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    good morning, black ice here this morning, I set off for the gym and got as far as the footpath, I fell years ago with the black ice so I decided not to go.

    D1 asked if I would take GD2 to the dental clinic this afternoon, according to the forecast it will be safe to drive by then.

    Oma, does your MIL not read? It is difficult when they (we) haven't any hobbies at all.

    It is my friends birthday today, the one in the home, I see they are doing lunch etc but I won't be going, it will be busy so I will go another day, I did send a card and took her flowers the last time I went.

    Nanto, you do right to stay home, I saw the photo of the lights on FB.

    I will see if the paths are clear and have a walk to the gym.


      Good morning my dears.

      Nan2, I'm glad you are back safely in the warm and the meal sounds perfect for this weather.

      Oma you and B do your very best for your MIL, you can't make her get out and join things. My mum wouldn't either , for many years when she was fit and able to, but then moaned to me that she saw no one!

      Lizzie, wise to turn back, and stay safe when you take GD2 later.

      I am going see my mum this afternoon. I want to take her a Christmas helium balloon so will go the the card shop in the village on my way for that , and pop into the greengrocer next door for a couple of things.

      Golf for OH. She says it's a strange game when the course is frozen, unpredictable ball!

      I hope all are well today.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good morning everyone. It's bitterly cold here, but sunny, and the chill wind seems to have dropped a bit. Roll on Spring!

        I've read about what you've all been up to and how everyone is coping with this Artic weather. I find it really hard to get motivated to do anything when it's this cold, and everything seems too much effort. But we seem to have had a lot going on for the last couple of weeks. None of it particularly interesting but most of it taking up a lot of time. Today I've got a rare day at home. I've decided not to go to meet up with friends from College. I'm sure it will be crowded and busy and I'm trying to make sure I don't go down with a cold, Covid or anything before Christmas. We've got Missy, Eva's friend from next door, arriving in a minute, so that will keep Eva nicely occupied while I get on with some jobs.

        First up - the dreaded housework. I like to clean before we put the decorations up, so it's time I got that organised. I got a little tree to stand on the window sill in the hall and some new decorations for that. Plus a new Christmas banner for the stairs - we usually decorate that with cards but now with the glass panels that's not an option, and very few cards have arrived yet, anyway!

        OH is going to his wood turning club's Christmas quiz tonight. I'm invited too, but I might just stay in the warmth and give myself a much needed manicure and pedicure!

        Stay warm and safe everyone.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Had a good afternoon playing board games in the village hall, new people are gradually joining in. I did a big shop in Waitrose yesterday, it was very busy and my list was a bit long and they keep moving things. Today I want to go to the local shops to get some duck and bird food, I also have a parcel to post and I need to get some cash.
          DD and Sil have just been in to let me know they think they have a gas leak from their boiler so Sil has been told to turn off the gas to the bungalow. They also said not to put on electric appliances. H will be here this morning.

          Gemini, I hope you find your mum well. It is a shame when older people don’t mix well. I join everything that is going but I do live in a very lively friendly village.

          Lizzie, do take care on that black ice.

          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            I like quizzes Daisy, but I think I would be tempted to stay in and and pamper myself tonight if I were you!

            I hope next doors leak is fixed quickly Plant.

            I have just moved my car so that the sun is shining on it. It should be defrosted by the time I go out! A bit more present wrapping to do now.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Plant hope next doors leak is sorted quickly.

              Gem, hope you have a lovely visit with your mum.

              Done all my jobs,so having a bit of playtime now.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Nan2, the visit was the usual mix of confusion and ups and downs, but as usual I left her on a happy note.
                I dropped off our cards to mum's best friend on my way home and happened to arrive as her DD was bringing her home, so that was nice to see them both.
                It's starting to freeze so I'm glad to be in for the night.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Gem,glad you left your mum happy.

                  We had a lovely visit from Tommie this evening,with his mum and dad.
                  He's got 2 bottom teeth now.
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                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Lovely Tommie

                    I love his little suit!
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Nanto, little Tommie is growing so fast, and isn't he gorgeous! I love his smile.

                      Gem, I'm glad your visit to your mum ending on a happy note. Did she like the balloon? How's your back?

                      Plant, I do hope next door's leak is fixed quickly. Do they have gas central heating? If so it will be awfully chilly.

                      As usual, I didn't get as much done as I had hoped, but at least I've made a start.

                      Lizzie, I hope the paths were clear for you after all.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Daisy, the Christmas balloon was a hit
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Gem, that's good. xx
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Good morning, Daisy our street was so icy all day, I did get to the gym by walking through the park in the next street but the footpaths were still icy. I took GD1 (not 2) to her dentist, DS1 told me to use Google maps as navigation, according to GD1 they were still on cycling! There is a new road being built in that direction, I won't say I was lost but it wasn't the way I should have gone, we did get back home faster though.

                            Gem, your mum would love the balloon.

                            I am making coffee for the art group then it is our Christmas lunch, a food truck will be there to make warm meals for us, different! They are doing it in 3 groups and this is the first one.

                            What a lovely photo Nanto, such a happy little boy.

                            Plant, I hope the gas leak has been repaired.

                            It isn't as cold this morning, frost from 7am though so everything will be frozen, yet again.


                              Nan2, what a beautiful picture of Tommie. As my dad would have said "A smile that would fetch a duck off water "

                              Plant hope the gas leak is repaired soon

                              Alexa has just informed me that it's -8 outside at the moment. I have to say I'm not enjoying this weather one little bit.
                              OH has an appointment with the physio this morning and Tesco delivery is due today.,
                              Later DIL and her dad are calling in and we are all off to the pub for lunch. We haven't got far to go, we can se the pub from our sitting room window.

                              Because of an item I ordered for GS 2 for Christmas had sold out I had to order a replacement but sadly its coming via the post and we all know that's not an ideal situation to be in at this present time.
                              I had a confirmation email yesterday saying that the item had been dispatched and should arrive between 19 th December to ...... 19th December. Is that 19th December 2022 to 19th December 2023 . Now I know that the strike is holding up the mail but 12 months.
                              Do they know something we don't know?
                              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                                Just a quick good morning from me.
                                I'm busy making fruit cakes.

                                Mimi,12 months.

                                I'll be back.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

