Enfys, there are so many testing positive aren't there! I had to laugh at you throwing the tests but best to keep safe 
I agree it would have done you good to get out, and there is no recommendation to stay in because someone you know has tested positive, and you took all the right safety measures.
Poor OH Daisy, I hope he feels better soon and you don't catch it.
After a very late start we got all the Christmas boxes and tree packed away in the loft. Then we watched the Downton Abbey film, a good way to spend a dull wet afternoon.

I agree it would have done you good to get out, and there is no recommendation to stay in because someone you know has tested positive, and you took all the right safety measures.
Poor OH Daisy, I hope he feels better soon and you don't catch it.
After a very late start we got all the Christmas boxes and tree packed away in the loft. Then we watched the Downton Abbey film, a good way to spend a dull wet afternoon.