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    Enfys, there are so many testing positive aren't there! I had to laugh at you throwing the tests but best to keep safe
    I agree it would have done you good to get out, and there is no recommendation to stay in because someone you know has tested positive, and you took all the right safety measures.

    Poor OH Daisy, I hope he feels better soon and you don't catch it.

    After a very late start we got all the Christmas boxes and tree packed away in the loft. Then we watched the Downton Abbey film, a good way to spend a dull wet afternoon.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Gem, i liked the photo of you all on Facebook as well.

      Daisy,hope hubby feels better soon.

      Had a good morning in town. It wasn't as cold as i expected.
      The only bit of rain we got caught in,was going back to the car,to go to the supermarket.

      Hope all of those with covid,cold and falls feel better soon.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Daisy hope J is better tomorrow , poor Eva wont understand why she cant play rough

        Did you get all the dog food put away ?

        Enfys i have this picture of you throwing the test kits in the door way like a discus thrower

        If its not one thing its another poor SIL .

        Nanto nice to hear you had a good morning in town , did you buy anything nice ?

        Got appointment in post this morning for Hospital for March .

        Haven't done much today just a lazy day

        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Oma - Eva was actually very good (hard to believe, I know!) Missy went into the garden clearly intending to find her perfect toilet spot, and Eva shot out past me and I told her to leave - and she did! Amazing, but true!

          Two of our neighbour's grand children came (with their daddy) to collect Missy and we had an hilarious few minutes where Eva wanted to go with them, and Missy kept coming back into our house! We all ended up with the right dogs in the end.

          March seems a long time away for your appointment, but I suppose in the current climate it's not too bad - at least February is a short month.

          Thank you all for good wishes to OH. It's fair to say he's not the best patient in the world when he's got a cold, and I'm rather of the attitude "it's a cold. It will last 5-7 days, take paracetamol, drink plenty of fluids, rest and keep warm". Not the best nurse! But he did look quite pale this morning. Looking much better now.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Feels chilly,but not bitterly cold.

            Daisy,i didn't buy anything out of the ordinary in town.
            We went for coffee,bought a few things in Wilko's. Then went to the butchers.
            Also went to my favourite card stall in the market.
            Got the cards i needed up to the end of February.
            Dined out,then went to the supermarket.
            Glad you all ended up with the right dogs.

            No Sunday dinner today. I got some steak at the butchers yesterday.
            We are having that with homemade chips,onion rings and peas.
            I wanted some mushrooms,but forgot to get them.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Morning Nanto Ladies ,
              Nanto my OH s favourite meal , Im not a lover of steak but he has Steak at least once a week .

              Not a bad morning a bit frosty when I got up but its light now and the frost has gone ,
              Going to meet our Friends for coffee this morning , nothing else planned .
              All towels in a hot wash , did a dark load and got them tumble dried so I will iron them after lunch .

              Have a good Sunday ladies xxx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good morning. A very bright and breezy morning here.

                No real plans today, but I have some things to do for WI that I’ve been putting off so must get on with that. Also I want to look at the courses I’m doing with Future Learn, haven’t looked at them for a while so really should make an effort.

                Oma, glad you’ve got your appointment through, seems a while to wait but at least you’re being investigated.

                Daisy, hope J feels better soon. I’m not a very good nurse either, not enough patience with the patient!! Glad to hear the dogs were good.

                I have Cooper again tomorrow, haven’t seen him for a couple of weeks so will be nice to have him here again. Have a good day everyone. 🌞
                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                  Good morning everyone.

                  Nan2, we are due a trip to Wilko. I am a big fan, especially since all their wipes are plastic free. I stock up on the various types when I go. I like their eight hour tea lights too, the four hour ones didn't last a winter's evening! Steak sounds good. I got two different kinds of mushrooms on the Tesco order, I'll send some over

                  Have a nice time with your friends Oma. Have they both managed to keep clear of testing positive?

                  I must look at Future Learn too Enfys.

                  Free day here too. I have some papers to print off for a friend, so I may see if they want to come over and collect them and stay for coffee. They have a good social life though, so may not be free!

                  Happy Sunday everyone.

                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good sunny Sunday morning everyone. It's great to see the sun, even though it is a bit chilly.

                    Another late start for us, but OH is feeling quite a lot better. Thank you all for asking. Not well enough to be parted from his box of man-size tissues, but definitely over the worst.

