers out onto the drive and put them into the chest so they counted as one item.
                              They also moved what was SIL's bed into DD's room until she can get a new one .
                              Then with OH's help she drained the standing water from the back garden with the pump. GS and I kept our eye on the hose to make sure it stayed in the drain whilst the pump was draining. It was very cold outside! We also had tea and cake with them so a nice afternoon and very good for DD
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Nanto and Gem, DIL said the girls loved the shopping trip, she was shattered!!! I haven't been since it was opened, I may go one day.

                                Nanto, I can't stand people like your DH sister! I had a friend once, I have never forgotten this, I was sat in a chair and she actually told me what it had cost them!!! As if I was interested A lot of people are like that though.

                                Gem, you all did well to get everything downstairs at your DD's.

                                I got a few plants re-potted indoors, got one ready to take to where I do the coffee and went next door with some I had split. My friend was busy tidying her Christmas things out and said she would come for coffee when she had sorted it all out, which she did.

                                I have been for the vertigo, he looked in my eyes and they were all clear. He was telling me he is busy studying to be an medical emergency worker. He has been a fysio for 15 years now and thought if he wanted to change now is the time to do it. I told him I hope my head stays clear as only he can clear it!! He was saying they will try and get someone in the practise that is specialised in BBPV if only for a few hours a week.

