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    Been a day of sun and showers.
    Hope it decent weather tomorrow,we're hoping to get some gardening done.

    Oma, we both enjoyed our dinner today.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Forgot to say
      I was chatting to Sum1 last night , herself and T are off to Portugal today for a week , a walking holiday looking at Birds and plants , they are really looking forward to it 😁
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oh how nice for them Oma

        All sun and no showers here Nan2. Wet roads on the way to mum's though so it had rained nearby.

        Phew those would be expensive onions Daisy!!

        Nice to have something booked for June Lizzie.

        Not a good visit with mum really. Dementia is so hard on sufferer and loved ones. She did eat both cream cakes however. I hope for a better visit next time.
        Even though not driving sitting in the car was very painful.

        Time for a cuppa and some custard creams, which always cheer me up!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Daisy, It is growing really well . I hope that one day it will look like the one in the photo again. Philodendron-hederaceum.jpg I think it is this one. PHILODENDRON BRASIL


            Lizzie I used to have philodendrons years ago. They are beautiful plants. I may get myself another!
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Gem, this was given to them 5 years ago by a grower, it was gorgeous, it is high, maybe over 5ft or more. When I "trimmed" it, I had a bin bag full of dead vines!!


                Lizzie, that's beautiful and looks a picture of health with such glossy leaves. I'm sure the one you trimmed with grow to be just as gorgeous with your green fingers.

                Gem, I'm so sorry your visit to your Mum wasn't great today. As you say, you just don't know, but you've had a couple of good visits recently, so hopefully the next one will be better again. Sending hugs - it's very hard. xxx

                We got a bit of gardening done, but the wind was ferocious and then after lunch it rained. I felt drained though and had a lazy hour or so reading before I took Eva out for a walk. I'd planned to take her for a long walk in the Forest, but with the rain and wind and being tired we ended up with a walk round the block!

                It's good to have Gardeners' World back on the screen, and to see all the plans for spring and summer.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Morning all

                  Daisy and Plant, I don't think the rash is shingles as it isn't painful even though it appears to look similar. Any way I've got a drs appointment..... in May a day before my hospital appointment and I wasn't even surprised by the long wait as sadly it seems to be the normal thing now. Its tragic what's happening to our health care .

                  We had a lovely card pushed through our letter box yesterday from our neighbour who fell down the other day . It's got lovely sunflowers on the front and a lovely thank you message inside.
                  Apparently she is well albeit a little batterd and bruised.

                  Gem your visits to your mum must be so emotionally hard, hopefully the next visit will be better for you both. Do you think that the sciatica is taking its toll on you because of the stress of your dear mum's suitation?

                  Yesterday I brought a new hanging basket. We have a 'sun trap ' spot in our garden so we have decided to grow some tumbling tomatoes in it. .We used the grow them regularly and they were always very tasty.
                  Last Monday morning OH was surprised to see a 1 pint glass bottle of milk on our doorstep with a note attached explaining that it wasn't placed there by mistake , it was free from the local dairy. When I looked around all the bungalows and houses had a milk bottle on their doorsteps
                  When I compared the price of the milk with Tesco for exactly the last thing, the milk from the milk man is 1p more . We have decided to have milk delivered instead of buying it from Tesco. I have always preferred milk in a glass bottle as apposed to in a plastic bottle. Our delivery will start next Friday.
                  I happen to see the milkman yesterday morning and he said that most of it residents in the bungalows have taken up the delivery option .

                  Good heavens Daisy, the price of the onions! You wouldn't want to eat them at that price, they would need to be placed on a silk cushion and displayed in a glass cabinet!
                  We haven't had any subs in our grocery orders for a few weeks now the salad marlakely has settled down, well in this neck of a woods it has.

                  Nothing planned for today but next week is busy. OH has an podiatrist appointment, I have a Specavers appointment and later in the week I am having coffee with my friend and my boss and his wife who I used to work with many years ago. We are meeting at the garden centre just up the road from where I live.

                  Have a good day everyone
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Mimi, lovely that your neighbour sent you a card for helping her.

                    Lizzie,the plant looks happy where it is.

                    Plans for today were to go to the supermarket,and then do some work in the garden.
                    If the rain keeps up, i'm afraid no gardening will be done.

                    For dinner today,i really fancy a cheese omelette. Hubby won't though.
                    Probably get him a ready meal.

                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Hello everyone. A bit of sun peeking through here.

                      Good morning Nan2, beautiful jug of flowers there
                      Thank you for the clocks forward reminder!​
                      Daisy, watching Gardener's World and the like is preferable to being in an actual garden in nasty weather

                      Mimi, have you tried anti histamines for that rash? As you say, shingles is painful so probably not that.
                      I do think I found it harder with mum yesterday due to the pain and worrying about the pain as it were!
                      We grow tumbling cherry tomatoes in a hanging basket each year and they are always tasty.

                      Today GS2 are going to See Jurassic Live! I bought tickets for this as part of his Christmas present. OH will drop me off at the venue. The plan was then for GS and I to have lunch in town after the show, the DD meet us and drop me home. There is nowhere to eat close to the venue and walking is so painful at the moment that I am going to ask DD to meet us with the car at the venue, or somewhere near.

