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    Oh, Lizzie, your poor friend. I hope the 'deep scan' doesn't reveal anything nasty. Your little dog was very lucky. Between adders in the summer and Alabama Rot in the winter, I feel I'm putting Eva's life on the line every time I take her into the Forest. I just take what precautions I can and hope!

    Plant, getting repeat prescriptions seems to get more and more complicated. Thank goodness the hospital has your meds ready for you. The new sewing machine was a bit of an impulse buy. My old one was unrepairable and I don't use it a lot. At the moment I've got some curtains that need hemming, and a few seams that need attention. I've got to learn how to use it first!

    I'm so glad you are in touch with Enfys through your Word game - you both enjoy them, I know.

    Oma, Storm will be much happier at home than in the vets, and if he's eating even tiny bits it's progress, poor love.

    I've done a bit of tidying up and waved the yellow fluffy thing about. I'm going to do some baking this afternoon - our neighbours are coming in to watch the England v Wales match this evening. I'm doing pizza and garlic bread, some nibbles and cake. All very unhealthy, I'm afraid. OH will be outnumbered, but if Wales do win we might never hear the last of it.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Me again! Man came almost at the end of his two hour window......typical! Dd had been asked to do a wash, so it could be put in the tumble drier to see where leak was coming from, which she did. Bloke tells me, the drier should have been started so he check! Said we hadn't been told that and he apologised and said he should have let us know an hour in advance.grrrr! Ran the drier and there was a leak at the front (DD had said it was coming from the back!) and he reckoned the seal on the filter wasn't sealing properly, so he ordered anew one. Off he went, drying finished. I gave the machine a good clean and put the towel which had been mopping up the water in just to check......and guess what? Waer coming out at back from under machine!! You couldn't make it up! Managed to tip machine up and I think I found where water was coming from. Took photos and sent to SiL who I think was going to have words with company. They've been out four times and DD only got it in April.

      Took doggo for a walk, but it was a real battle of wills today. If he doesn't want to go in a certain direction he won't! We got home, he went all round the cul-de-sac and then started off again! It was too cold and miserable to be messing about, so he was persuaded to get indoors.

      Got home in time for dress rehearsal for post box topper, discovered I'd left my laptop at DD's so have been and fetched it before this fog gets any worse.

      Need to get organised for the Great Fire day tomorrow at school. The little ones were all very excited about it when I was in on Monday for reading. It's lovely to be involved with children especially when I don't have all the form filling etc!

      The glass has to be fired but hopefully it can be picked up next week.

      Heating is on and I'm not going anywhere now! Enjoy the rest of the day ladies. Hope all poorly people and dogs are feeling better xx
      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
      Theodore Roosevelt.


        Hello, Im so sorry for being absent for so long. Thank you Gem and Daisy for the e.card, very kind of you. Plant sends me a message and I’ve been chatting on our word game. The time has flown by but not much has been happening and I just felt I had nothing to offer by posting , just didn’t feel up to it really. I was in a right state after DS and family went back to Australia and it’s taken me ages to get back on an even keel. Fingers crossed I’m getting there.

        At the moment I am in deepest Somerset in a little cottage with DD and Dexter, just a few days away before Christmas. We are having a very relaxing time, walking the dog, using the hot tub and generally lazing the days away. DD is a football fan so is getting ready to watch the England/Wales match this evening. i have my knitting and books and Dexter for company.

        As I said, nothing much going on, still enjoying my knitting/craft groups. Have had problems with my knee and am waiting to have steroid injection at doctors. I will try and have a catch up with everyone’s news …it might take me a while!

        will make the effort to get on here more regularly…..perhaps I should write out a hundred times….Must do better! Do any of you remember doing lines at school?

        Thanks again for the messages.
        Last edited by Enfys; 29-11-2022, 05:58 PM.
        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


          Daisy, enjoy the football this evening with your neighbours. As I said before, I am not a football watcher but I might watch the match this evening. what with football and rugby matches on the television at the moment, I feel sorry for people who don’t like sport.

          I didn’t go out today, well only to the bin and garage. H and her mum went to a soft play place with DD, this afternoon so I didn’t see them today.
          I really must get going on my Christmas card writing, had my first one today.

          WG, what a dreadful waste of time for you, waiting in for the repair man to come and then you discover the fault yourself. I used to love working in the school this time of the year although it was a very busy time for me, scenery and customers to be made etc. You have certainly thrown yourself into what this area has to offer.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Hi Enfys, we were posting at the same time. Enjoy you time in the cottage, sounds lovely.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Really nice to hear from you , doesn’t matter if you haven’t much to say we still like to say hello 🥰
              Enjoy your break away and be careful with your knee walking the dog xx

              B met up with about 20 army pals , shame these days it’s only when they have their yearly get together or at funerals .
              Its a worry when your getting low on meds and can’t get them ,
              One lot B is on we can only get from the Hospital pharmacy , it’s a bit of a trek to get there but no other choice our Dr isn’t allowed to prescribe them .
              Nice to have a good lunch and meet with friends , I hope they get more interest with the hall and keep it going , so many getting closed with lack of use .

              Your poor friend that must be a worry even worse if she finds there has been no need to worry after all , I do hope that’s the case .

              Hope you get the hang of your machine , I haven’t used mine fora long time ,
              Have a lovely night with your friends.

              I think sometimes the engineers just can’t be bothered and just make a wild guess ,
              Have you got your costume ready for tomorrow ,I bet the children love it

              It came in really foggy again this afternoon like pea soup and we have put the heating on.

