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    Sun is shining,but had a bit of rain during the night,which was forecast.

    Lizzie,you would be welcome to call in for a Sunsay dinner.
    How lovely to be given a bunch of tulips. We've got a good display of them in the garden.
    Pleased you ebjoyed your family get together.

    Not much happening today for me anyway.Hubby will be out getting his jobs done if it stays dry.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Morning Nanto /ladies

      Lizzie I love fireworks but hate any fairground type of ride , wouldn’t get me on one for anything ,
      I feel unwell and anxious even being by them , As a child I felt the same way , I can’t even say I enjoyed the slides in the park ,
      In them days they were very high I couldn’t go up the ladders .

      not a bad morning , still very fatigued but so much better , The heads willing but the body ain’t as the saying goes ,
      I want to do all sorts but I’m just too blooming tired and think nope it’s not going to happen 🙄😁

      Hope everyone is ok , I wonder how WG is and the house move ,

      I will pop by later see how you all are xx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma, take it easy, I was ill yesterday after the brunch, I think too much sun and pollen! I had a temp of 40 when I went to bed, so warm all night, headache etc etc, I even did a test, it was negative.

        The same as you, I will take it easy today. I used to like fairgrounds but no more.

        It is another sunny day here


          Good Bank Holiday morning, everyone. It's sunny here and promising to be another beautiful day.

          OH had gone off with the trailer to the tip. We still have to make appointments, but he's hoping he will be able to park near to the garden waste bin so he doesn't have so far to carry stuff. The staff there go out of their way to be unhelpful, so it's always a trial of patience - proper jobsworths!

          Lizzie - you must have felt awful with a temperature of 40. Yes, definitely a day to take it easy with lots of fluids and rest. I'm sure all those lovely tulips will put a smile on your face.

          Oma - it's quite surprising how tired Covid makes you isn't it. Even when you're testing negative the fatigue can wash over you without warning. I hope B has hidden all dusters, mops and cleaning equipment from you.

          Nanto - your garden tulips sounds lovely. I have one pot of them and they are over now. I shall have to dead head them today, but they've been such a cheery splash of colour for two or three weeks. Your OH sounds busy.

          I used to love all the fairground rides - the faster the better. But I couldn't go on the scary ones now.

          Have a good day everyone. xx

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            I think we are going to have another sunny day. Sil cooked a lovely BBQ yesterday. GS2 and his partner were here overnight but are going to her parents today. GS1 and his family are coming today and GD1 and baby H, she was a star yesterday.

            Oma, at least you are listening to your body. I have only just got my energy back and attempted some gardening yesterday.

            LizzieI love tulips in a vase, love the shapes they take up and even like them when they are faded. I have grown a lot in pots this year, they are just started to flower.

            Used to love the fair when it came to Hampton Court but couldn’t afford to go on the rides when I was a child. We still have a charter fair on our village green in September, one man used to come every year during the war to keep the charter going.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Hello & a Good Afternoon to everyone,I have caught up with everyones news I hope you feel better today Oma and still taking it easy.
              I have felt tired and not interested in doing anything the past few days but have enjoyed seeing the family when they called in yesterday for an hour or so,No4 DGS came with his mum (my DD) and told me he is going to be a daddy in September he is 26 GF is 25 so another GGC for me before xmas,the present list is certainly getting longer each year.

              The sun is shining here and washing drying nicely on the line so ironing will be on the to do list tomorrow my ironing basket is looking quite empty at the minute for a change I cracked on with those dreaded KS quilt covers and patted myself on the back for getting them done and dusted.

              Henry has been sunning himself on the grass for the past hour or so he has found a spot he likes just under the bird stand he can see everything that is going on from there he has stopped trying to escape out of the garden now so he must feel really settled after moving in here,Jim talks to him over the garden gate Henry just looks at him with his head on one side taking it all in.

              My two GGC came to visit on Good Friday and it was a joy to see them they where off to the petting farm with DD to visit the pig & giant tortoise they have adopted they didn't manage to get there as GGD was poorly in the car and they had to take her home she had been feeling off colour during the week and I think she was maybe over excited poor child,mummy put her to bed and she slept for a good few hours she was fine by Saturday morning thank goodness.

              Enjoy the rest of the day I'll catch up over the next few days xx glamma xx
              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                Hello everyone.

                Forgive me for not responding to posts, although I have read back.
                Rainforest cafe was a success 😊 It was a terribly hot and humid day , ending in a
                ​​​​​huge storm . This meant no Epcot fireworks, and everyone totally drenched. I don't know if my sandals wi recover! Wading through ankle deep, or at times deeper water isn't what they are designed for.
                universal islands of adventure today, and no rain forecast.

                Have a good day and keep well everyone xx
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Glamm Congratulations another Baby how lovely 👶🏻🫃
                  What a shame poor GGD was poorly but there’s other days .
                  Henry sounds a little darling 😁

                  Gem was GS2 ok in The Rainforest cafe Did he get frightened ?
                  Sandles are not made for wading are they😁

                  Plant nice to here the BBQ went well the weather was nice wasn't it , Did you make a start on your Summer house clean out .

                  Lizzie how do you feel today ? Do you think it may have been to much sun ?
                  The Tulips sound lovely , mine in my Garden are just blooming now they late I think .

