Morning ladies
enjoy dinner will you be having Yorkshire puddings with it 😁
Have you heard how Mummy & Baby are yet this morning .
We are off to the metro centre today B needs new clothes ,
Im not a fan of the MC it’s big and the floors kill my back they are so hard , but I drag him to IKEA so I have to suffer the consequences 😁
Sunny here, not sure what the weather forecast is. DD, Sil GD2 and her partner are on their way to France. They were going on the tunnel but with the queues approaching Dover they cancelled the tunnel and booked to go on the ferry from Poole to Cherbourg, this meant a very early start. Their holiday is in Normandy so they will only have a short drive when they land. I think the crossing is about 4 hours.
Will pop back later.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Nan2 I am planning roast pork for our meal, unless it's too hot which I don't think it will be .
I quite like the Metro Centre Oma.
We have heard nothing yet this morning. I hope DD and SIL had a good night. I imagine SIL will have gone home, to see their cat who the neighbour had been feeding for 3 days. To have a shower, get a change of clothes and sleep in his own bed too!
I don't yet know if DD and baby are going home today. It would be good to see them today, but we shall see!
Golf for OH, no plans for me.
Have a good Sunday ladies.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good Sunday morning everyone. How lovely to greet the new day knowing Gem's beautiful new grandson has arrived safely after a nail-biting few days. Gem might say "months"!
Nanto - dinner sounds good! Thanks you for the lovely big smiley.
Oma - I hope the Metro Centre isn't too busy - that makes it worse when you're battling through crowds. Does B know what he wants or will he want to do lots of browsing. Still, if it puts you in credit for a trip to IKEA it might not be so bad!
Plant - I hope DD and family didn't have long queues at Poole. It must be better than the Dover/Folkestone route, but you never know! We usually go from Portsmouth to Caen or LeHavre which works really well for us. At least they won't have a long journey the other side. Are they going to the property you mentioned a while ago?
Gem, I'm sure you are ready for a relaxing day after all the waiting for baby to arrive. I hope DD has managed to get some sleep, and I'm sure SIL was ready for a few hours rest too. I'm sure you can't wait to see DD and the baby, though. xx
We're getting ready for our visitor today. OH is on floor cleaning duties and some weeding in the garden, I'm making up beds, dusting and giving the kitchen and bathrooms a good clean.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
We are back , it was packed ,
Luckily B knew where he wanted to go and what he wanted ,Jeans & T-shirts .
Got 3 pairs of jeans but didn’t like any of the T-shirts ,
I went to the Handbag shop and bought a nice navy over body handbag with several pockets , I have a tan coloured one similar but needed a darker one , well didn’t need one but I wanted one 😁
from there we went across the road to the big Asda I needed orange juice and fruit and some other bits ,
We went into Wetherspoons when we got there and had Bacon sandwiches and hot drinks so didn’t need to bother when we came home ,
Im now very tired , I’m still struggling with fatigue , I can be fine one day and the next Im wiped out ,
plus it was hot in there and we didn’t get much sleep as a neighbour was having a very noisy party till after 3 this morning so all contributes doesn’t it ,
any news of DD getting home today ?
Did I miss you saying you were getting company ?
don’t work too hard
hope the family have a smooth journey ,, the queues at Dover are huge aren’t they , .
hallo everyone, very warm here again, I had a bike ride early this morning and have just been to visit the friend in the home, she got her bag ready to leave with me!! I called in at DS1 and was telling him, he said " well mum, I think it is what you would do as well"!!!
GD1 came yesterday to pick the shoes up that had been delivered here, we had a ride into the village, picked a Too Good box up from the Lidl then I rode home with her, she took most of the fruit out of the box, she couldn't believe what it cost! She is going away with her friends family tomorrow, travelling by train so took the fruit to eat on the way. DS1 and the rest of the family are going to Groningen for a week then picking GD1 up next weekend.
Lizzie, it's sad when they want to leave with you!
Enjoy your visitor Daisy.
Oma, I know what you mean about the fatigue, I don't have to do much to be exhausted. The walk from where I park my car to the hospital seemed miles and I had to rest on a bench halfway there and back.
I had gone out to buy some chocolates for DD and a couple of little things for the baby when DD phoned me. They were having to stay in hospital a bit longer than they hoped, so could have a visitor this afternoon. Only one person allowed. I was dying to see DD and give her a hug so was very glad to be going - and to meet the baby of course! I came home grabbed a quick sandwich then off to the hospital.
The baby is beautiful and looks so tiny despite being 8 pounds! He was so good and just slept in Grandma's arms The doctors are really pleased with him, he is doing well. DD and SIL are as proud as can be.
DD had lost a lot of blood but her levels are OK again now. However, there seems to be some numbness in her right leg, due they think to nerve damage from the forceps, which had to be quickly used at the last minute. Things have improved though as she couldn't walk unaided and now she can, so I think it's just matter of waiting for the swelling etc to go down a bit. She was waiting to see doctor about it. Also, they won't let her leave until she has emptied her bowels, which hasn't happened for several days. They have given her something to help. They were still hoping to be allowed home today, so fingers crossed. DD will sleep lot better at home.
I have posted another baby pic on YEO
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Gemini, how lovely to see your new grandson and to hold him. No name yet?
Daisy, who is this secret visitor you are having to stay? DD has just sent me a message to say they have arrived okay, they are staying in an hotel tonight. I and the family sailed from Poole some years ago, it is a very enjoyable sight as it has to be piloted out of the dock. I hope when we go to the house in Oct. The problems will be over.
Oma, do you think your fatigue is from the Covid infection?
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Plant, his name is (almost certainly!) Elliott. I think there is a middle name but I'm not sure what it is yet. The name hasn't been announced to the whole family yet, so no doubt we will find out the middle name then.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
my little nephew who will be 3 next month is called Elliott 😀
Hope They get home tomorrow but till then shes in the best place till the numbness sorts itself
Yes its long covid the Dr said , They said it could last months then just dissappear or last a year or more it's just a waiting game .
I definitely don't have the stamina I had before , I have to do a little at a time and pace myself some days .
As Gem said just walking a short distance and you have to sit down for a few minutes .
Good to hear your DD arrived safely , how long have they gone for ?