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The Daily Drop-in

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    Lizzie - what a lovely thing to do with your friend. She obviously loved every minute, and how kind of the waitress to keep an eye on her and chat to her. Her daughter must have been very pleased as well.

    Nanto - how lovely to have good weather and be able to sit and chat in the garden again.

    WeeGranny - you made the most of the sunshine. Although we had the sun it was a bit breezy and that kept the temperature down a bit. I'm sure you wish your DD would take a few days off and rest properly. I have been told by so many people that you need to rest, rest and rest, and I'm glad I don't have the distraction of work piling up on my desk.

    The only people I know who have had a 4th jab so far are those considered very vulnerable - like my DS1 and a couple of friends.

    I did a bit more planting this afternoon - I'm taking it very slowly (not enough energy to do otherwise!) but it's all progress towards getting the garden how we want it. OH is busy painting the stairs before the new glass panels arrive. At least I'm outside, enjoying the fresh air - much better than paint fumes.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Another beautiful morning. Enjoy it while you can.
      Saw the weather forecast earlier,and apparently its all going to change next week.

      Daisy,good to hear you are taking it slowly.

      Hope Gems mum is a bit better today.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Good morning Nan2. Good morning everyone.

        Yes Nan2 I heard the lovely weather may be changing for while next week. Nice just now though How nice that you got to sit in the garden yesterday.

        Daisy, I'm sure paced gardening as you are doing is doing you the world of good, being out there.

        You had a busy day yesterday WG!

        I'll be in touch with the care home once their morning rush of helping residents get up and serving breakfast is over. Fingers crossed Mum had a good night.
        Both our lateral flow tests are negative again this morning so the hairdresser can come as planned at 9
        Golf for OH later, and her golf friend , who is also my aqua friend, is coming for tea.

        Have a good day ladies, enjoy the good weather.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Gemini, I hope your mother has had a good night, what a shame you are back to square one about not being able to visit her.

          Daisy, a bit of pottering in the fresh air should be good for you instead of the paint fumes. What colour are you having on the stairs. A pic when they are finished please. I hope your OH doesn’t go down with Covid.

          Two WI members have reported they tested positive for Covid after the meeting last week. I wasn’t able to stay for coffee so did not do any mixing after the talk. I havre been invited to DS and Dil’s for Mothers Day lunch, I suppose if GS is negative by Sat and the others test themselves, I could go, we shall see. Had a lovely short time spent with GGD’s, they both have colds. Baby H is so pleased with herself when she walks, she is not able to push herself up from the floor yet, she takes off from the furniture with a smile on her face.

          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Morning ladies
            another lovely morning ,
            We have been to Aldi and I just put a cardigan on rather than a coat it’s so mild out ,

            Nanto lovely to be able to sit out in the garden it seems so long since anyone could do that doesn’t it .

            Gem hope news from care home is good and Mum isn’t too I’ll with it,xx

            Daisy you will look all posh when your stairs are done , has Eva been ok having no panels on stairs ?
            How are you today ?

            Plant just as well you didn’t stay after the talk , fingers crossed everyone is negative for Sunday ,
            Seems strange saying Baby H is walking as it doesn’t seem that long ago she was born 😁

            I have to go to DRs at 12 with my BP readings , all a bit high so no doubt it will be a change of meds again 🙄
            from there to MILs take her enough meals and puds to last 3 days ,
            BBQ chicken with 3 veg , Chicken Curry and rice , Beef stew and red cabbage ,
            Apple Charlotte , Rhubarb pie , Pinapple upside down cake plus two lots of custard ,

            She can’t say she hasn’t anything in to eat now , Bs sister took her Sausage casserole on Monday .

            B wasn’t to well after his jab last night had a temp of 102 but he’s fine today just a little reaction .

            GS was funny yesterday he’s becoming a fine young man ,
            He is tutoring a 10 yr old in maths and they were talking about stuff , this little lad was asking if GS had a girlfriend GS said yes but told this little fella not to be thinking of girls yet he’s only 17 himself and he’s giving girl advice out 😂😂😂

            Storm sat in the garden all day yesterday only came in for food , spent ages watching next door cats over the fence

            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              With his new car outside ours and Grandads tea shirt he has borrowed never to be seen again 🙄😁
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              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good morning, lovely and warm again, I must twisted my knee during the night, I could hardly walk this morning for the pain, it is easing now though so I am on the move. I have got hoovered through and expecting a parcel anytime then may have a ride to TKMaxx, I may buy a maxi style dress, it depends on how I look in it.