                    Enfys - what courses are you doing with Future Learn? I keep looking at them - there's so much choice. It looks as though our French class won't be running this term. The teacher has left (!!) and they haven't found another one yet. I'm sure Cooper loves coming to spend the day with you.

                    Oma - I hope you're having a lovely morning with your friends and they are staying safe and well.

                    Nanto - my OH likes steak as well and would probably like me to do it more often, but he'd pass on the onion rings. Glad you enjoyed your outing yesterday. It does us good to get out a bit, doesn't it. I love the 'milk maid' fairy's boots in your graphic!

                    No plans for today. My friend M usually calls in for coffee on a Sunday but she probably won't want to come while OH has a cold. I've got bedding in the wash and will do some painting later.

                    Gem - I got distracted while I was typing, so didn't see your post. Everyone seems to have favourite items they get from Wilko. Our nearest one is in Southampton. The nearest is difficult to get to - 12 miles away - and the other is in the main shopping mall - nearly 14 miles. Not somewhere we just 'drop in' on. I'm intrigued by the non-plastic wipes. I think I've got a packet of them somewhere, but apart from eye make-up removers I don't use wipes generally. I hope you get to see your friends today.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Morning, we have had so much rain we have extra water features in the garden!!!!
                      My laptop is having to go to Apple hospital on Wednesday as keyboard wont do spaces, so everything I write is one continuous sentence!!!! Takes ages to write anything, so need to backup before it disappears. Good thing is that it is something that has happened to my model for no charge.
                      Enjoy the sunshine if you have it. x


                        Hello Jane. What a nuisance about your laptop. I've only had to take my desktop in for repair once (fingers crossed here) and they were very good.

                        I know a lot of people with laptops who have a separate keyboard as they find it easier to type on a standard keyboard. I hope yours is soon feeling better again. x
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Woke up to a lovely bright sunny morning, no plans so another take it easy sort of day. My GS2 and his partner have set a date for their marriage in Sept. Low key sort of wedding.
                          The eldest GGC were full of beans yesterday, baby H quietly taking it all in. It is her 1st birthday on Tues, unfortunately her mother will be working.

                          Daisy, I hope J continues to improve. Well done Eva letting Missy use her garden.

                          Oma, pleased you have your appt. Even though it seems a long way off. Have a nice time with your friends.

                          This lump on my hand is getting so unsightly, I can’t wait for someone to do something about it. I might try to cover it to ge to bowls tomorrow.

                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Good morning everyone, Daisy, pleased your OH is feeling a little better, there seems to be so many people with colds etc. Eva must have decided to start to listen in case the "other" dog moves in!

                            Oma, now just the wait to your hospital appointment.

                            Jane, the "space" went on my Apple keyboard, luckily I found a new one to replace it.

                            Enfys, I could look at Future Learn, if they have me from across the North Sea.

                            I am going to do my exercise's, I do think they are helping. I have a "fuzzy" head, not really a headache so I will see how it goes.


                              Back from our meet up with friends , we went to the National glass centre ,
                              Its always nice and spacious and quiet in there , we had hot drinks and all had sausage sandwiches too ,
                              Spent a good two hours sitting chatting , we usually meet every other Sunday but haven’t seen then since Christmas Day at our DDs & SILs

                              GS1 was our topic of conversation seen as we are all his grandparents 😁

                              came out and the sky was Black but so far no rain , it’s so dark though it must be on its way ,

                              Lizzie hope the exercises work xx

                              Daisy good to hear J is feeling better , maybe better your friend doesn’t call with J being unwell ,
                              our Friends are taking regular tests ,
                              they live in a retirement complex and often bump into neighbours in the block and lots are elderly so they trying to make sure they safe and don’t pass anything on .

                              Gem I like Wilko stuff too , I try to stock up on wipes etc when I’m in there , I think they are reasonably priced too ,

                              Plant to think baby H is 1 already , another wedding to look forward to , how lovely 😁
                              Is the lump on your hand big or just you think it’s unsightly ? .
                              The sooner you get it seen too the better for you xx

                              Jane what a bother with the space bar hope it doesn’t cost to much to repair ,

                              Enfys how is your DD and GD today are they any better ?

                              Glamm how’s your DD is she back home from partners yet ?
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Lizzie, I’m sure you can. Just had a quick look, nothing to say it’s only for UK. Lots of the courses are from universities abroad too.
                                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss

