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The Daily Drop-in

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    Gem, glad you enjoyed GD's dance show.
    Enjoy your catch up with friends tonight.

    Oma, enjoy your meet up woth friends and DD.

    Mimi,how sad about your neighbour.

    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Good Sunday morning, everyone. Yesterday seemed to slip by very quickly - not sure where the time went, but I think I was so chilled out by the spa day I was on slo-mo! I'll write about it later.

      Mimi - what a sad and dreadful thing to happen to your neighbour. I think extremes of heat and cold are sadly both risk factors for heart attacks. Well done to your GD on passing her driving test - I can imagine how pleased she was. My GS1 is still on cloud nine about the freedom driving gives him - he's lucky he only has a short journey to work and his car's quite economical to run.

      Gem - I'm glad you enjoyed your GD's dance show, and it sounds as though you did everything possible to stay safe. Like Oma, I'd love to see photos if they were allowed. I do hope you can see your mum tomorrow - is she better now? Enjoy your evening with your friends. Exciting to finally be packing for your holiday. xx

      Nanto - I'm glad the vacuum sealer has passed its test with you! It does sound very useful in lots of ways - perhaps it's going to be my next treat to myself! Oma, I remember Tizzy getting one and being a bit shocked as how quickly her OH got through a whole roll of bags. Sweet memories.

      Plant - I'm glad you're getting the rest you need. It's hard to accept sometimes you just have to 'give in' and listen to your body. Both OH and I found our energy levels fluctuated wildly for about a week afterwards. But I console myself with the thought of all those lovely anti-bodies surging round! How kind of your SIL and siblings to go to Wales with his mum's ashes so their sister can join in. I'm sure there will be tears and laughter as they remember their mum.

      Oma - I really think you will have to take a wee dram (or several) to get some sleep! (I know it doesn't really work, but you must get so tired.) It's lovely that your GS1 is trying out different 'looks'. This is the age to do that, and my GS2, who's 17, has currently got his hair shoulder length with a blonde streak. He likes experimenting with clothes as well and went to school on Friday wearing a hoodie, shorts, a scarf and bright red fingerless gloves. Both our sons look back on their teenage photos with horror - "did you really let me go out looking like that".

      I wonder how WG is getting on with her house move, and hope Glamm is enjoying her friend's visit.

      Enfys - I hope the frost these last two nights haven't affected your lovely spring garden. Perhaps you escaped it being nearer the sea than us, but it's been down to -2C overnight.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Good morning, Mimi, that is so sad about your neighbour. It happened to my neighbour about 12 years ago, poor man.

        It was very cold yesterday, I managed to have a bike ride for my eggs, the wind was wicked!!

        Oma, teenagers will change their looks, I remember DS2, he was a DJ at the clubs in Rotterdam, he had long hair at the time, one day he had it dyed green!!! He has gotten over that phase in life though.

        Gem, good luck with the tests this week.xx DS1 is in the UK at the moment,he arrived in Leeds yesterday.

        I got a message yesterday that BIL is driving back home today, he did sound better the last time I phoned and he said he would be home again soon, the only thing is his memory is deteriorating fast, his DS1 said he will be OK driving back home though, I do hope he is. He will have a carer is daily to see that he takes his medicine and eats well etc then they are trying to get him into a "memory clinic". I have noticed he was losing his memory, ever since my sister died he seems to repeat himself etc.

        I see those vacuum things when they are on offer at the Lidl etc, it wouldn't be much use to me though, it isn't very often I freeze anything.

        Gem, the dancing would be nice to watch, GD2 is practising for her end of school musical, DS1 said all been well we should be able to go and watch.


          Gemini, getting close to your departure, is the family getting excited. I do hope your mother is well enough for you to see her. Have a nice evening with your friends.

          Daisy, your GS2 is certainly cultivating his style, sounds very colourful.

          Lizzie, I hope your Bil will be okay on his journey back.

