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    Good Sunday morning everyone. I woke up feeling (almost!) full of the joys of Spring, and looked out of the bedroom window onto a green, wet garden! No frost in sight. For once, I don't care it's raining and not quite light - the temperature is now 5C and rising. I can see I'll have to dig out my shorts and flip flops if it carries on like this.

    Plant, I'm glad you were able to catch up on your sleep. You must have needed it. Hopefully now the thaw has set in you can visit the ducks with that lovely food.

    Oma, I don't think I've ever tried Pumpernickel rolls, but I like the sound of them. I hope you get what you need. Take care and pamper yourself.

    Gem, how lovely to take your Auntie out for lunch today. I hope the pub is nice, but you'll enjoy each other's company anyway. Is she keeping well? How is your back today?

    Nanto, you deserved that lovely day yesterday. How nice to be waited on like that, even though it's back to normal today. Love your Cinders graphic, by the way.

    Last year I was so preoccupied with feeding 12 of us on Christmas Day that I forgot to change out of the everyday jeans and top I'd dressed in while I got the turkey on the go. It wasn't until I saw the photos that I realised I looked like Cinderella's granny!! So this year I've bought some nice velvet trousers and a stripey colourful jumper. I tried them on this morning, and they're just right, and hopefully don't make me look like the Ugly Sisters' granny.

    Off to do the ironing.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Oma, it wasn't a gammon joint that i cooked.
      I get uncooked slice gammon from the butcher.
      The slices are huge (must come from giant pigs), one slice does both of us.

      Raining a bit here now.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        I had a visit from my Dil and GS3 so I didn’t back on here until now. GS decided to pick up the skillet I had bought him for Christmas and new flat present and take it back to London. It was lovely to spend some time with him and my Dil, they stayed for lunch and changed my bedding. I was in the middle of making some pastry for mince pies when they came. The pastry is now made and in the fridge and washing up done so I am having a rest.

        Daisy, velvet trousers sound good, you will look very glamorous on Christmas Day.

        Gemini, I am sure your Auntie will be very pleased to see you both.

        Oma, I hope your cold doesn’t last very long, keep warm.

        Lizzie, I definitely think our skin is dryer in the cold weather, I hope the cream does the trick.

        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Daisy my back is not so bad now thank you. You will look beautiful in your velvet trousers. Perfect for Christmas

          Good to get some help with bed changing Plant. The pastry will wait!

          We had a lovely time with Auntie G. The Sunday lunch was one of the best I have eaten (My ex still holds the record for best Sunday roasts I have had!) We will definitely go there again. Auntie was well and happy, and we had coffee and biscuits and more chat back at hers. It's about 20 miles from her house to ours and it was nice to see all the Christmas lights in the villages on our drive home.
          Both in our PJs now ( we know how to live) OH is settled in front of her recording of the world cup final. I'm going upstairs to catch up on Handmaid's Tale.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            nice to hear Aunty was well , I bet she is tired now though ,
            Im in my PJs too much more comfy isn’t it,

            Getting help with changing bed is such a help , it’s back breaking work , we do MILs between us ,
            She can’t manage likes of that these days .

            I bought some sliced gammon a couple of weeks ago used one slice the other is in the freezer,
            I have just remembered when you mentioned it 😀

            You will look lovely in your new clothes ,
            When we hosted family on Christmas Day more times than not we never managed to get changed before everyone arrived 😁

            I didn’t get my Pumpernickle they didn’t have any in either ,
            We spent the afternoon clearing the kitchen cupboards and fridge out getting rid of stuff we were not using ,
            B had defrosted the two freezers last week ,
            We made space for Christmas shopping don’t really need a lot to be honest ,

            I fell asleep on the sofa for a hour and felt much better for it .
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              I did it - about 3 hours of ironing. I don't want to do any more washing now this year (some hope!) because I don't want to create a new ironing pile.

              I thought the rain had eased off a bit just before it went dark, so took Eva out. I was wrong. We came back soaked through, not helped by an inconsiderate car driver going far too fast through a huge puddle and sprayed water all over us, frightening Eva in the process. Grrr .....

              We watched the programme tonight about a man learning to drive a team of Huskies in the Yokon - it was very interesting and I was quite surprised how the dogs' personalities came out and the journey progressed.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Morning ladies ,
                Cant believe how quickly thick snow can disappear overnight , mind you it did rain a lot .
                Daisy poor you and Eva some people are idiots driving in the rain and think it’s amusing splashing someone .

                B has Dentist this morning to fix his chipped tooth so I will pop into Sainsburys , Cant get much in the cupboards and freezer so just mooch see what treats I can buy ,

                Have a good day ladies I will pop back later see how you all are xx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good morning, it is the same here Oma, the ice is melting and it is raining. I have BPPV (vertigo) again, I am going to the fysio later today and that will help. It started really after I banged my head in bed, it is getting worse though.

                  Gem, you would enjoy the lunch with your auntie.

                  Daisy, like you I cook in jeans etc and forget to change! Very irritating when someone drives fast through a puddle.

                  Plant, you will be able to get out and about now the thaw has set in. The cream is helping, my skin looks and feels better already.

                  Nanto, we don't get gammon here, when DS1 comes back from the UK he will usually bring gammon, he is flying this week so I doubt if he will manage it.

