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The Daily Drop-in

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    Good Friday morning, everyone.

    Nanto - everything crossed for good new for you today. What time is GD's appointment? xx

    Plant - how is your hand today? Have you sorted out what to do about food for DD's birthday?

    Oma - I'm glad you got a better sleep last night. I'm sure your MIL slept well as well. I had to smile at Storm wanting the door opened for him. Eva is even worse, though. The door can be wide open and she just sits outside waiting for you to invite her in! I'd be happy with a couple of paw marks - all our windows are thick with salt from storm Eunice, and the window cleaner had only done them a couple of days before! They look awful, but they will just have to wait for his next visit.

    Lizzie - I'm so glad GD2 enjoyed her surprise last night. They grow up so quickly, don't they! I think using the car when it's raining is a good idea, and I know you're an early bird, but going out at that time it's still dark. We had frost overnight and it's still quite chilly even though the sun's shining.

    Gem - have a lovely day with GD and GS2. As you say, it's often nice for them to have a relaxing 'go with the flow' day at Grandma's. Both my GDs seem to enjoy that, even though I feel I should be organising exciting outings, etc for them. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better and I do hope the Deeds arrive as promised. xx

    Everyone seems to find really good bargains at Lidl and Aldi - I wish we had them a bit nearer to us. The nearest Lidl is quite awkward to get to and has a minute car park which is always full.

    A busy day for us - we were up early for Sainsburys. I'm on the second load of washing, and the good patio man is coming sometime today to put right a botched area done by the first patio man. He's also going to level the sunken, boggy areas of the lawn and reseed it. There's a big bag of soil with seed already in it sitting on the front drive. OH has put all the rubbish out for the binmen - they didn't come last week because of the storm, so everyone has got double amounts today.

    DS1 and DIL1 are going down to Cornwall for a long week-end today. They are so looking forward to having a break. They've booked a cottage in Port Isaac, and by co-incidence filming of the tenth and final series of Doc Martin has just started there. I think DIL would be delighted if there's any action over the week-end.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Gemini, have a nice day with the GC. Sorry to hear your aunt is not up to a visit, sciatica is so painful
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Plant I'm sorry you felt so poorly last night. It's a good thing you are seeing the Dr today xx
        I hope your DS and DIL have a good break Daisy.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Daisy, pleased to hear your DS1 and Dil are managing to have a break. I hope they manage to see some filming. Fancy the salt blowing that far, does the closeness of the sea effect what you plant in your garden? Your garden will be all spick and span come Spring.
          My DD says she is going to cook this weekend and freeze stuff for next weekend, she will not hear of ordering food in. We have four veggies in the family now.

          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Plant - thank you. Yes DS1 and DIL have been looking forward to this week-end for quite a while.

            We don't often get covered in salt. We're about 6 or 8 miles inland as the crow flies and the wind blows, but quite often we're protected by the Isle of Wight and the Purbecks. I've never had any problems with sea air and plants, thank goodness.

            Does your DD enjoy cooking? It's a good plan to get it done ahead and at least she can cater for the veggies in the family.

            EDIT: Sorry, Plant. I've only just seen your earlier post (crossed with mine). I do hope the doctor can sort out what caused the shaking and your swollen legs. Take care. Sending hugs. xx
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Oh Plant I hope the Dr can find out why you had the shakes and swollen legs , have you had your BP checked lately xx

              Gem I found my boys always just wanted to chill if they had a busy week , they were just as happy playing in garden or watching a movie than going out somewhere .

              Daisy the garden is going to look lovely when the summer comes 😁
              Hope the weather is nice for DS and DIL this weekend .

              Lizzie they must have the same events on at Lidl everywhere,
              we have just popped back down as I forgot the Black Forest ham yesterday , I did pick it up then MIL wanted something from the top shelf I put it down and forgot to pick it up again 🙄 .

              Dropped GS and his friend off at the Golf club for the afternoon , DD has conference calls most of the afternoon so we will pick them back up again when they are ready ,
              Once he passes his test he can do it all himself 😁
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Plant, hope the doctor has got you sorted out.

