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    c8a36187-caa7-47e0-bf4a-ec51a60d452e.jpg 0943b0ad-8cd2-4b61-97ab-ecdf160325d2.jpg Good morning every0ne, it is the Kings birthday celebrations here today, I may have a walk round the free market, GD1 is going to Rotterdam later with friends and staying the night at her friends.

    I went to the physio, he did an echo of my hips to be sure the pain isn't coming from there, all is well so it is a muscle related problem, I did have the same a few years ago, he did the dry needling, very painful but it certainly helps. He also made an echo of my hands as some days they are painful, he saw fluid near the joints and advised me to go to the doctor and explain then she can decide what to do.

    I could walk again so GD1 and myself walked to the windmill in the next village for a pancake meal. I did feel my leg now and again but I knew that could happen, it seems fine now. We enjoyed our pancakes, I had one with salmon, very tasty!

    Daisy, I can understand how you saw Brighton through the eyes of a 12 years old! There are some beautiful buildings.



      Good morning.

      Hope the pain is easing Lizzie.
      Lovely photo .

      Hairdresser is coming this morning about 11ish.
      She's a bit later this time.

      Didn't get the grass cut yesterday, so hoping to get it done today if the weather allows.

      Dinner will be cod in breadcrumbs, mash, veggies and parsley sauce.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Good morning ladies.

        Funny hairdresser pic Nan2 I love trees and one of the attractions of our house was a red leaved blossom tree in front garden and an apple tree in the back. I do agree leaves cause a mess though!

        Muscular things can be so painful Lizzie. Your physio sounds helpful. Lovely pictures, beautiful GD

        I'm glad your leg and foot are less swollen Plant.

        Did you get a new sofa and chair Oma?

        Aquafit was fine and in fact almost pain free for the first time since the sciatica started few weeks ago.
        I had coffee with my friends afterwards then a quick lunch at home and to my nail lady. I chose a deepish turquoisey blue with paler stripe. She knows I want glitter nails so she shows all she has of those which is LOTS. The one I chose are a new style. I was intrigued by the diagonal stripe, which it turns out is achieved by passing special magnet over the polish once it is on the nail! I will try to do a photo later.
        OH and I then caught the bus into town and went to Bettys where she had the famous Fat Rascal and I had a fresh fruit cream heart, both with tea. Both delicious of course!
        The position I was in to have my toe nails done plus the walks to and from the bus stops sent my sciatic nerve into great pain though. I had my stick but it doesn't really help. It took a lot of rest and hot water bottle application and painkillers for it to ease. In retrospect it was too much on one day.

        Anyway, I have no plans today so will be taking it easy at home. I will decide what to take for the weekend away.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Lizzie, those pancakes look delicious and your GD is beautiful, love her hair.

          Nanto, love the graphic, I don’t know where you find them.

          Gemini, do be careful, you need to be fit for your trip to Brighton. You are very adventurous with your nails.

          I have my lady gardener coming at 11am and my Covid jab at 1pm. Feeling relieved about my leg but tired after the long hospital visit. After I had an X-ray, I was then taken to a room, there were three medics there, one took my pulse and BP, the man took loads of blood and at the same time a lady with a foreign voice behind a mask asked me lots of questions. Because I couldn’t understand her she just shouted louder. I eventually told her I can’t understand what you are asking me so she removed her mask. (That is the polite version) I really said you are asking me too many questions, I am not deaf, just an old lady.

          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Good for you Plant.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Thanks ladies, Plant, she has lovely hair, she says it gets in the way sometimes!!! Being so curly! The pancakes were delicious. Take it easy today Plant, relax!

              The same goes for you Gem, take it easy.

              GD1 has just left, I don't think she will make a long day of it, she said she hasn't slept well from pains in her stomach, that time of the month for her.

              I have been to the village, last year I bought a lovely knitted throw from the wool shop for my bed, they are the samples that they make, today was a crocheted scarf, I was telling the man how pleased I was with the throw I bought last year, he showed me a crocheted one, wool, I couldn't resist that could I! I also got a long cardigan and jumper from a clothes shop, that was it today.

              My groin is feeling so much better, I will have a bike ride later to get some tomatoes.

              DS1 and family have Buckingham Palace and the History museum on their do list for today.


                Morning Ladies

                those pancakes look yummy ,
                A very pretty girl you have there , where will you put your new throw ?
                Pleased your groin pain is muscular and nothing more serious

                Is the weather good enough to get the grass cut this afternoon ,
                Its cold but dry here .

                Your nails sound posh you will have to show us 😀
                I love Betty’s fat rascals years since I tasted one .

                We chose a nice cream leather three piece suite from Sofology ,
                We didn’t order there and then as we wanted to look in other shops and by time we did I was too tired to go back so we going in the morning to order it .

                Hows your sciatica today has it settled again xx

                Good for you telling her she wasn’t making sense and it wasn’t your hearing ,
                How is your leg today any better ?