                  I am going to do the coffee this morning, I will give the pool a miss with being so dizzy.

                  I need to get shopping in this week for Boxing day.


                    Milder today. We didn't have to thaw the birds water out with the kettle.

                    Lizzie,hope the dizziness goes away soon.

                    Just pottering for me this morning.

                    Fries,egg and beans for dinner.One of hubbys favourite meals.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good morning dear ladies.

                      3 hours of ironing Daisy

                      Much milder isn't it Oma?

                      I'm sorry about the dizziness Lizzie, I hope the physio can help.

                      Nan2, we have been thawing bird and hedgehog water bowls out like that too. I think this milder weather is here for while.

                      This morning I am going to the library. After 6 long years our all new branch library is set to open, on January 3rd. I had hoped to help with shelf stocking etc, and would have had the timing been different. I just haven't had the time this month. This morning is a pre opening event for volunteers and the Friends group, so I am going along to that for an hour or so.
                      This afternoon GS2 is coming for a while. We have a gingerbread house to make
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good Monday morning everyone.

                        It's 12C here this morning, and rising. The rain is coming down even faster though! Will flooding be the next thing the weather throws at us. I hope not.

                        Lizzie, vertigo sounds horrible, I hope the physio can help, but take care. You must be pleased your skin is feeling better already.

                        Gem, I'm so pleased your library is on the brink of opening. If you and your group hadn't fought so hard for it it would have quietly disappeared, like so many others. A huge well done to you all.

                        Nanto, that a nice cheery graphic to start the week.

                        Oma, your graphic was a bit like Eva this morning. Then I found out why - she'd been sick in the spare bedroom. So I gave her lamb tripe for breakfast - nice and gentle on her tummy, although it smells disgusting to us! I hope B's dental appointment goes ok. Is it just a small chip?

                        Plant, how lovely to have some time with GS3 and DIL. Is he still enjoying life in London? Will he be home for Christmas? How is H now? I hope she's better.

                        I've got to go and pick Cooper up sometime today - he's here for a sleepover and for tomorrow, while his family has a wood burner installed. It should have been done in November, so this isn't the ideal time with a busy shop to run. The girls are going to their other granny's as they have dental appointments. She lives much closer to them than I do. I must finished getting decorations up as well, but OH has a wood turning friend coming today and tomorrow to do something urgent ... not the best timing!

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          I have the hair dresser coming about 11am and then lunch at the villager hall. The lady manager and helpers do a soup lunch for anyone who can pop in. I also need to go to the chemist to pick up some tablets. The garden is green again and it is raining and dark. At least the snow brought sunshine.

                          Daisy, my GS3 and my Dil stayed some time, it was nice to have their company. GS is still enjoying being in London. DS, Dil, and a group of friends are off to Snowdonia for 4 days today.

                          Gemini, how lovely that the library was saved and after 6 years it is now going to open in the new year.

                          Oma, how are you feeling, I hope your cold is on the way out. I hope the dentist makes a good job of B chipped tooth repair.

                          Lizzie, so sorry you have vertigo back again, hope the physio can help. When my son was living in Germany working with the BFBroadcasting, he used to bring us kassler, that was like gammon. Can’t buy it here unfortunately although Oma might know where to get it.

                          Nanto, love the graphic. I love eggs in any way shape or form.

                          Daisy, 3 hours ironing! That deserves a badge. I hope Eva is okay after her sickness. Have a lovely time with GS2 building the gingerbread house.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            My cold has all but gone thanks for asking , still some coughing but mainly feeling tired now .
                            I think you will find Kassler in The German Deli in Priestly way London or on their web site it’s about £25 now though , the price has gone up drastically.

                            Will we get photos of Ginger bread house 😁 enjoy your library event xx

                            Poor Eva hope she’s not coming down with something ,

                            I get Vertigo too it’s awful , I can sneeze then have to lay on the floor till the dizziness passes then I feel yuk for ages after .
                            Hope you enjoy your coffee morning .

                            B had his tooth sorted , Dentist said the Chemo has ruined his teeth and weakened them but she will keep them as good as she can by building them up when they chip ,
                            Sadly not much can be done about them discolouring as whitening treatments would be too harsh .

                            I burnt my fingers and tummy again with hot tea , just picked the cup up and my tremors hit ,
                            Tea everywhere , luckily most hit my dressing gown so just a small burn on my tummy but my thumb and fingers are sore

                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Plant, we get that here, cassler it is called, only sliced though. I used to listen to BFB!


                                Morning all, its a lot milder this but its raining, oh well, you can't have everything.

                                Lizzie hope you feel OK soon, vertigo is horrible

                                Oma , careful with hot drinks. Glad to hear that the cold has improved apart from the cough. A cough always seems reluctant to go away.

                                Eldest DS has been struck down with the dreaded flu . He says next year he will have a flu vaccine.

                                We don't have anything planned for today. I have sorted out some of the Christmas card that we have received into a much tider display. We had them randomly scattered around the room.
                                We are having cod for lunch today. Meals this week are going to be made up by whatever we have in the fridge to make room for the Christmas delivery from Tesco on Friday.

                                Have a good day everyone
                                Bring me sunshine in your smile.

