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    Good Friday morning everyone.

    Nanto - I love a nice bit of fruit cake. Are they for Christmas or can I come calling later today?

    Mimi, -8 - Brrrr... Down here in the tropics it's only -5C A pub lunch you don't have to walk far for sounds good. Enjoy. Poor GS2, he will have to wait a long time for his parcel! I feel so sorry for small online businesses knowing half their sales are probably in some mail warehouse stuck till whenever. Although I ordered something from John Lewis on Monday evening and it arrived the next lunch-time, by ParcelForce. I was very surprised!

    I love the expression "a smile that would fetch a duck off water"!

    By the way, I love your new avatar. x

    Lizzie, I'm glad you managed to avoid the icy footpaths. Well done for navigating your way to GD1's dental appointment, even if you do find a 'new' route. I struggle to use Google Maps! Enjoy your Christmas lunch.

    Plant, how are things next door? Have they got heating etc? It's good that your board afternoons are getting well supported. I should think at this time of year people do well to even get out in this dark cold weather.

    Today, it's more of the same for me. I didn't get as much done as I hoped yesterday, and phone calls scuppered my pamper evening. The beautiful swan that was supposed to emerge this morning is still a scruffy, ungroomed old bird!
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Morning ladies
      Oh my goodness I just want to squeeze and kiss Tommys lovely little face , he is adorable ๐Ÿ˜
      I will be round as soon as you have made those cakes ๐Ÿ˜

      At least you got home the shorter way , annoying when you take the long way somewhere then realise you could have gotten there quicker , you will know for next time ,
      Take care on them paths when out walking ,xx

      Well the parcel will be in time for next year ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
      Enjoy your meal out not far to walk home when your full ๐Ÿ˜

      Did you get a photo of your Mum with her balloon , It will be nice and cheery for her to look at
      Always nicer when you can leave her on a happier note .

      Did you get to the shops ?
      Hope the boiler next door is fixed now , itstoo cold to be without heating and hot water .

      Im sure your not a scruffy old bird, as always you will be gliding about groomed and Swan like ๐Ÿ˜

      We off to Asda this morning, I didnโ€™t get yesterday I didnโ€™t feel well after lunch but it passed so going this morning .

      Surgeon said nothing can be done for B , surgery is not a option and in his experience Nerve blocks can do more damage and make it worse plus no guarantee it would work .
      They thinking maybe some form of meditation technique would be worth a try to cope with the pain .
      We have had another snow fall not heavy but another layer added to what is already here,

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Good morning ladies, not yet 9am and so many posts

        Enjoy the lunch Lizzie.

        Mimi, I love your avatar. Let's hope that item arrives on December 19th (2022!!!)

        It will smell lovely in your house then Nan2.

        Daisy, I don't think we ever get as much done as we hope when we have busy lives. I know I don't!

        Oma, I'm sorry it wasn't better news for B. I hope some medication can help.
        I will get a photo of mum with her balloon on Christmas Day Next week we will be at DD2's with her instead of me seeing her at the home.

        VERY cold and frosty again. There could be light dusting of snow. Hard to tell as I haven't been outside yet. Roll on the better temperatures forecast next week.
        Baby GS3 is coming to stay the night, as his parents are going out on a Christmas meal. We will collect him sometime this afternoon and they will pick him up tomorrow. He often sleeps through the night, so fingers crossed for tonight!
        โ€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ€ โ€“ Unknown


          Gemini, I hope GS3 sleeps through the night for you. Your DD is very relaxed about leaving him, some mothers are quite anxious when parted with their babies. Pleased the visit to your mum went quite well and she was happy with her Christmas balloon. That is nice that GS1 wanted to buy his father a present, it shows that your DD has been very sensible about handling the break up.

          Nanto, what a little charmer, love his smile.

          Mimi, I do hope that parcel arrives in time. Have a nice lunch in a cosy pub with friends, very nice

          Daisy, It is nice to have a bit of a pamper, sorry you missed the chance. Still no heating next door, the Gas Board canโ€™t come until next Wednesday and then they might say they need a new boiler. They have H again today and she isnโ€™t well, GD took her to the doctors last evening.

