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    Oh WG, that looks so painful. Hope you feel better soon.

    Gem, al least you have seen your mum before you go, so thats a blessing.

    Lizzie,you did the best thing getting checked out.

    Plant,quite a few of your family members will be going away.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      WeeGranny - how awful. You must be feeling very sore and uncomfortable. I hope you haven't got too many bruises in addition to the injuries. Thank goodness you didn't have to wait 18 hours for an ambulance - how ridiculous. I'm so glad your DD is able to look after you and you've got GS and doggo to keep you company.

      Take care of yourself and get as much rest as you need. xxx

      Plant - it's a bit of a mass exodus for your family. I'm glad there are some of the youngsters around to keep an eye on you and keep you company if you need it. I'm sure baby H will keep you entertained. How is her walking coming on?

      Gem - I'm glad you were able to see your Mum, but the latest bout of Covid must have been very disorientating for her. Hopefully by the time you get back she will be more settled again. I think Covid can leave you feeling a bit vague/disorientated. I certainly felt I had no concentration for a few days.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Good morning all.

        I hope everyone is well and WG got some sleep.

        Busy day here. All the uploading to Verifly this morning is an unknown and has me tense! Can't be done until we get our negative certificates.
        I will report back.

        Have a good day. Sunny here.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Good morning. Sun is shining,birds are singing.

          Just tidied up my mothers day flowers. Only had to throw out a couple.

          Gem, i'm sure you'll manage with the veryfying.

          Not sure what we are having for dinner yet.
          It might be fish and chips,it might not.

          WG, hope you aren't in too much pain.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            A quick good morning from me. It's dull, cold and showery here - not much prospect of sun at the moment.

            WeeGranny - hoping you had a comfortable night and slept well. Take care.

            Gem - I can't imagine how you're feeling at the moment - except tense, nervous and a bit sick?? Do let us know as soon as you get your Verifly results. I'm still keeping everything crossed for you. xx

            Chat later.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Thanks Nan2 and Daisy, I've done a test and am negative so presumably the official one will show the same.
              People are saying uploading to documents Verify then linking Verifly to Aer Lingus is easy, but it doesn't sound it!! At least we will have everything printed off, so if needs be we can still show all the relevant information that way.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Morning ladies,
                We have lovely sunshine but it’s cold .

                Gem after all this stress you will need this holiday .
                Im sure you will get it sorted it’s just the unknown isn’t it . Just think ahead to actually getting on that plane 😁💕💕💕

                Daisy is it a busy day today or gardening poor J looked cold yesterday did you both have your fur knickers on to enjoy your tea and scones outside 😂😂😂

                Nanto I have just thrown my flowers out this morning they were looking a bit sad and faded .
                MILs yesterday was still looking lovely .

                I have Hairdressers at 10 then ironing I didn’t get around to doing yesterday as I would normally do as soon as they dried ,
                I was just too tired and couldn’t be bothered , nothing spoiling .

                WG hope you got some sleep , I imagine the bruising is worse today xx

                I will pop back later see how everyone is xx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Just seen DD and Sil off on their holiday, taxi waiting in the drive to take them to the airport. Hairdresser coming about 11am to sort out my hair, it has got so long, I am expecting to see GD1 and baby H today.

                  WG, I am thinking of you and wondering how you are today, you must have gone with a bang.

                  Daisy, garden furniture looks good, can’t say OH looks comfortable, he looks frozen.

                  Nanto, I have just a few bits of my Mothers Day flowers left. I think they will have to go out today. Surprise dinner for you today.

                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Good Morning all, WG I do hope you are coping with the pain from your fall its the days after that is worse I found when I broke all those bones in my shoulder nearly 6yrs ago now have you got good pain relief ? I do hope so.

                    Henry and I have had an early morning today been out for our walk and to get the paper he says hello to everyone he meets.

                    To-day is Ladies Day at Aintree and DD is going with her partner and DGD she got a late ticket from DDs partner's father who has decided he is not well enough to go the parking they where allocated with their pass was too far away for him to walk and as Daisy will know the congestion will be horrendous leading down to Melling Rd.
                    DDs hairdresser was arriving about 8am for hair/make-up she is really looking forward to the day they have a table for the day so it should be a really good day locally it will be televised as well as on ITV so I'll be scanning the screen for shots of DD hopefully.

                    All my floors have been done and washing out on the line blowing nicely sun shining so will get ironed tomorrow mainly bedding only thing putting me off are the KS quilt covers (x2) but they need doing.

                    The slow cooker is on cooking away with scouse for tonights meal so Jim will be pleased he loves his scouse with beetroot.

                    Must get on need to wash my hair and shower now I intend to watch Aintree from 12.45 I will treat myself to a plate of sandwiches and fruit to munch on whilst sitting in cosy PJs for the afternoon x
                    xx glamma xx
                    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                      Morning ladies! I slept most of yesterday and was woken by the phone at 10 o’clock this morning. Swelling going down but bruises coming up! Glamm, you’re right about the pain! SiL said last night that I would probably feel it more today and I didn’t believe him! But he was right! Doggo obviously thinks I’m getting better as he’s not sharing the bed….yet! Plenty of painkillers Glamm!
                      Gem, have a fantastic holiday it’s been a long time coming!
                      Have a good day ladies xx
                      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                      Theodore Roosevelt.


                        All 8 tests negative

                        I'm busy but wanted to let you all know!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                          All 8 tests negative

                          I'm busy but wanted to let you all know!
                          Gem -
                          Wonderful News!


                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Good news Gem.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good new Gem, I was wondering if all was going well!!xxx


                                Glamm - we were looking at the national weather forecast earlier, and I said to OH I hope it's better at Aintree than here. It would be great to see your DD on tv in all her finery. I do hope she has a wonderful time. Yes, the congestion is awful - I suppose it is at most big sporting events. I remember driving past Silverstone one day not knowing there was a race on, and it was painful! Enjoy your afternoon in front of the tv, and your Scouse tonight, of course.

                                WeeGranny - thank goodness you were able to sleep - I always think it's the best healer. Doggo has deserted his post - his job is to look after you! Take care and keep resting. xx

                                Plant - you will feel better for having your hair done, I'm sure. Pleased to hear GD1 and baby H will be keeping you company. I hope DD and SIL have a safe journey and no delays.

                                Oma - fur knickers is exactly what I need. It's still perishing cold here in the "sunny" south! I stupidly went out this morning in a thin rain jacket and it was freezing! Thank goodness for the high setting on the car seat heater. It's too wet for gardening, so we're gradually putting things back together in the house, and having a tidy up in the dining room (much needed!)

                                I've still got some Mother's Day flowers left, and a lily plant which has opened up from tight buds to full flower. I don't know if I can plant it outside in a pot to see if it will flower in the summer. Has anybody tried that?

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

