Yes, I can understand that Plant. Do any of your friends have anyone they can recommend?
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I think if you can get someone you trust and like then it’s a good idea ,
I wish MIL would agree to some help , we have offered to pay for someone to go in and do the heavy work but so far she is refusing .
Changing bedding is hard work at the best of times .
Hope Henry’s trip to the vet isn’t too stressful for him ,
DDs cats hate the carrier ,
She had a cat a few years ago now who sadly died of old age ,
whenever this cat went to the vet it would open it’s bowels in the carrier.
Before it could be seen by the vet the veterinarian nurse would be ready to take it into the back to clean up as they knew what it was like .
DD tried everything over the years but it still got so stressed.
Have you managed to get everything straight again ,
Hows Js eye feeling once he was up and about this morning ?
Had a nice walk around the retail this morning , not as cold as I thought it would be .
Bought a few bits then went into the Lindt shop and we were naughty ,
We bought a bag of pick & Mix , B also bought a larger Lindt Chocolate bear for himself ,
Also bought some Bags of Chocolates as Christmas gifts , they had buy two get two free ,
No idea if they will last till Christmas or we will have ate them by then but we are full of good intentions today 😂😂😂
On way back we called into Matalan ,
I looked at several nice dresses but unless your 7ft tall they not for short people 😁
Came back had lunch then went to Aldi ,
B making MIL Beef Casserole , Sweet&sour Chicken andCod in Parsley sauce tomorrow to take Thursday
Needed Beef and a few other ingredients,
We also bought Cooking Apples ,
got to the checkout and held the queue up as none of the cashiers knew the code for them ,
a few tried shouting out different codes that didn’t work ,
Eventually the manager came out of the office with it ,
We we’re just about to say we would just leave them .
I hate holding people up like that it’s embarrassing 🙈
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Plant,some paid help would be good.Just be careful.
Ask around and see if anyone has someone they trust.
Gem,hope Henry is ok after his visit to the vet.
Daisy,hope OH is ok.
Oma,go easy with the chocolates.
We've had a good day. Towels dried lovely.
Hubby's sister paid us a visit. We do seem to get quite a few visitors.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
All went well at the vets. Henry's eye isnt infected or sore it seems, so no need for any treatment. Just an old age thing probably. We are to just gently wipe around his eye with cool boiled water when it is watering. Go back if any pus or signs of redness.
Our vet is lovely. He only charged £20 for the claw trimming, nothing for the eye examination. GS's guinea pigs need their claws trimming too, so GS watched with interest!
Oma, I hate you having to pay for cooking apples when we have so many!
Our washing dried well too Nan2.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Gem, I really feel sorry for cats in the vets' waiting room. It's bad enough for dogs, with all the strange smells, sounds and memories of previous visits, but for cats it must be terrifying. I'm so glad Henry was ok and doesn't need drops or anything in his eye. Your vet sounds lovely.
Oma, naughty you going in to the Lindt shop! I have a mental pic of B sitting on your sofa with a huge chocolate bear, and wondering if he will start with the ears!I find it quite depressing that dresses only seem to be made for people with waistlines and long legs!
Plant, how disappointing for your DS and DIL to get Covid. Please give GS3 our best wishes for his new flat. I hope he stays negative. Did you get your cakes made ok? I think it's very difficult when we need help with certain things, and changing a double or king-size bed is one of them! I saw an advert recently for duvets with permanent covers and you just throw the whole thing into the washing machine. It sounded very convenient, but I don't know what the quality was like. Have you tried asking on a local neighbourhood group if anyone can recommend a cleaner?
OH has had a good day today, and even done some paperwork!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning everyone.
Very chilly here this morning and the heating isnt working!!! Our boiler is in the loft (ridiculous) so OH will go up and have a look.
I'm glad your OH's eye feels more comfortable Daisy.
At least ironing warms you up Nan2!
A nice day today, with a lot going on. Aquafit this morning. I'm glad to be going after missing two classes last week because of my tooth. This afternoon OH and I are, with a small group of golfing ladies, going out for an afternoon tea. This is to celebrate the 70th birthday of two of them. Later we are going to see and hopefully buy, a second hand car seat. I will write more about this seat if we get it. It looks fabulous!
Have a good Wednesday everyone.
Thinking of Clover today.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Morning ladies
Daisy I looked at that advert for the coloured Duvets but my question was when you wash them do they go flat and how long do they take to dry ? Plus how many colours do they come in, mind you the Advert I seen it was a nice shade of blue .
B has so far resisted eating his bear ,he is being good as he loves the bears and Rabbits always starts with the ears
Enjoy your day , I like a afternoon tea , B doesn’t like them so I wait till DD myself and Dorothy SILs Mam book one ,
Next one Lucy GSs girlfriend wants to come 😁
Good to hear Henry is fine , Hope you get the car seat xx
I washed this morning and they were in the tumble by 5am so dried and ready to iron ,
I will do that after lunch probably .
