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    Daisy,everyone of the family love the coconut tarts. Its a BeRo recipe.
    My gran used to make them when i was little.
    I've posted the recipe in the recipes thread. You might like to try some.
    After i got with hubby,i found out mam always made them as well.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Nanto I use this recipe too my Mother did also , I still do a lot of baking from my Be-ro book , love coconut tarts .
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Good morning one and all, I hope you like the picture of me strolling along the beach. (If only!)

        First of all thanks admin for the lovely festive email. It came on a day when when a much needed cheerful message arrived in my email box.

        Today Tesco delivery is due and hopefully it won't have any subs as a 'posh' dessert and several christmas treats are in this order which we are taking to DS and DIL's Christmas day.
        in the order is also a free range chicken which I plan to cook on Boxing day.

        Daisy I miss a lot of the Christmas preparations that I used to do, one of those being the Christmas cake, the cooking of it, the feeding it with alcohol and decorating it .
        When I think back compared to the present day which used to be homemade cake, mince pies, Christmas pudding, yule log . Even the pickled onions were shallots dad grew and I pickled
        Now it's all brought from shops and sadly I can no longer eat pickled onions and Christmas pudding in very small amounts because of hiatus hernia which dictates what I can and cannot eat on a daily basis.

        We've had very few Christmas cards arrive via Royal mail this year which isn't surprising I suppose taking into consideration the strikes Apparently postal works are on strike again and they won't be back at work until after Christmas
        We dont actually get a lot of post nowadays as all our bills are sent via email and I dont know when I had an actual hand written letter, it has to be a very long time ago.
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Good morning.
          Mimi,you look very relaxed on the beach.

          Done my baking. DS1 called on his way to work,to see if there were any spare.
          He's taken 6 of each. Put the same amount to one side for DS2,so we are just left with a few.
          Mine always look more rustic than you see in pictures. Never mind.
          Attached Files
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good 'eve of Christmas Eve' morning, as my GS1 would describe it!

            Baking looks yummy Nan2. Rustic is good.

            Nice pic Mimi, did OH take it? I was pleasantly surprised about the lack of substitutions in our Tuesday night Sainsbury's order, I expected a few. They had substituted a Lindt chocolate reindeer with 2 bags of Sainsburys own white chocolate coins though. No substitute all!

            It's panto day!!
            GS2's first ever panto. We are going to the 2pm matinee this time, then out for an early tea in town, DDs 1 and 2, GD, GSs 1 and 2, and me. OH will drop me at the theatre, I may get the bus home.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Morning ladies
              Rustic means home made not full of additives, they look lovely ,
              LikeMimi I used to make everything from cake to puds but as time has gone on and only the two of us it doesn’t seem worth it .
              When FIL was alive I would make Christmas cake for us two as not many of the family like Christmas cake ,
              My DS calls it the Devils food 😆
              B makes lovely sweet mince puff pastry pies occasionally .

              we have not had as many Christmas cards in the post either, mind you with all the strikes they will probably turn up in March B got a Birthday card from my Sister in law on Tuesday I think it was , it was posted on 23rd November , his Birthday was 26th so almost a month late.

              Beds are stripped one lot washed , 2nd lot in the wash now ,
              House work done I have no other plans for today apart from repair one of Storms toys he decided to murder last night and pull its insides out 😳😃
              Have a good day ladies xx

              Our posts crossed , have a fantastic time 😁❤️
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good Eve of Christmas Eve morning to everyone, including Gem's GS1.

                Mimi, you'll catch your death of cold walking round the beach like that at this time of year. For goodness sake, get your liberty bodice on and a warm scarf, at least! I hope Mr Tesco delivers your oder properly. We had several substitutions from Mr Sainsbury yesterday, but why would they think chocolate choux buns were any kind of replacement for our favourite egg custard tarts! I agree, I'm sure most of us don't do all the Christmas preparations we (and our parents) used to do. Perhaps we should be going back to making our own - home-made and home-grown always taste better.

                Nanto, thank you for posting your recipes. I think your baking looks fabulous, and I'm not surprised the family is hovering at your doorstep.

                Gem, what a lovely day for you all. I know how much you love your panto trips and your GCs will always remember them as part of their childhood Christmas. Have fun. xx

                I'm having a baking day today, and actually looking forward to it. I'd better get started!

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Oma, our posts crossed as well! We're the same with Christmas cards. They seem to arrive in batches, but very few compared with usual.

                  We have an ongoing programme of surgical repair of Eva's toys. They often end up as unidentifiable blobs after losing appendages like ears, limbs, noses etc! But she loves them, so that's the main thing.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Daisy, the 2 friends I go to aquafit with and I were talking about liberty bodices over coffee on Wednesday!

