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    Nice and sunny here this morning. I have been on-line looking for a skillet pan for GS3, I have found one, it is a bit expensive but I shall give it to him as a joint Christmas and house warming present. Not many left to do now. I really must start on the cards.

    Oma, perhaps B should stay in the car then your Mil might mind her P’s and Q’s. I hope B’s cold clears up soon.

    Glamm, how lovely to be visited early by your GD before she went to school. I am sure she will love her jelly and ice cream.

    Gem, have some lovely cuddles with your GS3, good idea to give yourself some time.

    Daisy, sounds like Eva had some fun at the class. Caster sugar and glass on the kitchen floor not good.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      MIL was in a good mood today so that was a bonus ,

      Eva was such a good girl wasn’t she 😁 I can imagine how fast she was going I bet she loved it .

      B is the same has to have his coffee filtered at least once a day , he doesn’t mind instant but likes his beans ground fresh better .

      How lovely to have a little voice shouting through the letterbox 😁
      does she like her chicken with veg or chips , Im with her I love jelly 😁

      I think your right to give your Mums visit a rest for this week .
      Give yourself a well deserved break.
      Enjoy baby cuddles xx

      I meant to say this morning ,Our post didn’t come till 9.20 last night 😱😱😱😱 I’m convinced it’s being delivered by the sorting office night shift staff , normal posties don’t work that late .
      My next door neighbour sent me a text she’s furious . When she rang them last week they said they were sorting it out .
      Clearly not 🙄
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma, hope B feels better soon.
        Wish the night shift at the sorting office would deliver our mail. Better than none.
        Although i know your sorting office is very near you. Ours is in town.

        Glamma,lovely earl morning call from GD.

        Sun is shining so that makes a change.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Glamm, I missed your post - I must have been typing. How lovely your little GD shouting through the letterbox. I bet she had a huge smile on her face. The fog horns can sound quite eerie, can't they. For some reason they always make me think of the opening scenes in Great Expectations, with the fog over the marshes. Nice to get the ironing out of the way.

          Oma, so glad your MIL was in a good mood today. Perhaps she appreciated the fact that B wasn't well and had still gone to see her. At the moment, post coming at any time of the day or night would be good.

          Plant, I'm sure your GS3 will be delighted with the skillet. Does he like cooking?

          Nanto, enjoy the sunshine. It's sunny here as well but very cold.

          I've spent most of the morning defrosting and cleaning the last of the fridge freezers! It sounds a bit like an Iceland shop, but when either of the fridge freezers packs up, we'll get separate fridge and freezer which will be much better, but while both of them are working (touch wood) it seems silly to go to the expense of replacing them. There's just the carousel and the 'flour' cupboard to do now. But not today!
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Oma, I am not without coffee! I have 3 in a row, the normal filter one, 2 Nespresso's! One just for coffee and the other also for frothy milk, the ordinary one I got from DS1 and family one Dec. 5th years ago then DS1 brought the other when he cleared his office/lab out, he told me it didn't work but maybe I could fix it! It just needed de-scaling and has worked ever since.


              Brr, its cold today!

              I had a nice time with DD3 and baby. We went for a walk and I was very glad of my warm duvet coat!
              The football table is very heavy and the box only just fit into my car. DD and I struggled. Once OH has gone out I will take it round to our friends and we will get it out and probably into her garage. I am hoping next door may keep it closer to Christmas, but as I haven't asked them yet it going to our friends house first. Surprise presents can be complicated!

              What a lovely start to your day Glamma

              9.20pm Oma! They may as well have left it for the next day.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Skillets can be so expensive , DD would like one but she’s not sure she would use it enough to warrant the cost .
                I bet he’s very grateful having such a generous Granny 😁
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Its been very cold here today,but we have seen some sunshine.

                  Daisy,my plan is to defrost the freezer thats in the outhouse on sunday morning.

                  Oma, glad MIL was in good mood.
                  How is B and Storm.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Lizzie, I was worried about you being without 'proper' coffee! So glad you have alternatives. I've got a jar of decaff somewhere, but we always use the Tassimo or the cafetiere if there are more people.

