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    I am going to pop out to my favourite shoe shop to see if they have any boots I like, I want to take them to Normandy also to Dunelm to see if they have a single electric blanket. We had a very sunny and warm day yesterday, now we have had rain in the night and it is very dull.

    Nanto, love the graphic. Your BIL sounds a bit of a lost sole since he retired, unlike your OH.

    Daisy, have a lovely day out, I am sure Eva will enjoy herself too.

    Gemini, exciting day for you, enjoy your meal out and the lovely drive over the moors. The Yorkshire Moors sound lovely but not for night driving. New patio sounds exciting.

    Oma, I am sure you will find something to fill your day after your visit to the shops.

    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Gem, how has the patio work gone today.

      Plant,BIL will get used to retirement i'm sure.

      Daisy,hope you have a lovely day tomorrow.
      Hope Eva enjoys her sleep over.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Eva and Cooper have had a lovely day together and I took them both back to DS2's at tea time. They are both very good in the car and sit nicely side by side in the boot.

        It turned into a lovely day today - very mild and lots of sunshine. I mowed the lawn this afternoon and did a bit of weeding. OH went out to a meeting this evening but it didn't last long and he was back before I'd even tidied up the kitchen!

        Tomorrow we're going to the Caravan and Motorhome Show in Birmingham. Just for a look round, of course! It will make a nice change to have a day out! We can pick Eva up on the way home - the house seems empty without her.

        Oma, I hope you found something to do today. x

        Gem, I hope you're having a good evening with all your friends.

        Nanto, have your DS2 and partner arrived safely, and did they recognise his Dad and Uncle without placards?

        I hope everybody else is ok?
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Good morning all.

          Daisy, what good doggies. It's so nice they get along well. I hope you enjoy the caravan day Is it at the NEC? I have only been to the NEC once. It was an education show and with the school I was working at as a classroom assistant.

          Nan2, patio went well yesterday. All slabs and the turf we needed cutting out was removed and taken away.

          As Plant rightly said, the patio work is meaning early mornings for us. I am typing this downstairs, not in bed as would be usual at this time of day.
          It's fine here at the moment, so I hope it stays so for them today.
          Just GS1 to collect later. It is his birthday on Friday so he will be mega excited today!! He begins to get excited around June
          I need to contact my friend C as well. I will update on YEO.

          Have a good day everyone.
          β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good morning. I'm ready for a cup of coffee,been outside chatting and its quite cool.

            Daisy,DS2 did recognise his dad and uncle.
            They enjoyed their holiday.

            Gem, seems as though a good start has been made on the patio.

            Daisy,enjoy your day out. It will make a nice change for you.

            No set plans for us today.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Morning ladies

              Your routine is disrupted isn’t it but all worth it in the end
              I can imagine the Birthday boy is getting excited , oh to be so young 😁

              Enjoy your day out , tell us all about it when you have a minute .

              Its bright here but nippy too, at least no rain yet.

              Not a lot happening today ,
              Taking MIL out for tea ,
              she usually goes out for lunch on a Monday with Bs sister but refused to go yesterday.
              B rang last night to ask about today and she was all for it , so fickle πŸ™„

              Did you get your boots yesterday ?

              Hope everyone is ok

              hope your alright and resting ,

              how are you ?
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good morning from a sunny service station somewhere on the M40. I’ll write about our day out tonight.

                I hope everyone’s day goes well. 😁
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Oma, I hope your Mil enjoys her tea without complaining (pigs might fly). Yes Oma, I did buy some boots, just short ones with zips and laces, easy to get into. They are Reiner, a very good make should last me a long time.

                  Daisy, did you come back from the show without buying anything?

                  Nanto, I am sure your Bil enjoyed his little trip out.

                  Clover, thinking about you and hope you are feeling okay

                  Gemini, I hope the new patio is progressing well. Birthday boy GS1 on Friday, I bet he is excited.

                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    We had a nice meal out last night with our friends, a lovely country pub with very nice staff. But boy was it wild out there.
                    Emmerdale has its 50th birthday this week and the whole week is about a massive wind storm and the soap style consequences! It was very like that Thank goodness everyone got home safely. No wind here at all when we got back
                    β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning, I am fine Oma, beautiful weather so getting out whilst it is like this.

                      I hope your MIL enjoys her tea, it is GD1's 17th birthday tomorrow, where have the years gone???? We are going out for a meal, it is usually her birthday in half term but for some reason or other that is later here this year.

                      I forgot to post this, it could get wild out on the moors Gem.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Lizzie48; 18-10-2022, 03:08 PM. Reason: This is the tree as I see from the kitchen window.


                        Had a surprisingly nice Tea out , MIL was on top form and enjoyed her Beef roast dinner ,
                        made such a nice change not having to worry what she was going to come out with for once 😁
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good morning all.
                          Lizzie48 beautiful pictures. I do love summer but autumn can have such breath taking images ( even though OH is being kept extremely busy picking up the leaves off his precious lawn )

                          YesterdYes was a trip to the hairdresser for a much needed hair cut and a chat . Whilst there I made an appointment for December so as my hair is tidy for Christmas
                          In the afternoon we had our annual gas boiler service. While the engineer was here I asked him could he bleed the radiator in the bedroom as it's never very warm. We did have have a radiator key . I remember packing it away before we moved but I havent come across it yet. We have been here 18 months so I would have thought I'd have found it by now.
                          Anyway, I was informed that the radiator didn't need bleeding, the reason for the cold radiator was the fact that the thermostat on it was broken, so it's been replaced.....We just need to afford to have the heating on now !

                          We don't have much planned for today, no wait I lie, I have to go to Co-op for some mushrooms as I am making a risotto for lunch, oh the excitement, when will it start! 🀣
                          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                            Good morning. Hope the weather is as nice today as it was yesterday.

                            Oma,glad MIL was a good girl.

                            Lizzie,lovely photos.

                            Its our 54th anniversary today,so we are going out for a meal this evening.
                            It won't be a late night as steak night at the pub is between 6pm and 8pm.
                            We've been before and its a really nice meal.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Morning ladies

                              A very Happy Anniversary , enjoy your meal out , are you going just the two of you or with family ?

                              You know how to enjoy yourself going to Co-op 🀣🀣🀣
                              Bsthe same with the leaves at the minute ,
                              Having so many trees around it’s a nightmare trying to keep garden clear especially like today when we have the dog .

                              The tree colours are wonderful this time of year till they drop πŸ™„

                              Clover have you got treatment today or is it a 3 week gap ? X

                              Not doing much today having Dog but I have jobs to be getting on with
                              Havea good day ladies xx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Morning all.
                                OH needs the laptop, and its time to get ready for aquafit so I will post properly later!
                                β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