          Oma, I do hope the medication can help B with the pain. He and his fellow soldiers gave a lot to the Irish conflict.

          I bought some duck food yesterday and loaded with that and some bread I stopped to feed the ducks but the area surrounding the pond was still covered in snow so I didnโ€™t attempt it.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Very cold here first thing but the sun is out now and itโ€™s warmed up for a little while. You all sound very busy and Iโ€™ve had a busy couple of days. Went to my knitting group yesterday after being absent for a few weeks. Was lovely to see everyone again. This morning finished present wrapping, hoovered then went to change a light bulb which involved ladder climbing. Couldnโ€™t quite manage to get the new bulb in and didnโ€™t fancy teetering on the ladder for too long so DD is going to pop over later and help. Itโ€™s those silly little jobs that frustrate me, but didnโ€™t want to risk a fall. dD was cross that Iโ€™d even tried to do it so I had a telling off! At least this little job gave me the opportunity to,sort out the light bulbs, there seem to be so many that I donโ€™t use so,have had a clear out.

            Oma, I hope B can get some help, being in pain all,the time is so wearing.

            Have a good day everyone, and keep warm.

            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


              Trouble is we still think we are strong enough and quite able to do these jobs then find we canโ€™t ๐Ÿ™„
              Doesnt it amaze you when you find all these bulbs I often canโ€™t even remember buying them , ๐Ÿ˜‚

              B has always been In pain with his back , several Spinal operations that havenโ€™t really done any good ,
              The Shingles attacking his spine during Chemo ca used severe nerve damage to his left leg leaving permanent pain down his leg knee and ankle ,
              Some days are worse than others and it doesnโ€™t let him sleep easy .
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Ladies feel free to drop in for fruit cake any time.
                I made 5 loaves.Me and hubby will sample it this afternoon,before family members take what they want.
                Hubby came home from his walk with his pal.We had coffee then went to Asda.
                Still very cold and frosty,but the sun is shining.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Hallo everyone, I walked to the centre to do the coffee then stayed for the lunch, it was very good, I enjoyed it. There are 400 volunteers, a few years we have all done things in one group but this year there are 4 groups and it worked very well.

                  I rushed (?) home to get changed to go for treatment, our road is still very icy but the main cycle path to the village is clear so I walked through the park holding my bike then rode to the village, I had to go for treatment so again crossed a park using the grass, then, I had to cross the road to the house where I get my treatment, I have never seen anything like it!!! The post lady shouted to me that she had just fallen that I hadn't to try it, I couldn't have done anyway. She came to help me and a neighbour saw what she was doing, he came and took my bike from me, took my other arm and walked me across the road! I felt like a 90 year old!! Another neighbour even took a photo, he said it was nice to see people helping someone! After my treatment the young girl put her coat on and helped me back to the park.

                  Oma, I hope they can do something for B to help with the pain.

                  Enfys, I have high cupboards and tell myself never to try and get anything out when I am alone! In fact they are almost empty now as I put things lower or get rid of them. I do have them in the dressing room but that is for out of season clothes so I don't have to climb very often.

                  Gem, you will enjoy having baby E. I hope he settles.


                    Lizzie how nice people are so caring and helpful , makes a change from hearing horrible things to hear nice things about people ,
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      People sound so caring where you are Lizzie

                      I love fruit cake Nan2.

                      Enfys, your DD is right, don't be climbing, wait for her!

                      I hope little H is better soon Plant.

                      We settled the baby, who was very tired, to sleep at about 6.45.
                      โ€‹โ€‹He woke again very upset, screaming in fact, about 40 minutes later. We have got him back to sleep again now. He had a lot of wind from his nappy so I'm guessing tummy ache was bothering and keeping him awake poor little thing. Fingers crossed he stays asleep the rest of the evening. I will feed him again before I go to bed.
                      โ€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ€ โ€“ Unknown


                        Lizzie, the roads a pathways sound treacherous. Thank goodness you had help and got back home safely.