                    Gem, it's certain been chilly today. I'm sure you enjoyed your walk with baby E, especially with your duvet coat to keep you warm.

                    Oma and Plant - is a skillet basically a cast-iron frying pan? To be honest, I thought the word skillet was just an Americanism, but I'm confused.

                    Nanto, I hope it's not too cold on Sunday if you're doing the freezer in your outhouse! Brrrr ....

                    We managed to do a bit of gardening this afternoon. We finally took the pelargoniums/geraniums out of their large tubs, cut them back and potted them into smaller pots to overwinter in the summerhouse. I've still got one more tub to do, but it went too dark to do it today. I've covered it over as it's close to freezing tonight. I've also got to put fleece and a bag over a Gunnera. It's fairly protected against a fence, but if it's very cold it will suffer.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Well I've had enough of this foggy cold weather already. I don't mind if it's cold with some sunshine, but this dark , foggy weather is horrible

                      Glamm I do as little ironing that I can , in fact it's almost a swear word in our house

                      Oma how is B

                      Oh by the way, very strange thing happened in the early hours of Monday morning, about 4ish . Myself and OH were both wide awake, unable to sleep when OH said can you hear a knocking sound. I said no it's probably something outside. He got out of bed and looked through the window but there was nothing going on outside.
                      He got back into bed but after a few minutes he got back out muttering I've had enough of this (leaving bad language out) and out of the bedroom he stomped. I followed as best I could taking into consideration that I put my back out on Saturday so my movements were very restricted. As he opened the sitting room door I heard him shout Alexa stop .
                      Apparently she was making a banging noise and her light was flashing blue and green!
                      OH thinks unexplained strange things are going on here

                      I think it's a software/ computer glitch


                      We got the naughty elf on a shelf out from the christmas decorating box and he was sitting on the sofa !!
                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        Foggy this morning,has been since last night.
                        I woke up this morning convinced it was saturday.

                        Mimi, speaking of alexa, one day last week we were in the kitchen, thats where alexa lives.
                        All was quiet and suddenly alexa came on. We said it must have been a glitch.

                        Fridge cleaning this morning and i will tidy the freezer up.

                        Daisy, its not too bad doing the freezer in the outhouse.Outhouse is joined on the house at the back.
                        When thats been done on sunday, i will probably be able to get some more stuff in.
                        I want to batch cook something, if i manage to make some room.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Good morning all.

                          Foggy here also Nan2.

                          Mimi, naughty Alexa!

                          I am up and out early. I'm in the waiting area on the NHS blood taking department at the leisure centre.
                          I needed a test after an 9 to 10 hour fast so decided to come today just after the 8 am opening. There were 17 others waiting, so I'm glad I brought my phone

                          No other plans today. No school pick ups as it's GS2's Christmas party at school.

                          Have a good Friday everyone.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Hope your not waiting too long Gem.

                            I've been to the post office and posted the christmas cards, before the next strike which is on the 9th.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good Friday morning everyone.

                              Mimi, I hate this grey, damp and dark weather. My mother always used to call this time of year "the dark days before Christmas", and I can see what she meant. It's dismal.

                              Alexa can get above herself at times, but thumping about in the middle of the night is beyond the pale. Unless, as you suggest, it's the naughty elves winding her up!

                              Gem, I hope you haven't had to wait too long - but that sounds like a useful service. We have to make an appointment at the local hospital for blood tests.

                              Nanto, it's surprising how much space I've freed up in our chest freezer, just by defrosting and tidying it up. I'm sure you will have plenty of space to freeze your batch cooking.

                              I've got plenty to do today, so I'd better get on. See you later. xx
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Daisy, you may remember the nhs blood taking at Asda which we all loved? When that closed a big department opened at the leisure centre where I use the pool. As well as the blood taking there is the eye department. This means my auntie now goes there for her eye injections instead of the hospital. We are very lucky. Easy to park as well.

                                I didn't have to wait too long and was soon home.

                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