                Daisy,lovely to hear your DS1 and DIL are having a break.

                Spoken to GD1 earlier. They are sure the baby's kidney tubes are blocked.
                It's causing flowback. Almost certain he will need antibiotics as soon as he is born.
                She has to go for another scan in 6 weeks.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Nan2 that happened to my friend when she was expecting her DD2, now in her 20's.
                  They knew before she was born and it was treated when she was a baby and she had no further problems.

                  We drove to town. OH and the GC stayed in the car while I popped the envelope through the solicitors door .
                  We then went to the dance shop for GD to have a look and spend some of the voucher we gave her for Christmas. She found something she liked and spent some of her voucher. Looking around, choosing and trying on clothes took ages . OH and GS retired to the newsagents for a comic then to as cafe!!
                  GD has her 2nd booster at 6..DD booked it near to here so will leave GS here with us.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    I have a lovely new doctor, she asked me to go and see her, she is not sure where the infection is, either legs or wound but prescribed an anti-biotic which would deal with either. Dr didn’t think my BP was high for my age so took me off the BP tablet I was prescribed by the hospital after the op. I haven’t been to my NT trust today as Dr said the anti-biotic might upset my tummy.

                    Nanto pleased to hear the baby can be treated after the birth for the kidney problem.

                    Daisy, my DD doesn’t mind making Chilli and Lasagne but doesn’t do fancy cooking, usually buys puds. Her youngest DD and partner will probably conjure something up but she is a messy cooker.

                    Had a lovely face time with GD1 and baby H, I was very impressed that she already understands NO.
                    Last edited by Plantaholic; 25-02-2022, 08:32 PM.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Plant - it must be very reassuring to have a new doctor who is taking so much care of you. How are you feeling now? Does your hand feel as though it's healing up, and do you have to go back to have the dressing changed again, or can it be done at the surgery? Things like chilli and lasagne are great if you're feeding a lot of people and it saves a lot of hassle if it's something that can be cooked ahead. Baby H is doing well.

                      Gem - thank goodness the Deeds are now with the right solicitor. I bet your GD thoroughly enjoyed trying on the clothes.

                      Nanto - I hope you are feeling less worried about GD's baby now they know what it is and that it can be treated as soon as he is born.

                      Oma - we hope the garden will look nice - and be easy to maintain - once the grass grows and we get the borders sorted out. It looks very odd at the moment with half of the lawn covered in soil (and grass seed). We've put up a Heath Robinson fence to keep Eva off which worked beautifully until OH accidentally threw her ball in! Oma - just think, it won't be long before your GS1 is chauffeuring you and B round!

                      DS1 and DIL arrived in Port Isaac, but then took a wrong turn and found themselves driving down an incredibly narrow street, just a few inches wider than their car - straight into the middle of the Doc Martin set! They switched the engine off and sat there until the action had finished! They were then able to get past to get to where they're staying. They went back on foot to watch! Afterwards the cast and crew were chatting with passersby, and DIL was thrilled to get a photo taken with Martin Clunes. I think it's made her week-end.

                      We've got a few more jobs done in the garden after the work on the patio had been finished. We put an outdoor clock up, a new thermometer on the wall by the back door and a bird box round the other side of the house. At long last it feels as though it will be finished, one day!

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good morning, I had a very busy day yesterday, too busy but I do that myself. I decided to do the windows, yet again, after the storms, then the balcony needed sorted etc, I got a lovely pot from the friends house so I got rid of a few as I had far too many, my friend next door mentioned the other day that she wanted some pots so I sent her a message and they are ready to go on her balcony now. After I had finished my knee was playing up and I still had to go to the next village for a Too Good to Go bag, it annoys me that the ones at the Lidl go so quickly, this one was really good and well worth going for, the same story, some goes next door the friends came here the other day with veg etc and a pot of home made body butter that she had made for me, no perfume in it.

