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    Gem, it sounds like a fun evening in store, enjoy.

    Oma, we heard its going to be very cold from 6pm tomorrow. Apparantely it last for 48 hours.

    I heard about Delilah being banned,it think it a catchy song. Hadn't heard about Hi Ho Silver Lining though.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      I heard about the cold snap heading our way too Nan2.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Just dropped in to say 'good night, sleep tight' to everyone.

        We decided on a marathon clean up today, and OH must have got through a whole can of polish! Unfortunately some of it ended up on our wooden floor in the living room, so in the morning he'll steam clean it as it's like a skating rink! We don't want our visitors to slip on it. I've only got to prep the vegetables for tomorrow and make some little biscuits to have with our coffee.

        Two of the friends are travelling from Somerset so they've got a long journey. I hope the roads aren't too bad. The other two live less than 5 minutes walk away. We're looking forward to seeing them all.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Good morning.
          Bright this morning. A bit busy, so I'll pop back lat.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Morning Nanto/ladies

            Daisy have a lovely day with your visitors ,

            We leaving at 9 to go see Finley ,
            It is almost a hour away ,
            They take him swimming at 12.30 on a Sunday ,
            Unfortunately today was the only day we could arrange so although it’s a short visit we will be pleased to see them .

            Towels in the wash if they not done by time we leave they will just have to sit there till we come back 😁

            Hope your night went well

            I will pop back later xx
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Oma, have a lovely visit with Finlay.

              Had a busy start to the day. Preparing dinner for today and making one for the freezer.

              This is what we are having.
              No particular quantities, whatever suits you 1 Tin lean corned beef Onion, as much or as little to your own taste Tin baked beans Mashed potato Fry the onion

              It will be going in the air fryer instead of the oven though.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning to everyone, and a bright and sunny one here.

                Daisy, have a lovely day and no slipping on floors for anyone we hope

                It will be lovely to see Finn Oma. Those babies lift our hearts don't they?

                Nan2 is this the first time you will be making corned beef pie in the air fryer?

                We had a lovely evening. We didn't get to bed until after 1! The meal went well. We provided trifle, profiteroles and a box of chocolates left over from Christmas as dessert and all were well received. We played Sequence and Nostalgia, a good night.
                We didn't wake until 9, unheard of! DD1 phoned to say they would be home earlier than she thought today, so we wouldn't need to feed the guinea pigs. However as I left my glasses there yesterday we will have to call in
                We are invited to DD2's for a roast today. SIL's parents too. As it is a nice day SIL has suggested a family walk. I don't think to will be too far, but I need to try to get back into walking more anyway.

                I hope everyone's Sunday goes well.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Good moaning,
                  We were up with the lark this morning. OH fell last week and injured his thumb! It has been very swollen but all joints are moving so he didn’t think an X-ray was needed.
                  DD2 called in yesterday and convinced him to go. We went at 8.30 this morning, I dropped him off, got home, made coffee, first mouthful and he rang to be collected! We were expecting him to be there most of the day given the queues we have seen every time we have driven by.
                  Anyhoo, no broken bones but a torn tendon.

                  Nanto2, my SiL, visiting last weekend gave me a very similar recipe. OH and BiL remember it as washing day dinner.😆

                  Off to muck out the study, it’s a disgrace.
                  Have a restful Sunday ladies, the thought of ‘Happy Valley’ this evening will keep me going.😳
                  Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                  Eleanor Roosevelt.


                    Poor OH Grauntie! Soft tissue injuries hurt more than breaks.

                    Happy Valley tonight indeed! We usually record it but will definitely be watching live to avoid any spoilers.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Grauntie,glad nothing was btoken, but a torn tendon can be painful i would imagine.

                      Gem, i cooked the corned beef and onion on the hob as i normaly do. I used frozen mas for the topping.
                      Later, i heated it up in the air fryer.

                      Hope Daisy is having a lovely time with her visitors.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Ouch poor hubby as Gem said that can be worse than a break it certainly takes longer to heal .

                        So pleased to hear your night went well , I would have been there just for the trifle😁

                        we make corned beef pie a little different up here,
                        Pastry bottom
                        cook potatoes mash , finely chopped onions and add with salt and pepper , mix withCorned beef
                        Then a pastry top , any mixture left gets made into pasties . To nibble on 😁

                        Had a lovely morning with Finley even though he has a cold he was still full of smiles. 😁
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                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          He is SO cute, if we didn't have a baby of our own I would want to steal him away 🥰

                          We all had a lovely family walk on the common and in the woods. Lovely fine afternoon. At DD's now waiting to enjoy our roast chicken
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Sorry I haven’t reported in today, I have been looking after H, her mother and her daddy are both unwell, covid test taken but it is a bad cold. They have just gone home, G@T poured and I have been reading what you have all been up to.

                            Gemini, a dog or a young child in pushchair are a good excuse for a walk. You are so good at entertaining, sounds like you had a lovely time. I don’t know those games, I must look them up.

                            Daisy, I hope your day went well, food sounded yummy.

                            Oma, what a sweetie, he sits up well.

                            Grauntie, often those sort of injuries hurt more than an actual break. OH was certainly seen very quickly, you hear some dreadful stories about long waits at A&E.

                            My DD and Sil are back from their holiday tomorrow evening. I have a check up dental appt tomorrow.

                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              You must be worn out I hope H was a good girl for you ,
                              You will be pleased when DD is home I bet ,

                              Finn can drink through a straw , we were very surprised he could do that at his age ,
                              His Daddy had gave him the drink with straw in as a joke obviously once he sucked and got some juice he realised this is what you do and just carried on doing it 😁

                              He is going through the waking every hour stage , they are shattered so they are taking turns sleeping in his room .
                              He sleeps till about 2am then grizzles off and on for the rest of the night .
                              He is fighting sleep too at the moment .
                              I think we all remember that phase don’t we.

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Hello everybody. I've just been catching up with all your news.

                                Grauntie, poor OH - a painful thumb is such a nuisance. You don't realise how much you need it until it hurts. I hope that tendon heals quickly. Has he been told to keep using it or to rest it? He could have let you finish your coffee before ringing to be picked up, though!

                                Nanto, corned beef pie sounds like a perfect dish for a winter's day! Did you enjoy yours?

                                Oma, Fin is such a scrummy baby - you'd forgive him keeping you awake half the night, I'm sure. Clever boy, too, using a straw so young. xx

                                Gem, your party certainly went well! I'll have to look up the games as well as Plant. I'm sure a walk was just what you needed today, and I've hardly been through the door, but it looked lovely.

                                Plant, I'm sure you've enjoyed looking after H today, but I bet you're exhausted! I hope her mummy and daddy are soon better - there seem to be some really bad colds about at the moment. Safe journey home to your DD and SIL for tomorrow. I'm sure you will be glad to have them back in residence next door.

                                Just going to watch Call the Midwife - back in a bit.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

