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The Daily Drop-in

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    The sun is out and we are out and abbout today.

    First port of call will be here

    Blacker Hall Farm (
    We go there for caoffee and i love their butchery department.

    Next will be here

    hampsons garden centre - Google Search
    Hubby wants a grassy plant.We will have dinner here.

    Last stop will be Asda.

    Thats our day taken care of.

    Hope you all have a good one ladies.

    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Good morning ladies.

      I hope you all have nice day ahead of you.

      Nan2, I love farm shops and garden centres (especially when they have cafes ​ ) That sounds a good day.

      Daisy, last year GD was very into art stuff, this year more face packs etc.

      Oma, it's lovely that GS1 is such a regular visitor . He loves his nanna and granddad!

      We are going to M and S at some point. OH wants to look for some summer trousers ( a little late in the year I fear but you never know!) and we will probably pop into the food hall too.
      No other plans today. It's sunny so may be nice enough to sit in the garden .
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Morning ladies
        Off to Lidl soon for their fresh rolls then to DDs
        B has decided in his wisdom and after I have cleaned all the dust and mess , to sand the Breakfast bar work top that he said didn’t need doing 🙄

        Atleast that only needs a light hand sanding as it wasn’t very long ago it was done ,
        It will still create dust but not as bad as electric sander .

        We so lucky he likes spending time with us and he’s always telling us he loves us it’s so nice 😁❤️
        I’m still looking for new summer clothes , at the moment I don’t like the styles of a lot of dresses frills and bows are not my thing I like straight and simple , hard to come by ,
        I have a few pair of beige summer cotton trousers from M&S , easy to wear and wash and iron well ,
        Hope S finds some she likes

        Enjoy your day out , I also love a garden centre with a cafe , we meet our friends every other Sunday in Garden centre cafe 😁
        Lunch out is another treat and why not you deserve to treat yourselves xx

        Daisy they grow up so quick don’t they , seems one week they want toys next week makeup scary

        Have a good Saturday ladies xxx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Far too late to say 'good morning', in fact it's nearly tomorrow. We've had a busy day (another!) and I'll write about it tomorrow, as I'm too tired tonight.

          Night, night everyone. Sleep well.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Good morning,its a sunny Sunday. Apparently there is another heatwave coming.

            We had a good day out yesterday.

            Hubby gone to the car boot with his brother.

            On Friday we had a load of bramley apples given.
            Apple pie and crumble making day today then.

            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good morning dear ladies.

              Daisy, I hope you slept well. I did I'm pleased to say, as I slept very badly the previous night!

              Nan2 we have a very good car boot sale in the next village all summer. We haven't been for years, we keep saying we must go one Sunday morning. It means getting up early though
              I hope the heatwave isn't as bad as the last one!

              No plans today. We are going to change the bed and getting the bedding out in the sunshine. Long day tomorrow with our annual day to Filey then GD and GS2 overnight, so I will get their rooms ready, and dig out the buckets and spades!
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                I do hope the temperature is not going to reach 40 again this week, I love the sunshine but…..No plans for today, baby H is next door so I shall see her later, she must wonder where she is from day to day she was with her auntie yesterday. Her other GM used to look after her twice a week but she has now been transferred to a hospice, very sad. No plans for me, I might go for a stroll.

                Nanto, I love apple crumble and pie, even just stewed apple. That is very early for Bramley apples. Does your OH sell at car boots or just buy.

                I will pop back later when I am showered and dressed.

                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Morning ladies
                  live been up since 5 ,Ive done my weekend cleaning that I usually do on a Saturday .
                  Brian was busy oiling the breakfast bar worktop so was making a mess yesterday that’s why I didn’t get it done .
                  Showered and washing in ,

                  B going to DDs today to help SIL erect a new summer house and potting shed ,
                  DD into her gardening and wanted a potting shed for ages and a little summer house
                  This one is a duel one , one side house one side shed

                  Sun is out and looks like a nice day
                  I will get the ironing done when the clothes dry , in the mean time I will potter about ,

                  Its ages since we went to a car boot too the same as you we keep saying we will go but never get around to it 😁

                  You need to slow down a bit your going to burn out ,
                  try have a easy day today xx

                  lucky lady all those lovely Bramley’s .
                  I love crumble and Apple pies I like a deep Apple pie and with sultanas and cinnamon in ,
                  Some pies you buy are just pastry and a mush at the bottom ,
                  Home made are much nicer .

                  Sad about the other GM . Baby H is loved by everyone so I’m sure she doesn’t mind ,
                  enjoy your stroll 😁x

                  Have a good Sunday ladies xx
                  Last edited by Oma; 07-08-2022, 08:28 AM.
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Plant, it's so sad about baby H's GM, is there no chance she will get better?

                    Morning Oma
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good sunny Sunday morning everyone. Yet again, I'm in a hurry as my friend M is coming round for coffee and I haven't even had a shower yet!