                    Icing the cake is on the agenda at some point today for me, and making a veggie shepherds pie to freeze for Boxing Day.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Originally posted by Daisy View Post
                      Good Eve of Christmas Eve morning to everyone, including Gem's GS1.

                      Mimi, you'll catch your death of cold walking round the beach like that at this time of year. For goodness sake, get your liberty bodice on and a warm scarf, at least! I hope Mr Tesco delivers your oder properly. We had several substitutions from Mr Sainsbury yesterday, but why would they think chocolate choux buns were any kind of replacement for our favourite egg custard tarts! I agree, I'm sure most of us don't do all the Christmas preparations we (and our parents) used to do. Perhaps we should be going back to making our own - home-made and home-grown always taste better.

                      Nanto, thank you for posting your recipes. I think your baking looks fabulous, and I'm not surprised the family is hovering at your doorstep.

                      Gem, what a lovely day for you all. I know how much you love your panto trips and your GCs will always remember them as part of their childhood Christmas. Have fun. xx

                      I'm having a baking day today, and actually looking forward to it. I'd better get started!

                      Daisy is this better?
                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        Good morning, I am waiting for the man to come and fit a new door on the freezer in the fridge, he has been once and adjusted it but there is still ice forming, he phoned to say he had ordered a new door and is coming to fit it, I told him I have to be a at the physio at 12-45 so I do hope he is on time. I was doing coffee for the art group, luckily one of the ladies offered to take over, there is also a nice young school boy there to help, he was there the other day with the decorations.

                        Strange, I was only thinking of liberty bodices the other day.

                        The man is here.

                        Gem, enjoy the pantomine, we don't have them here and I can remember taking the boys one Christmas to one in Hull, they wondered what on earth was going on.


                          Lizzie, I think GS2 will certainly wonder what is going on!!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Good morning everyone,What a busy week we are all having I have read all the posts and we are certainly very busy Grandma's indeed.
                            Yesterday my DD came with my 2 x GGCs and we had an early xmas day she took them to her house for the day for a treat they loved opening their early presents,their mummy was spending the day doing her xmas prep as it was the only day off work apart from xmas day DD brought them home at 6pm all tired out ,DD brought me the meat for cooking for the big day so I will be roasting the 3 joints here prior to carving on xmas day.

                            My friend has come over from Liverpool and she is staying until boxing day so a happy time will be had here she helped me do the last of the wrapping last night she was so good and wrapped all DGDs gifts which DS so kindly left for me to wrap some funny shapes to wraps have you ever tried to wrap a crocodiles head !!! and a baby dollies carry cradle I gave up in the end but she managed to do it with ease clever girl.

                            My poor 2nd DGS (daddy of my GGCs) has been in hospital this week with a very nasty abscess on his right buttock he woke up in pain last Sunday and when his partner looked at it she phoned 111 and sent at picture to the technician he advised he get to A&E straight away for treatment they put him on antibiotic drip straight away then took him for surgery to take it out as sepsis was setting in he was so lucky and he came home on Wednesday with treatment everyday at a local walkin centre staff said he was so lucky as it could have turned nasty indeed.

                            This morning my friend and I are off to do last minute buys Card Factory has a half price sale on xmas boxes and I am going to get one for DDs gifts.Then just need milk and butter and thats me done thank goodness,

                            Thanks so much Admin for my lovely card it is delightful.
                            I won't be back on line until mid week as have a very busy few days planned so everyone enjoy you beautiful families and make sure you take things easy &

                            Lots of love Glamma xxxx
                            Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                              Some gifts are so hard to wrap like footballs ,
                              I remember one year buying GS a special edition football ,
                              DD came up with the idea of wrapping cardboard around it and making a giant Cracker so he couldn’t tell what it was .
                              Without DDs idea it would have been obvious or put in some kind of bag 😀

                              I seen the pictures and video on FB of the children opening their gifts they are such lovely children 😁
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                It's been awful day weatherwise. This morning wasn't too bad.
                                Hubby was out for a couple of hours,when he came back we had a cuppa.
                                Then went to Wakefield Asda. When we came out it was pouring with rain.
                                Gradually got darker as we were on our way home.

                                Hubby's sis and hubby came this afternoon.Had a lovely afternoon.
                                Sat drinking tea and eating mince pies and coconut tarts.
                                Sis couldn't have them,she is coeliac, but we always keep some gluten free items for her.

                                Glamma,glad your GS got treatment straight away. Hope he is recovering nicely.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