                Gem, have you heard anymore from the home yet? A worrying

                Oma, you could deliver me those meals! I do hope your MIL appreciates it all. I didn't have a jacket on yesterday whilst cycling, well a denim jacket thing and it was warm enough. Your GS is a wise young man giving out advice like that.

                Nanto and Daisy, you would enjoy both the day in the garden, there is so much in colour at the moment.

                Daisy, about the paint fumes, can you still use (buy) paint on terpentine base? We can only get it on water base for indoors, it is available for outdoors, but, the price you have to pay for that.


                  Good Morning All, I hope you are all enjoying this lovely weather.
                  Daisy I'm glad you are feeling somewhat better take everything slowly and rest.
                  Gems sad to read about your mum & your visits not going ahead again such a shame for everyone I do hope she is feeling better.

                  These past few days I have had a spring clean sort of thing,bagged up everything not worn for a while and the last of Js shirts & jeans which where sitting in a box and taken them all to the Ukraine appeal centre along with baby toys which I have had for my little ones.

                  Oliver is not liking Henry but they are tolerating each other more every day my youngest DGS has fallen in love with him and is here every day to see him they have become best friends.

                  Today I am going for brunch again with my DS1 and little DGD (3) we can sit outside to eat as they are doggy friendly its down near the Prom so a really good view over the River Mersey which is wonderful when the sun is shining.

                  DD has finally completed her outfit for Ladies Day at Aintree she was needing a little clutch bag in coral and I have every colour of clutch bag except this colour its always the way isn't it ?They have a table for 12 booked in the "posh tent" her partner and his parents go every year I can't wait to see her dressed up in her outfit she has taken so much time organising it and sourcing exactly what she wanted.

                  Enjoy the rest of the day and the sunshine I heard it is going to change next week.

                  Bye for now take care everyone x glamma x
                  Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                    Good morning everyone.

                    We overslept this morning and haven't been up long, but the sun's shining and the garden calls.

                    Gem - I do hope your Mum is ok and had a comfortable night. I'll catch up with everyone later. xx
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Glamma, make sure you get a photo of DD in all her finary.

                      Plant, lovely to hear about baby H.

                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Daisy, I am pleased to hear I am not the only one who can sleep in. If the sun is shining it is in my bedroom first thing so that gets me up.

                        Just been up to our nearest parade of shops. I needed to replace one or two things in the hardware shop which is marvellous, came back with what I wanted also a smaller ironing board. I find it near impossible and rather dangerous to put up my present one, it is too large and heavy. I stopped in the cafe for a coffee and biscuit and bought something for dinner from WG’s favourite butchers, a nice little outing. This afternoon I am playing bowls. Today is the first day of Sil’s retirement, haven’t seen him apart from when he went to the bins.
                        I hope you are all enjoying this weather, from what I hear it isn’t going to last.

                        Glamm, Henry has certainly fallen on his short feet. You have a lovely close family to make a fuss of him. I hope your DD has a lovely time at Aintree on Ladies Day.

                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Nice to see GS and his car Oma. I'm glad B's side effects didn't last too long.

                          That sounds a nice outing Plant and good idea about the smaller lighter ironing board.

                          Glamma, good to have clear out and benefit others.

                          I hope you had a nice time in the garden Daisy, I was out pottering in ours for a little while this afternoon, and hung out a line of towels too which have dried nicely.

                          How is your knee now Lizzie?

                          My Mum is much better. She had the staff very worried as she was unconscious for over 70 minutes yesterday, and during most of that time they couldn't get hold of me as I was in the pool. Once she recovered she seemed back to normal, so it's just a matter of keeping a good eye on her. Thank you everyone for your concern xx
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Gem, my knee is improving, thanks. Pleased your mum is improving, 70 minutes is a long time to be unconscious for


                              Gem, so pleased your mum is a lot better.

                              Plant,what a lovely little outing you had.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Thanks Lizzie and Nan2!
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

