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    Wow Daisy, very expensive onions.

    Not done any gardening. Been very windy and rained off and on.

    Went to the supermarket early this morning.
    We use a lot of milk,considering there is only two of us.

    Next door neighbour has been given a greenhouse, it had been his dads.
    So hubby has benn helping him to sort it.
    I think they have got all the framework up.
    Hubby still round there.

    Gem, hope you have a lovely evening.

    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Had a lovely afternoon with friends ,
      She was feeling more upbeat when we left .
      had a good laugh drank Tea &coffee ate cakes and feel full now 😁
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Doesn't look a bad morning. Hope the weather holds, so we can get the garden done.

        Oma,glad you had a lovely afternoon.

        Dinner today is pork loin chops,swede and potato mash,cauliflower cheese and green beans and gravy.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good morning everyone. Did you remember to change your clocks? We forgot all about it! We have several clocks which need manually moving on.

          Nice meal planned Nan2.

          It will have done your friend a lot of good Oma. Time spent with good friends, especially if coffee and cake are added, is always a mood booster

          GS2 and I had a lovely time at the Jurassic Live show. We were on row C (it's a very big venue) so had close of view of everything. The animatronics were amazing. I do love dinosaurs as well as GS, so it was thrilling. At one point there is a T Rex which has 'escaped' and is looming over the first rows of the audience GS turned to me wide eyed saying 'This is the most terrifying moment of my whole life' !! He held my hand throughout most of the performance, but enjoyed it very much. Mummy picked us up outside and dropped us both at Pizza Hut at a shopping park. She did some birthday shopping for GS then met us as we finished our lunch.

          OH and I are going to have a drive out to the coast today. I will probably sit in the back, like a taxi! When I can straighten my leg out rather than sit with pressure on the nerves it is less painful.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Morning all, did you all remember to put the clocks forward?

            OH is planning to spend sometime in the garden today, he hasn't looked out of the window, he may well have to change his plans.

            We are having lamb shanks with veg today, not forgetting the very important mint sauce.

            Read a article on line this morning, "Can you put your shoes and socks on while standing on one leg " The simple answer to that is no . I can still stand on one leg for a good few mins . I sometimes practice this when cleaning my teeth.

            Have a relaxing Sunday everyone

            Gem just read your post about the clocks .😄
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Read a article on line this morning, "Can you put your shoes and socks on while standing on one leg " The simple answer to that is no . I can still stand on one leg for a good few mins . I sometimes practice this when cleaning my teeth.

              I can't do that either Mimi!!
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Good Sunday morning everyone, as we in the sunny south celebrate the first day of BST with rain - lots of it!

                Gem, enjoy your day out - a breath of fresh sea air always makes you feel better, doesn't it.

                Oma, I'm pleased your friend was feeling more upbeat. Sometimes we just need to forget our troubles and have a good laugh, don't we.

                Nanto, how do you cook your pork loin chops? I never seem to have much success with them - dry and tasteless usually.

                Well most of our clocks/timers etc sort themselves out, but I had to change the clock on the cooker manually. What a performance. OH does the 'ordinary' clocks.

                Mimi, I haven't tried standing on one leg to put on shoes and socks, but I'm sure I can't! I can stand on one leg but not for long if I close my eyes!

                I've got plenty to do round the house today and keep promising myself I'll do some baking. We'll see.
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Morning ladies

                  I fall over standing on two legs so I have no chance 🤣🤣🤣


                  Its raining hard here , hope hubby gets in the garden before it finds your end of the country 😁

                  Hope it’s not as wet at your end and you can get out to the coast or you will be watching the sea from the car ,
                  GS looks so happy on those pics 😁

                  Well it was bedlam around ours last night .
                  Watching TV and heard a huge bang , ran to the patio doors and two cars had crashed into each other at the back of our houses,
                  Everyone was out to help ,
                  It was dark and wet so didn’t help , it’s our perimeter road and on a bend so anyone coming out of the junction by our cul de sac if the cars are coming around the bend at speed you have no chance ,
                  Its not a busy road but when cars do come down they speed ,

                  Both cars were just a mangled mess and two drivers were trapped by the air bags ,
                  Neighbours managed to get one woman out and someone brought a chair for her to sit on ,
                  Took 3 hours to get them both to hospital and then the clear up , two lorries to haul the wreckage away and then a Huge motorway cleansing wagon to clean away the glass and debris ,
                  The road was blocked of till about 12.30 .

                  Never seen so many police cars in one area , fire brigade , two Ambulances etc ,
                  Hope they are both ok , the lady they got out was bleeding and shaken but could walk , don’t know about the other driver , he was stuck till fire brigade got there .
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Our posts crossed , we have the same carry on with our cooker clock , wish they would just leave the times alone no need to be changing them these days .

                    Just realised my Late sister would have been 72 today , I feel guilty for not remembering 🙄😢
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Oma, you remember your late sister all the time. No need to feel guilty about not remembering it was her birthday - and you did remember anyway! xx

                      I hope everyone is OK after the crash.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Oma, how frightening it must have been to see the two wrecked cars. I hope both occupants were ok. I'm happy to keep summer time right through the year, because I hate the long, dark evenings. I'm sure your late sister would understand, and you have remembered on the actual day of her birthday. Sending hugs. xxx
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning, the wind has dropped but now we have the rain.

                          Standing on one leg and other balance issues we have to deal with at the classes I attend, that and the important "poise"!

                          Oma, that must have been a bad accident. My friend was telling me about one up near Aberdeen, I think he said 17 vehicles were involved.

                          Gem, enjoy your day out to the coast.

                          Daisy, I have to do a few clocks myself, the one on my Ebike display I go on YouTube to find out how to do it!

                          I have got the beds make up for the girls coming on Friday.


                            Oma how frightening last night must have been.
                            You didn't really forget her birthday, judging by your post it was still very early. Don't be too hard on yourself.

                            I no longer have the cooker or microwave clock on as I switch them off at the mains so I dont need to change the clocks which saves a lot of kerfuffle with cooker clock as it's a b****r to get right

                            DD sent me a picture of youngest GS skimming stones across the sea at a pebble beach not far away from where they live.
                            I can remember being with my dad down at the river skimming stones and then later on taking our 3 children to the river to show off my stone skimming skills only for them to beat me rather spectacularly.
                            Happy simple days !
                            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                              Most of my clocks change themselves, just need to do the mantle clock, Sil will do the central heating clock. I don’t bother with my cooker clock, Alexa is my timer. We are going to GGS’s party lunch later, he was at school on his birthday. I had a bad night, my arm was very painful so I didn’t want to get up this morning once I got it comfortable, still feel half asleep.

                              Gemini, have a lovely trip to the coast

                              Oma, that sounds like a very bad accident near to you.

                              Will pop back later.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                The clocks that needed changing manually,we did last night.

                                Daisy, i do the pork loin chops in the air fryer.
                                Before that i used to fry them very gently.
                                They don't take long to cook,depending how thick/thin they are.

                                Oma, hope those involved in the accident wren't too badly hurt.

                                Got the gardening done yay.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