                      I hope everyone has a good Saturday.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Gemini, I hope you will not be in too much pain for your cinema visit.

                        Mimi, I am astounded at the price of vegetables generally. I bought a red potato yesterday and it was 59p. I like a jacket pot occasionally.

                        Nanto, I had a cheese omelette yesterday, a tasty standby.

                        No real plans for today, go with the flow kind of day. We have sunshine atm, no doubt it will be raining when I want to get in the garden. I need to fill the bird feeders.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Good morning, Nanto, that isn't a photo of the plant, just one similar, I will post a photo when it looks like that again!!!!

                          Gem, I hope you manage to enjoy the show with GS2.

                          Mimi, how kind of your neighbour to put a card through the letter box. As for the milk, I can't remember when we last had milk in bottles, never mind being delivered! I did read that from next month there will be deposit on drink cans, we have had one of small plastic bottles a while now, that seems to be working so I do hope this does, in fact the deposit is more than the drinks in some cases.

                          It is still very windy but I have managed to get my car cleaned, it really did need it. It shines again.


                            Morning Ladies
                            Rain and cold here .

                            Best to get DD to pick you up , you don’t want to be walking to far with pain like that
                            Hope GS2 enjoys the show

                            Im not a lover of house plants but that is a fine specimen you have there ,

                            Just seen about the Onions , as Mimi said they should come on a silk pillow at that price 😁

                            The milk man wasn’t daft was he , a few free bottles drummed up good business for him .
                            If we used more milk I would do the same but we don’t , I did try it a while ago but the milk was going off before we got to use it so not worth it for us ,
                            B doesn’t like milk , I have some in tea and occasionally I will have it on cereal but that’s it .

                            If it’s anything like the weather we have you won’t get any gardening done today .

                            Its nice that GD has a little bit of garden , is it big enough for H to play in ?
                            I wonder how many tomatoes H eats when they are ready 😁 our boys loved to be able to pick them themselves .

                            I was up early and did my weekend housework,
                            B went to pick up a new water filter jug we had ordered from Asda only to find they had substituted it for a totally different one that my filters I have wouldn’t fit ,so he had to decline the order.
                            Wasted journey
                            We have ordered one from Amazon instead .

                            Off to our friends after lunch ( Son in-laws parents )
                            We usually meet for breakfast on a Sunday but she’s not feeling up to it this week, her legs are very swollen with the Lymphedema and this week are causing a lot of problems for her .
                            Im taking her some Bailies Macaroons her favourites to cheer her up 😁
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Just come back from a sunny but extremely windy walk. I hate gardening in the wind so I find something to do indoors.
                              Just before we went out the post man arrived with a small parcel for me It was a plant I ordered from eBay. I don't tend to buy plants online but I have brought from this seller before and I have to say I'm never disappointed.
                              The plant is a hydrangea but its one for planters. Its called Runaway Bride .

                              Oma actually I don't like milk on its own but I drink a lot of tea and I have a small splash on cereal also OH likes a mug of hot chocolate and I do make sauces, cheese sauce, parsley sauce etc

                              Just looked out of the window, it looks like it's about to rain, came home just at the right time

                              Don't forget to put your clocks forward
                              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                                A rather late Good Saturday morning from me. The sun is shining and the wind is doing its thing with gusto!

                                Nanto, I've got a bunch of daffodils in a jug that shape. They really shout "Spring is here!"

                                Gem, I hope everything has gone well for your visit to Jurassic Live. I'm sure sitting for any length of time is painful, so not having to walk or drive will help a bit, and I hope it doesn't spoil your enjoyment of your outing with GS2. It sounds as though he still loves his dinosaurs. x

                                Lizzie, isn't it nice when the car is all clean and shiny! The trouble is here it never lasts long and my car is always covered in mud (winter) or dust (summer).

                                Plant, I hope the rain holds off so you can get in the garden. Thanks for the reminder - I need to fill our bird feeders as well, and to get some more seed for them.

                                Oma, I bet B was cross about that wasted journey. I hope your poorly friend is feeling a bit better, and I'm sure you'll make her laugh and forget her troubles for a while, plus her favourite macaroons, of course.

                                Mimi, I had a coffee-over-keyboard moment at the mental picture of an onion on a silk cushion. Thanks for the giggle! I'm glad your neighbour is recovering from her fall, and she must have appreciated your help a lot.

                                I think I might try a tomato hanging basket this year. I stopped doing any hanging baskets from years ago because of the pain of watering them, but I'm desperate for a bit of space to grow a few veggies - I miss my allotment and greenhouse, but I know it was time to let them go.

                                I have never stopped having a doorstep delivery for milk. I'd be for ever running out if I had to go to a shop for it. We use quite a lot - OH has milk on cereal, we use it in tea and coffee, I make rice puddings, custard (Birds, of course), and cheese, parsley, and other sauces. A few months ago in a bid to get rid of some of the chemicals in our lives I changed to organic semi-skimmed. It is a bit dearer, but not that much in the general scheme of things. We have Milk & More and they deliver a whole range of things besides milk, so I use them to top up on things I run out of mid-week.

                                Mimi - if your milkman delivers other things as well, try the fresh orange juice - it's lovely, and cheaper than onions!!!

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