          Mimi, your poor neighbour, this dreadful cold weather isn’t good for the frail.

          I will pop back later, I have just had a shower and got dressed so neeed to have a rest.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Daisy my DS says the same thing to me , he went through a phase of Oasis hair and clothes look , now he’s horrified
            I tried telling him at the time 😁

            I slept Ok’ish last night went up at 11 slept till 4 got up for a while then went back just before 6 till 7 so not bad 😁

            Mimi we have just been talking about them passing and the price of fuel , I told B what your GD said about not liking the price , he said he feels sorry for the young drivers as they tend to travel more than us socialising etc so must take most of their wages ,
            GSs college is 10 minutes drive away and he has just got a new job about the same distance so won’t use up too much fuel .

            Lizzie I always think dying there hair or cutting it is something they all try , they could be trying worse things so have to be thankful it’s not harming them in anyway 😱😁
            I hope your BIL got home safe ,
            Is your DS in England long or just a flying visit x

            Plant take things slowly , no need to rush is there xx

            Had a nice couple hours with our friends , dropped DD and Storm back home ,he is coming to stay the night as DD and SIL are having a night away and Josh having some friends around ,.
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Oma, DS1 is working but at the moment walking round the Railway museum in York!

              Oma, that is what teenagers do, I was only pleased my 2 sons never got a tattoo or a piercing!


                My DS has tattoos , so has GS as long as they not on the neck or face or hands I don’t mind ,
                GS as you see also has piercings I hate his eyebrow one , he did have his nose pierced but took it out when I said it looked like a blackhead 😁
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  DD2, my more daring DD, has 3 tattoos. The first two when she was 18, the third when she was 40 - 4 stars near her wrist, one for both each decade of her life, and also for the 4 of them.
                  THe others are on tummy and small of back so rarely seen.
                  I hate facial piercings as I feel it is all you see! I agree with you about nose ones Oma 😄

                  It's sunny in York Lizzie 😊 Or it is 4 miles away anyway!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Well we managed to get all the gardening done.
                    Washing dried lovely in the sun and breeze.

                    Both of our boys have got tattoo's but you would only see them if they went half naked.
                    Hubby has one on his forearm,had it done many many years ago.
                    I've got two. A four leaf clover just above my left boob.
                    And chinese characters on my left shoulder spelling serenity.
                    I was in my 40's when i had the first one and 50's when i had the 2nd one.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Not really a tattooed or piercing family but GD1 has something to do with Harry Potter on her wrist and my GD2 has several ear piercing and I think she used to have a piercing on her belly button. Oma, I dislike tongue and nose piercings and those ear piercing which leaves a large hole in the earlobe. Barbers offer more than haircuts too and I don’t mean something for the weekend!!
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Nan2 I had a brief phase of really wanting a tattoo in my late 40's early 50'S. The idea of the pain put me off though and then after a while the urge passed!

                        Speaking of teenage fashions, my DD1 looks at photos and says 'Why do you let me go out looking like that?'!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          I have the boys names on my right upper arm got first when I was 48 second at 52
                          Plant I said to GS don’t even think of your tongue or those stretcher holes in your ear lobes ,
                          Thankfully he doesn’t like them either
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning everyone.

                            I have been awake for hours, pointlessly worrying about one or all of us testing positive by Friday. I have done my test this morning and its showing negative.
                            I will see my mum today so needed one anyway. Until I speak to someone this morning I'm not sure if the home is still closed to visitors. I think it will be so we will just have a little drive in my car and have tea and cakes in there. At least I will see mum and she will see something other than her room.
                            OH and I need to go to the post office today to collect the dollars we ordered.

                            I hope everyone is well or on the mend, and has a good day.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good morning. Had a bit of rain during the night,pleased we did the gardening yesterday
                              Feels a bit milder.

                              GD2 has got covid.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                I'm sorry to hear about your GD, Nan2. I hope she has it mildly and recovers fast x
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