                      Quick catch up on yesterday. We went to DS1 and DIL1's. supposedly for the day, but we had to wait in for delivery of the monthly dog food order, which didn't come until nearly 12 o'clock because of traffic holdups. It's just over an hour to DS's on a good day. It took us an hour to get to J4a of the M3 - very good going, and then nearly two hours to do the last mile to J4, the motorway was totally closed from J4 to J3! If the sign had been put up even one minute earlier we could have avoided it. So in all 3 ½ hours to do a 75 mile journey. Still, they had saved us some lunch and we sat in the garden having a chat and a catch up. We hadn't seen them since DS1's party at the end of June, and had lots of family news to talk about. DIl cooked a lovely dinner and we got home about 11 o'clock.

                      We were both worn out!

                      I must go and get ready now, but will pop back later. Our garden is already looking sad, so I'll have to get busy with the watering can later.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Plant,sad news about baby H's GM.
                        Hubby doesn't sell at the bootsale,but they do enjoy having a browse.
                        They always come home with something they didn't know they needed.

                        I don't think the predicted heatwave is going to be as warm as what we had the other week.

                        Washed the towels earlier and they have dried lovely.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Hallo everyone, Daisy, I heard about the traffic on the radio and read about it, not knowing you were stuck for so long!!!

                          It is hot here, already, I had a bike ride early this morning and just had a walk, walking past the gardens, the plants really do need some rain, I bet it will come when I am away at the end of the month.

                          Oma, DD will be very pleased with her summer house and potting shed!

                          I called in at DS1 yesterday afternoon, well he came here first then I got blueberries at the Lidl so I took them, the carpenter is starting on their kitchen tomorrow so it was all go!!! DIL had to go to the office one day a week, so she is doing the office all this week then won't have to go in for a few weeks, she can't work from home with all the work going on around her, she was busy cooking yesterday, everything for the freezer then she won't have to cook when she gets home, GD2 was helping her, she loves helping as well. GD1 was in town with her friends. I asked if they wanted to eat here and DS1 said maybe at the end of the week, I have just seen that it will be 35+ by then to maybe not!


                            Lizzie - it was probably even worse going south on the M3 yesterday. There was at least an 8 mile tail back after two cars were burnt out - there were 4 fire engines that I could see and another still travelling to the scene of the fire. Our roads become worse every day. Your DS1 and family are very well organised for having their new kitchen installed. It's exciting, but takes some organising, doesn't it. More very high temperatures are a bit daunting after the last bout of hot weather. I feel sorry for workmen in that heat.

                            Plant - I'm so sorry to hear about your GD1's MIL. It will be very hard for them, as well as sad. How is GD coping with working full-time?

                            Nanto - my OH keeps saying he needs to do (ie sell at) a car boot scale, but I hate them and I'm not at all keen to help! I'm sure it's more fun just browsing round like your OH. Oooh, Bramley apples - they make the best apple tarts and crumbles, don't they!

                            Oma - how has B got on with putting up the summerhouse/potting shed today? I hope it wasn't too hot.

                            Gem - I do hope the weather forecast for you for tomorrow is good - warm, but not too hot. I bet all the children are very excited.

                            It was nice to see my friend M this morning, and she'd just left when our lovely neighbours popped round. We haven't seen them for over 2 weeks, between our visitors and their family who have been visiting with a brand-new baby. So we sat in the garden for a while, had a couple of drinks and caught up with each other's news. The two dogs were delighted to see each other but soon settled down in the shade and went to sleep. It's been so busy I didn't even get a chance to meet their new grand daughter.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              they got it all sorted apart from the beading trim and the felt on the roof ,
                              SIL and GS1 doing that tomorrow .

                              Its quite mild here , warm but not hot and a strong breeze blowing ,
                              I did get all my washing dried Darks and Lights and it’s ironed and away now .

                              Im not a lover of selling at car boots , we have done it twice in the past and I said I wouldn’t do it again , I was so bored .
                              Did like the money we made though 😁

                              Your DIL is very organised and I’m sure they would appreciate a meal at yours , if it’s hot you could do something light and a salad 😁

                              Last night we had Chicken and corn on the cob ,
                              Love when corn is fresh in the husks .

                              We had to close our windows a little while ago ,
                              Across the road their alarm was going off for almost 2 hours , it would turn off every 20 minutes for 5 minutes then set off again ,
                              They had to get engineer out to fix it as it wouldn’t shut off ,
                              She came around the houses apologising but it couldn’t be helped .
                              Anyway it’s fixed , could have been worse it could have been during the night .

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good monday morning. Sunny again.

                                Oma, pleased the neighbours alarm got sorted.

                                Hubby going down to the bungalow to help his brother with something in the garden.
                                I'll do my jobs before it gets too warm.

                                Salad with chicken goujons for dinner. Got a bit of rhubarb pie to finish.
                                I froze the apple pies and crumbles yesterday.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