                        Gem, poor little E, waking in pain. He must have felt better though to go back to sleep. Let's hope his last feed tonight send him off to the land of Nod for the night.

                        Nanto, it sounds as though those loaves won't ever reach your freezer. Was your OH cold after his walk?

                        Oma, how awful that they can't do much to help B with all the pain he's in. Perhaps some kind of mindfulness would help to ride it out when it really bad, but you get to the stage where you'd try anything to get some relief. Does he take painkillers to help, or don't they make any difference? Oma, I can never imagine me gliding round like a swan!

                        Enfys, the temperature here rose above freezing in the sunshine today, but not in the shady places. Thank goodness your DD is close enough to help with things like light bulbs. What you are knitting at the moment. I'm sure there was lots to catch up on with your knitting circle.

                        Plant, it's a long wait for the Gas Board to come in this weather. Have the Gas Board been told that they care for a toddler who isn't very well at the moment? I do hope H is better soon, bless her.

                        Trying to work out what I've actually achieved today, and it's very little! But at least Eva had her pamper session - a paw-dicure this morning! I've saved the grooming for another day. I got a couple of loads of washing done. OH went round to neighbours this morning to help them put their new tv on a stand on the wall. But the fixings weren't strong enough. Luckily OH had bigger, longer, stronger ones in the garage, so at least they didn't have to go out shopping for the right things. After lunch we were both tired and had a relaxing couple of hours enjoying the warmth of the wood burner.

                        After days and days with no post, we hit the jackpot today, a lot of Christmas cards (so nice to have!) and other, boring stuff.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning,still very frosty here.

                          We are to see DS2 and his partner. I think they are planning on us staying for a meal.
                          They are both working for the coming week and we won't see them on Christmas day.

                          Gem, i hope baby E settled for you last night.

                          Daisy,hubby wasn't too cold after his walk with his pal.
                          They are both quite spritely and i think it keeps them warm when walking.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Will be taking their presents and fruit cake.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good Saturday morning, Nanto and all who drop by later.

                              It's another frosty one, but a very pretty sunrise. I hope everyone is managing to stay warm.

                              Gem, did baby E sleep through ok?

                              Nanto, one of the nice things about a walk on a cold day is how lovely and warm it feels when you get back home. It probably does your OH and his pal a lot of good to get out in the fresh air and have a natter. Enjoy your time with DS2 and partner.

                              I'm trying to catch up today with the things I put off yesterday when we decided to have a relaxing afternoon. Back later.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Morning ladies
                                Itsso cold and white out there,
                                I have been round with the neighbours cards , not the best thing to do on a dark morning in the snow but itโ€™s done ,

                                Its my Sister & BILs 56th Wedding anniversary today so I rang them and had a nice long chat ,
                                Housework done while B wrapped last of the presents ,

                                You deserve a nice afternoon rest, your a busy lady . Once in a while wonโ€™t hurt ,

                                B has Pain relief and Morphine based meds but they do little these days heโ€™s been on them so long and he wonโ€™t take a higher dose.

                                How did baby sleep did his tummy settle ?
                                Poor little lamb you want to take the pain for them donโ€™t you ,
                                How did S get on with her Golf on a frozen green ? GS and SIL have only been to the driving range this week .

                                Was there any bread left ? Warm home made bread is so tempting , have fun atDSs today x

                                how is H today have you heard yet ,
                                Maybe tryin a few days to feed the ducks , the weather is supposed to change for the better this week x

                                Having 5 minutes then Iโ€™m going to hand wash a white blouse , I have had stain remover on it ,
                                Yesterday I had a salad sandwich for lunch and the tomatoes I had on the seeds squirted out all down the front .
                                I changed it and totally forgot to bring it downstairs to clean ,
                                It was only when I went to bed I found it still on the chair by my dressing table ๐Ÿ™„

                                Have a good day ladies xx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

