Lizzie, yes, I'm sure it is 1930s - and it's very pretty. In some ways, it would be nice to use heirlooms like this. It harks back to a slower pace of life, doesn't it. Treasure it.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Well, that's on C******** present sorted! I did a papercutting class this afternoon which was a family tree, so I did one for DD. I'll take a photo and post it tomorrow. It's in the car and I'm not going out in this rain to get it in!!!
I'm now dogsitting at DD's. They've takne advantage of GS being in Spain to have a night away. They're in the Cotswolds somewhere! It was easier for me to come here than take doggo to mine. He's very restless though, but we had a walk earlier so we don't have to go out later.
Watching the programme about the storm of '87. I'd come back from Australia and that night I was woken with dustbins being blown along the road and no power. I had to negotiate blocked roads and diversions to get to the house to check on it in readiness for tenants moving in! The forests in Suffolk were almost flattened but is amazing to see how they have regrown now.
Night night ladies xx
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
Nanto, so pleased that J is home. I hope he's getting good pain relief so he can get some sleep. I don't suppose he had much in hospital.
Lizzie, that B&B sounds very civilised - how lovely. We nearly always use mugs at home, but it's nice to have a cup and saucer when you're out.
I do like setting the table for a special meal - a proper white tablecloth (although I hate ironing them), placemats, "silver" cutlery (it's only plated silver!) and plain white china, then a nice centrepiece of some sort and contrasting napkins! It's silly, I know, but I still do it.
Good night everyone, sleep well. x
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
What a time to have been out checking on your house. Lots of people had power cuts, didn't they. We didn't hear it and the first we knew was the next morning when a friend rang to say did I think the schools would be open. You can still see where some of the trees came down in the New Forest, but as you say, it's amazing how others have grown to take their place. After the next storm a couple of years later they left the fallen trees unless they were a hazard, and a lot of them carried on growing!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
A bit damp out there this morning.
Hubby going to the airport today to pick up DS2 and his partner.
Our brother in law S has just retired from work, and i think some days he is at a bit of a loose end.
The following is a conversation between hubby and S yesterday.
S, is P (me) going to the airport with you.
Hubby,yes she is.
S, oh its ok,if you had been going on your own, i would have gone with you.
Me, i don't mind if S goes with you, i'll stay at home.
Hubby tells this to S. So S is going with hubby.
S, says we need a placard with the name on.
Hubby, its ok S, i think he'll recognise me ,his dad.
S, oh aye.
Chicken casserole for dinner with dumplings.
Have a good day ladies.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Good Monday morning everyone. It's damp and drizzly here.
Nanto, that conversation made me laugh out loud! It's funny how the mind works sometimes, isn't it! I bet your BIL felt a bit silly.
We've got our DS2's dog, Cooper for the day. I'm going over to collect him in a minute. They have got someone coming to mend a damaged window this morning and adjust a couple of others which are difficult to open/close. Cooper is the softest dog imaginable, but he is quite vocal and it's disconcerting for anyone who doesn't know him when 35kg of well muscled dog comes up behind you and 'talks'. This evening I'm taking them both back to DS2's. We're out for the day tomorrow so Eva is staying there overnight and we'll pick her up when we get back tomorrow night.
I hope everyone's week gets off to a good start.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
A lovely cat Good Morning graphic there Nan2 LOL at the airport placard conversation!
Patio start day today! We are expecting them around 8.30. It is my monthly reflexology morning too. I have warned her there may be chaos, but that the work is at the back so just to park elsewhere if they have parked on the drive.
We are eating out tonight with friends. Us and two local friends meeting up with Scottish friends who are staying an hour or so away. They do this every October and generally come over here one night. To save them that dark drive back over the moors for once we are all meeting over there for a pub meal. OH doesn't mind dark driving, luckily. No way would I be driving in the dark across the moors!!
Have a good Monday everyone.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Gem, an exciting start to the week for you! I do hope the patio work goes smoothly. I'm sure you will have a great time this evening, and I don't blame you not wanting to drive over the moors in the dark. I have to drive in the Forest in the dark and I don't mind, apart from other drivers who drive too fast and forget there are ponies and cattle on the roads and don't dip their headlights when they should!
Have a lovely time.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Morning ladies
Just think how nice it will be sitting on your new patio next summer Gem 😁
I never liked night driving I can’t see very well in the dark .
Are you going anywhere nice tomorrow ?
It’s the same with Storm because he is so big he can look a little scary but he is so soft and scared of everything 😁
I can just imagine your DSs face if hubby stood with a sign 😁😁
Not much on today , pop down Lidl and B&M that’s about it , bit of a boring day but I’m sure I will find something to do .