Hope GSgets settled into his flat soon and he avoids COVID ,
How did the cake making go , did youhave a good afternoon xx
Just waiting for Doggo to arrive ,
Cooked him fish and rice for lunch , the house stinks of it so his nose will be twitching and sniffing as soon as he comes in 😁
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning everyone. It's a lovely sunny morning here, but I think it's due to cloud over later.
Oma, you can stick those covered duvets in the dryer so I think that would fluff them up if they needed it. I also wondered what the texture of the fabric was like. Doggo will have his nose in overdrive!
Gem, a busy day for you, but a nice one. Enjoy it - you deserve some nice days after being ill for so long and then your tooth problem.
Nanto, enjoy the ironing! For once I haven't got any, and it will stay that way as long as I don't do any washing!!
Clover, thinking of you and hoping you are ok. Sending hugs. xx
We talked about taking Eva to the paddock for a run this morning, but with training this afternoon we decided to leave it until tomorrow. I'll just take her for a short walk today. OH is feeling much better, thank goodness. I just need to nag him to stop him doing things he knows he shouldn't!
I'm going to tidy up and clean the dining room this morning. It became a dumping ground for all sorts of things while the carpets were being done, and the family is coming on Saturday for a late birthday celebration for OH, so we'll need the big table.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Gemini, enjoy your Aquafit today. Good luck with the car seat, there are so many different ones now. Our cars are full of them, I even have one in my car. Enjoy your tea today with friends today.
Thinking of Clover today, I hope all goes well for her.
Daisy, pleased to hear OH’s eye is okay today. Are you pleased with the bedrooms now they are straight. I have some ironing but I keep ignoring it.
Oma, I bet Storm will smell his dinner as soon as he gets out of the car.
GGD was very poorly again yesterday, she didn’t want anyone else except her GM. DD and GD managed to get a doctors appt when GD got home from work and she now has a chest infection. Her daddy is home today so will be looking after her. GGD1 will be here today, busy life they have next door. I am keeping away from the Covid sufferers although I would love to see my GS3 before he moves on Sat. Games afternoon for me today, I do enjoy it.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Poor little girl Plant, I hope she feels better soon. I would love your games afternoon too!
Back from the pool now, having a cuppa before I shower and change for the afternoon tea, which will in fact be a late lunch for us as it's at 2.30.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning, lovely and sunny again, rain forecast tomorrow so I will get my walks in today, I am quite enjoying the walking. We have one 'warm" baker in the village, they bake the bread behind the shop. I went yesterday but the bread I wanted was sold out so I ordered one for today and I have just been to pick it up, I have placed a regular order for the Wednesday morning.
Gem, enjoy the aqua, I can go again after the holidays. I hope that you get the car seat, is it for your car?
Oma, Storm must love his days with you both!! I hope you can both manage to stay away from the Lindt Christmas presents.
Plant, I have a single bed with a wider duvet and it is so easy to change, well it is at the moment. It is very difficult to find home cleaners here at the moment, we have so many "new" houses with young couples and the local paper is full of adverts asking for cleaners.
The path near my garage was sinking, it could be from the cables, I am not sure, I have been meaning to get in touch with the council for a while, I was out yesterday in the car , it was getting difficult to drive in and out, I took a photo and mailed the council, I got home from a walk and they had been and built it up! That is very good service.
I don't know if I mentioned this but cyclists have right of way on roundabouts in the built up area's, sometimes from both directions, there are so many accidents at the moment that there is a campaign telling you to make "eye contact", I always do and always have done. I always told the GC to do the same, make sure they are seen before carrying on. There is a stall in the market with flyers etc, the police are there as well telling people what to do, especially with the darker mornings and evenings. They will be having special information days for schools etc.
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Gem, I hope you enjoyed your busy day, including the afternoon tea party. I bet it was nice to get back to the aqua class, too. I hope the car seat is easy to fit and adjust. I think you need a degree in Engineering to fit some of them.
Lizzie, What amazing service from your council, fixing the path so promptly. I think there will always be problems when bikes and vehicles have to share the same road space. But as you say, eye contact is important - it's not much advantage for cyclists having right of way on roundabouts if the car drivers haven't even seen them. Slightly different problem, this afternoon I was a couple of hundred yards behind another car on a long straight road with a 60 mph limit. I watched in horror, as the driver obviously hadn't seen two cyclists in front of him, and had to swerve to avoid them. It was sunny, but there were deep shadows from overhanging trees, and both cyclists were on black bikes, dressed entirely in black!
Plant, poor little lass having a chest infection. Has she got antibiotics for it? Yes, very wise to keep away from the Covid family, and I'm sure GS3 will be popping back home regularly to see all the family. I hope the games afternoon went well. What do you play?
Oma, I hope the chocolate bear has still got both ears!Did Storm enjoy his fishy lunch?
Nanto, did you get your ironing done?
I didn't manage to clean the dining room. I ran out of time and when the choice was walk Eva or clean, there was no decision to be made! I ended up in a hurry because there was an accident on the road to dog training and the road was completely closed for several hours. There's no easy way round so I wanted to allow extra time for the journey. Luckily the road had partially re-opened and it was ok.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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