                        Daisy, your garden will be looking lovely ready for the better weather and you can both "sit" and enjoy it all. Is "Doc Martin" a film?

                        Plant, you are lucky with the new doctor, I am always pleased with the ones I have, all young ladies nowadays but that is how it goes. When my DIL1 has a lot of visitors she always makes a tray bake, she is a very good cook and makes different ones each time.

                        Nanto, I do hope the baby is fine and that the medicine does the work after the baby is born.

                        It is a very good forecast so I will get a bike ride in today, I won't have a walk until the knee settles again.


                          Nice bright morning here.

                          Still worrying about the baby,but the medics seem confident that all will be well,when he is born and gets the antibiotics.

                          Daisy,you will get there with the garden. Sounds like its coming alond nicely.
                          Pleased DS1 and DIL arrived safely,albeit straight on to the film set.

                          We are going to Wakefield today.We shall eat there after looking round the shops.
                          Supermarket shopping will be done in Sainsburys.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Happy Saturday morning everyone.
                            Another bright sunny one here.

                            Nan2, you cant help but worry, but try to be reassured by the doctors opinions. Have nice day in Wakefield.

                            Lizzie, I'm sorry your knee is bothering you, I know that pain! I hope the weather is fine for a bike ride.

                            Daisy how exciting for your DS and DIL!!

                            I'm glad the new doctor is so nice Plant. Is your hand getting less sore?

                            A free day today. Not sure what it holds.
                            I have a new suitcase which arrived last week. I may start checking what I have for my holiday and putting some things in.
                            I will take everything out nearer to the time to check though!
                            Many years ago I went on a Florida holiday with no swimsuits at all for DD3, probably aged about 12 0r 13. I started putting stuff in the cases very early, and neglected to realise we had none of her 3 swimsuits with us until we unpacked! We had to buy new there and her first dip in our pool (luckily if was just our family.) Had to be in underwear!!

                            Have a good day whatever it holds.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good morning ladies ,

                              Lizzie hope your knee a little better today ,
                              Doc Martin is a Tv series it’s very good stars Martin Clunes from men behaving badly if you have seen that ,
                              He plays a very stern Dr in a Cornish village .

                              Nanto enjoy your day in Wakefield buy yourself something nice x

                              Plant how are you today ? Xxx

                              Gem when my DS was about 19 he did something like that in reverse ,
                              Packed his case put two weeks worth of boxer shorts in his case ,
                              Came back with not one pair , he had to wear swimming trunks under his trousers . Didn’t ask where they had gone dread to think 😱😁

                              I have never stopped since got up ,
                              Did a dark wash , stripped beds and that’s in wash ,
                              Then I have done my weekend clean through ,
                              B hoovered through for me and gave the sofa and chais a hoover ,
                              got the pointy bit down the sides and discovered what looks like a locker key with a silver disc on .

                              Text DD not hers or SILs , text DS not his , waiting for Martin to get back to me and GS once he is up ,
                              I have a feeling it may be GSs from college.

                              If not there’s then it’s a mystery who’s it is .

                              Having half hour before I do anything else

                              Have a good day ladies xx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Who is having a secret life in your family Oma. You are certainly a creature of habit, You can come and do mine, I have only been able to nibble at the housework and there is a pile of ironing waiting. I am feeling fine, just fed up now, I want to get this dressing off so I can get on with things.

                                Lizzy, I was shocked to see the time of your post, do you ever sleep? I looked at the clock at 8 and thought it is too early to get up so turned over. What time do you go to bed?

                                Daisy, how exciting for your DS and Dil arriving on a film set. I love Martin Clunes. Have you watched any of his travel programmes?

                                Nanto, enjoy your trip to Wakefield, hope the sun is shining for you.

                                Gemini, a free day for you, not often that happens. I like to start packing early when I go on holiday and make a list of the things to go in at the last minute. Did you forget you had three children only packing 2 lots of swimwear. You must all be getting excited now, just stay well all of you.

                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