                  B is making a start on the panelling just doing a bit at a time , he is enjoying the challenge of all the angles he said ,
                  Havent heard any swearing yet 😂😂

                  I blocked and banned a silly post this morning
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Well done for seeing off that silly post Oma. Good to hear that you feel up to B getting back to the panelling.

                    BBQ went well yesterday and today I got my GS2 to lift out the furniture, it is now vacuumed and mopped out and furniture back, all ready for nice snoozes. GS2 and his soon to be wife only stayed one night, they had to get back to London. GS1 and his family are here today, I have been shot several times by my GGS and we had an Easter egg hunt. Baby H is back here today, her daddy is working.

                    Lovely news Glam, new babies are always a delight. What a shame your GGD was too poorly to pet the animals. We have a similar thing near to us and we saw 2 baby goats being born last week.

                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Oma, feeling a little better thanks, sleeping when I feel like it, I was in the shadow, I think more of all the pollen and whatever it is in my sinus's.


                        Lizzie - your sinuses must be painful. It was a good job you could stay home and sleep as much as you wanted to today.

                        Plant - you've been wanting to get your sunroom ready for summer for a while, so it must feel good to get it done. I'm sure everyone enjoyed the Easter egg hunt.

                        Glam - what great news, another baby to love and cuddle. I'm sorry you've been feeling tired. But you have been quite busy lately, and have also been settling Henry down and making sure he's happy. It all takes it out of you.

                        Gem - a video of the storm was on a weather FB page I follow. It was certainly stunning. What a shame about your sandals - I hope they dry out ok. Hopefully it's a bit cooler and less humid after the storm? I hope Universal Island of Adventures kept everyone entertained and happy - and no more storms. I'm looking forward to hearing all about your adventures when you get back. Have you heard how you mum is?

                        Oma - thank you for dealing with the bad guy/girl. My tulips are all over now, but it's great to have some late season varieties. There are such lovely colours. I'm glad B is enjoying doing the panelling. It must be quite fiddly with all the angles and corners.

                        We've had a busy day. I gave both bathrooms a good clean while OH was at the tip. The jobsworths there were as unhelpful as ever. We had planned to do jobs in the garden, but OH suddenly asked if I'd like the summerhouse painted yellow inside (it was a rather grubby, boring white). So that's what he did. I was a bit surprised, then I realised he'd found the part tin of yellow paint lurking in the garage, couldn't bear to throw it away, so thought about using it up on the summerhouse. It's quite bright! I rubbed down a dilapidated little bookcase I've been meaning to do for ages. It's ready for painting now. I just use it for cookery books, and the dog's harness and lead tend to get dumped on it. I did a few odd jobs round the garden, and was so pleased to see tiny little leaves appearing on a cornus I cut down hard. I thought I'd lost it! One of the apple trees we planted a few weeks ago has suddenly sprouted flowers all over it!

                        Our roll-up garage door has broken! OH managed to get it closed, and someone is coming to repair it tomorrow morning. OH has an eye injection in the afternoon. I hate him having afternoon appointments - it's always more uncomfortable the next day.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Well today was a much better day. We managed to do all the rides ( apart from Harry Potter ones) in the park with far less queuing than we feared. On Thursday we are doing all the HP stuff. We even got home in time for everyone to have a swim. GS2 was amazed that it is possible to swim in the dark!

                          OH and I are taking a rest day tomorrow and GS2 wants to stay with us.

                          I will catch up with posts tomorrow.

                          Good night all!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Good morning ladies. A bit chilly out there but its bright.

                            Gem,glad you had a better day.

                            Glamma,congratulations for the new baby.

                            Daisy,hope hubby is ok after his eye injection.

                            I won't be in much today. I'm going into town with hubby,but he will meet his pal and go walking.
                            A bit of shopping for me,including the butchers. We will meet up and come home together.
                            This afternoon we are out for a meal with DS2 and his partner.
                            They go away tomorrow on my birthday, so they have asked us out today.

                            Have a good day ladies.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning Nanto and your very elegant and vibrant friend! Enjoy pottering round the shops and your meal with DS2 and partner. It's a good job my OH has the man coming to repair the garage door - it will take his mind off the hospital later!

                              Gem - I'm sure you need a rest day - and it sounds as though GS2 is the same. Has he been a bit overwhelmed by everything? So many new experiences, the weather, even swimming in the dark! That must have been exciting for him.

                              I'm just off for a shower and then will take Eva out to give her a good walk before leaving her this afternoon while we're at the hospital. It's nice and sunny but not quite so warm yet. Not complaining!

                              I hope Oma, Lizzie and other poorly people are on the mend, and hope WeeGranny's house move is going ahead ok.

                              Enfys - I hope you are enjoying your garden with this nice weather. x

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Morning ladies ,

                                Nanto have a lovely day out and your meal out tonight xx

                                Daisy I hope J is ok I hate late appointments too ,

                                Well after my test fading I have done another this morning and it’s full on again , I’m so disappointed I thought I was over it
                                oh I have developed a very strange rash under one arm too 🙄
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                                Last edited by Oma; 19-04-2022, 07:52 AM.
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