              Phoned Clare , Finn is a lot better today but didn’t sleep good last night , it’s unusual for him as he’s a good sleeper ,
              Clare said nothing wrong with him didn’t cry just wanted to shout and kick all night 🤣

              Did you get your cards wrote , I have some ready in the hall to post ,I will try get them done tomorrow.

              enjoy your night ladies those watching football and those like me that would rather do something else 😀x
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Nice to see you here Enfys. I'm sure your DD and family going back must have left you feeling very flat. Enjoy your break with your DD.

                Daisy I hope the football pizza night goes well!

                ​​​​ I will be having half an eye on the game tonight.

                Oma I got my mum's cards written and made a start on ours!

                GS1 was fine, a little quiet at first but was soon chatting. He mentioned his dad and seemed quite accepting of the situation .
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Gem, so glad GS1 became his chatty self, and seems to be accepting things.

                  Oma, pleased to hear Fin is feeling better. How is Storm? Quite a few people seem to be getting fog at the moment. It's a nuisance when you've got to trek around to different places to get meds.

                  Plant, you've had a busy week, so you were probably ready for a quieter day today.

                  WeeGranny, you must have been very cross with the repair man with being at the end of his time slot and then not sorting out the problem with a brand new appliance. I should think your DD is ready to ask for a replacement! I think dogs get the scent of something when they're on a walk and just want to follow their noses. What a nuisance forgetting your laptop - at least it's not too far to go back for it, but no fun on a cold miserable day. How did the dress rehearsal for the post box topper go? The children at the school must be getting so excited no with so many events happening.

                  Enfys, it must have been so sad waving your son and family off when they went back to Australia. Have you any thoughts of going to visit them? No wonder you haven't felt much like chatting. I hope these few days with your DD will make a good break for you. It's nice to have the company and time to chat, and to get out and about with Dexter. We really do understand when someone doesn't feel like chatting, but please don't ever feel a need to say sorry about it. We're just pleased when you do pop in and are glad you are feeling a bit better. Are you going to Devon for your pre-Christmas holiday as well, or does it just happen to be Somerset this year? Whatever, I hope the weather is being as kind as possible at this time of year and you get home feeling better. xxx

                  We had a lovely evening with our neighbours. I made a lemon drizzle cake - the first in the new oven - and it was fine.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Good morning my dears.

                    Good to know the new oven passed the lemon drizzle cake test Daisy

                    I feel a lot better today. Yesterday I had a case of the blues, but it had passed.
                    Hairdresser this morning. I am not having mine cut. I don't need it as much as OH, my hair being longer. Also since the thinning episode it hasn't grown as much.
                    Aquafit for me this morning. We plan to get Christmas down from the loft this afternoon
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Its a bit brighter today.Yesterdays fog lingered for hours.

                      No plans for today.

                      Yesterday hubby put up a new outside electric socket.
                      We want some new outside fairy lights.
                      Going to the garden centre on saturday. Hubby's sister and hubby want to go as well,but can't make it before saturday.

                      Pleased is a bit better.

                      Daisy, glad the lemon drizzle cake was fine.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Nan2, we had a covered outside socket put in a few years ago. It makes outdoor lights much easier
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Morning ladies
                          We have a covered outdoor socket under our front window , much easier for the Christmas lights .

                          A dreary cold wet morning , the fog still lingering a little ,
                          We went toAldi and it was empty ,
                          No one wants to come out today .

                          Today it is 6 years since B had his transplant , those years have flown by.

                          How are we all today?
                          Pleased your not so blue today , there’s been a lot of upset for you lately so your entitled to feel a bit down now and again
                          Treat yourself to something nice cheer you up , if I lived nearer I would be hugging you xxx

                          We have started to put some Christmas decks up , need to get the tree out of the loft today,
                          B coming down with a cold and sore throat , don’t want to leave it to long and him struggling with it when he’s feeling worse .

                          Havea good day ladies xx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            A visit to the local hospital fro me to pick up my tablets and this afternoon is the games afternoon at the village hall.

                            Gemini, not surprising you had a blues day, worrying about your DD and your mum must be tiring.

                            Oma, my goodness that time has flown, he certainly does look well now. Sorry to hear he is going down with a cold.

                            It will be at least another week before I start to get the decks out, it only seems a short time since I put them away. Writing Christmas cards comes first, buying presents for a big family and we have 3 birthdays this month.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Good Wednesday morning, everyone. It's grey, damp and gloomy here today. It makes you want to snuggle down in front of a roaring fire with a good book, but no chance! Sainsbury's order came this morning with the added feature of a split bag of caster sugar which emptied itself all over the rest of the shopping when I picked it up! Grr ... it's taken ages to clean it all up and I've still got to empty out the packets of tomatoes and grapes where the sugar has gone through the holes in the plastic film! But first I'll take Eva out and pick up post for a friend who is on holiday. Then dog training this afternoon, so I'll catch up with everyone tonight. xx
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Good morning, nice and sunny at the moment after the thick fog yesterday.

                                Gem, take it easy, you will be worrying about everything.

                                Daisy, what a mess it would be with the sugar!!

                                Oma, I bet the 6 years have flown by.

                                Nanto, I hope you get the lights that you want for outdoors. When the GD's were here we would put lights in the olive trees, but, I must have taken them to a charity shop at some time or other as I haven't got them anymore.

                                I called in the charity shop as I went for my bread, I got a bamboo chopping board, it was new, it had never been opened, it was €2, I came home and looked at the site of the shop and it is €30! Now I must get rid of my old ones.

                                I was talking to the friend, her mother died last week, the friend is so much like her mother, even her voice is the same.