                We went to MILs this morning took her food for the next 3 days ,
                She was her usual charming self as usual so no change there .

                Watching the man over the road going out to work wants to know who he has staying there as he didn’t lock his front door ,
                I said it’s got nothing to do with you who he has there , she insisted it did as she doesn’t want just anyone living opposite her ,

                She said I’m going to catch him and ask
                B said don’t you dare mother keep your nose out , you may not like how he responds to your intrusion in his private business.
                Unbelievable at times
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good Thursday morning, everyone.

                  Lizzie, I love your GD's hair as well. Those pancakes look fabulous, but quite filling I should think. Your physio sounds very helpful. It sounds as though you had a good time in the wool shop as well as the clothes shop. It's dull and overcast here today, so I hope the rain holds off for your DS1 and family in London.

                  Plant, good for you for telling that arrogant person to stop shouting at you. It's one of my pet hates that 'professionals' fire rapid questions at you without giving you time to consider the answer or explaining obscure technical words. I know they're doing it every day, but in that case they should know better!

                  I hope you are having a relatively easy day to recover.

                  Gem, I look forward to seeing your pretty new nails. You must have felt so pleased that aquafit was less painful. Do take it easy today though. I don't know what a fat rascal is! I hope it's delicious.

                  Nanto, I hope you're able to get out into the garden and do the lawn. Do you just have your hair cut or do you have a blow dry as well?

                  I've got a relatively free day today, but badly need to catch up on things domestic. It's surprising how quickly things like the washing, mud and bits on the floor and carpets and the dog hairs accumulate in our house.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Oma, our posts crossed. Your MIL continues to surprise me with the things she thinks and says! Can you just imagine her confronting a neighbour and asking about his private life. Anyway, perhaps the front door locks automatically when you close it.

                    I hope you don't have to wait for months for your new furniture.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Daisy, here are the Fat Rascals, like a mega scone. Very big and tasty.


                      Don't overdo the cycling Lizzie, as your groin is just recovering! I hope your family have good time in London.

                      Nosey MIL Oma!

                      I have hung out washing and now it is clouding over. No rain forecast though. Is good to have a free day but I am missing baby E!
                      I am going to paint a stone for Henry's grave this afternoon.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        We are still hoovering and finding dog hairs days after having Storm ,
                        You think you have them all then one pops up on your trousers or on the coffee table and even up your nose at times 😁

                        When we looked at the furniture yesterday they said 9 weeks , that’s not bad we have waited 20 weeks before .
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Oma, glad to hear your MIL was her charming self.

                          Daisy, i only have a trim with the hairdresser. She cuts hubby's hair as well.

                          Didn't get the grass cut. Hubby wants to leave it until the weekend.
                          He has started putting new plastic cladding on the front of the garage today.

                          Plant, well done you for speaking out.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Gem, I went on the E bike so that did the work for me, no tomatoes as yet, I was talking to the grower, he said they were late planting then the weather hasn't helped, they hope they are ripe enough next weekend.

                            I just arrived home when GD1 phoned, ill, she had fainted and was sick in the crowds, a policeman helped them, even got her something to eat and drink, I told her before she left she would have to eat. Her friends got her to the station, she said the crowds were unbelievable! She phoned me from the metro then I met her at the station here in the village, she just got out of the car and was sick again! I got her to bed, she could be almost 18years old but at times like this still a child! I got her a hot water bottle for her stomach pains then went down with a bucket of water to swill the footpath.

                            I have just been in to see how she is, she fancied some fruit and warm milk so I hope she keeps it in.

                            Daisy, the throw is on a chair in here at the moment, I can't crochet but I can see there is a lot of work gone into it.


                              Someone, other than family are going to tell your Mil where to go. What a cheek! You are so quick at choosing something like a new suite, it would take me at least a few weeks but then I hate choosing something new.

                              Gemini, those fat rascals look good, would love to share a box with someone. Love curd tarts too.

                              Friend has been again to do some more gardening for me, I couldn’t help as I had to rush to get my Covid injection done and then called in to where I get my aids from to get them fixed. Whilst I was out I remembered I had left 2 eggs on to boil, Sil rescued them although I wouldn’t fancy eating them.

                              Nanto, you are always busy with some project. I am at an age where I will not be made to feel stupid and that is how I felt.

                              Daisy I hope you managed your domestic day without interruptions.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Oh poor GD Lizzie, I hope she's ok now .

                                High dramas here.
                                DD1 fell at the swimming pool while GS was changing.
                                Nothing broken but they think she winded herself. She was very scared. A member of staff drove her to the hospital. Her best friend who lives near the hospital came over to keep her and GS company then I drove over and collected GS. I have just fed him at ours and will take him home soon and wait there until DD gets back. Which may be some time!!

                                OH not back from golf yet which is also a bit worrying.

                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

