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    Gem that was one part I didn’t like doing taking the outside lights down , they cheer up horrible days don’t they ,

    Lizzie sad about neighbour but best thing really , she will be safer as her illness progresses,
    Your BIL may be better off nearer to his DS , if he has enjoyed himself being there , it’s a hard decision to make though .

    I think all over the world there are problem youths , sad isn’t it .

    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Oma, it will be difficult for my BIL but I do think it will help him. As for my neighbour, she will be looked after, my young neighbour was telling me he has met her a few times on all floors, crying with the keys in her hand as she didn't know which door was hers. She did tell him that she has alseimers so he understood.

      As for the youth, as you say difficult ones all over the world, very sad.


        Oh Lizzie, that must be so confusing for your poor neighbour. She is probably a bit better in the familiar surroundings of her home.

        It does sound as though a move to Alnwick will be better for your BIL in the long run
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Lizzie - how lovely to be buying a smaller size of anything! Especially just after Christmas. We've still got to eat our Christmas cake, and there are mince pies in the freezer. It's lovely that your GD enjoys spending time with you, and it always sounds as though you have a lovely time together. You will miss your neighbour when she moves, but it's probably better to take the room she wants now, rather than wait until perhaps she can't make the decisions herself. But still sad. It sounds as though your BIL would be much happier in Alnwick to be closer to his DS1 and family. DIL2 sounds rather selfish and insular - as you say, your BIL is her family too. Your teacher neighbour deserves a medal if he has to put up with that sort of language every day.

          Gem - the outside lights do look cheery on these dark miserable days. OH took ours down today though so they could go in the box with the other decorations. Yes, they are all put away now, aprt from a few candles which I will keep in a cupboard in case of power cuts.

          Plant - champagne on ice sounds perfect! Did you enjoy your lunch? How lovely that your SIL will get another dog when he retires. Will they get a puppy? Golden Retrievers are such lovely dogs, but I used to look after one and seemed to spend a long time grooming her, especially when she'd been in the Forest, in the river, through the mud and getting acquainted with a few cow pats en route!!

          Oma - no wonder Storm loves coming to your house for a sleepover! All those treats. Will the two friends stay with your GS1 tonight? My DS1 and DIL have left the boys (18 and nearly 17) a couple of times overnight, and both sets of their other GPs live nearby, but they have been absolutely fine. But if they leave them any longer we've offered to have Bailey the BC to stay because they are out at school and work all day.

          We decided to take Eva to the paddock this morning and were glad we did - it started to rain a few minutes after we got home! Then it stopped briefly so OH took down the outside lights - it looks bare without them! After lunch we took all the rest of the deccies down and packed everything away in the loft. Unfortunately (haha) I didn't have time to run the sucky up thing round, but there always seem to be bits of tinsel or whatever on the floor! I dread to think what might be lurking under the dining room table.

          I didn't get any painting done, though, but hopefully tomorrow morning I'll get some done. We're out in the afternoon.

          I think it's due to get a bit colder, but even though it was supposed to be 12C today, there was a bitter cold wind.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Well, i am in bed at DS and DIL, well fed and watered. They are so kind and I love being with GS3 and 4.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              The perfect end to a lovely day, Plant. Sleep well. xx
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Good morning everyone, I have been moving house and decorating in my dreams!!! I run out of paint before I finished the wall I was doing and couldn't get the same colour.! Gem, they seem to keep them occupied in the home my neighbour is going to, I have had a look at it on line, not too big and lots of personal attention.

                Daisy, you have hit the nail on the head about my BIL's DIL2, I think it is disgusting that she has never visited or asked him over for a meal, if the GS go to visit with DS2 they are not allowed to talk about my sister, it is as though she never existed to them. I hope the GC talk about me when I am gone!

                I have no plans for today, tomorrow I have to go to the cycle place in the next village (town) for the first service of my E bike, they do that after 3 months so check everything.

                Last edited by Lizzie48; 03-01-2022, 08:36 AM.


                  Lizzie,if only we could dream about decorating and it was done.

                  Plant,sounds like you had a lovely day.

                  No plans here,will just see how the day pans out.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Yes Nanto, but, I couldn't get right colour again!!!!!


                      Morning ladies ,

                      Lizzie your dream is probably all the talk of your Neighbour and BIL moving 😁
                      why would you not want to talk about your GM ? His DIL sounds a selfish woman to me , it must be hard on the GC too silly woman ,

                      Plant you sound like you are having a lovely time how long are you staying ?

                      Daisy no matter how many times you hoover a stray sparkling bit will catch your eye weeks later , I’m sure the Christmas fairy keeps some back to sprinkle and annoy us

                      Nanto nothing much planned here either a quiet day really .

                      Had Storm out for his walk , it’s freezing cold but that crisp sound underfoot is lovely when walking through frosty leaves ,
                      I don’t usually hear that unless walking the dog

                      Wasn’t even a car around so lovely and quiet , not quite light just me the dog and the tiny little birds ,

                      DD and SIL should be home by lunch time , I will ring GS soon make sure he has done everything I told him.

                      Have a good day ladies I will pop back see how everyone is today xxx
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Good morning to all.

                        Nan2, What cheery chicks!
                        Daisy, you did well to get everything, down boxed AND in the loft. There is usually a gap of several days between the various steps here
                        Plant, I'm so glad you had a happy time with your lovely family. You deserve it!
                        I wonder if the moving dream was a premonition Lizzie?!

                        We are going to leave the house today, as apart from driving to and from mum's home on the 29th I don't think I have since Christmas Day! OH has played golf once I think.
                        We may go to the coast. We earmarked today for an outing, as it was a non rain forecast day.

                        Quiz tonight if there are enough of us around.

                        Happy Monday everyone, yet another Bank Holiday!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good Bank Holiday morning, everyone.

                          One of the best things about being retired is not having to set an alarm clock most days. But today, nothing woke me until 9 am!! Still, there's nothing urgent this morning, so I can still have a gentle start to the day.

                          Oma - I bet Storm loved the cold crips morning walk. It's his kind of weather. I hope GS has done what you asked so his mum and dad get back to a nice clean and tidy house!

                          Lizzie - words fail me about your BIL's DIL. How can she stop her children talking about their grandma!!! Apart from anything else it's bad for them if they have to bottle everything up and can't even say things like they miss her, or loved her apple tarts, or whatever. She's definitely the one with the problem.

                          Gem - I'm sure I will find odd bits of decoration lying around that we've forgotten to pack away!! We aren't usually very efficient. I hope it's not busy at the coast, but just a walk along the prom will do you good and blow the cobwebs away. Are fish and chips on offer as well? Hope your quiz takes place this evening.

                          Nanto - thank you for the cheery graphic - it's time to start thinking about Spring. Someone posted a photo of primroses in flower on our local Whats App group this morning, and it does cheer up the dreary days. Days are getting longer too.

                          We're going out this afternoon with our neighbours - there's a jazz group on at a pub in a nearby village, and it will be good to hear some live music. Don't know quite what to expect, but we've had to book, so numbers should be safe.

                          Have a good day everyone.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Oma, it is so warm here, I have just been for a walk and I was sweating! You are right about the DIL, she is very selfish, I have always thought so. BIL told me he had to get rid of all my sisters clothes, baking things etc in case the GC saw them! That tells me enough. I have just read your post Daisy, that is exactly what I think, let them talk and laugh about their grandma. I can still talk about my parents to the boys and I do.

                            Oh yes Gem, another bank holiday for you all. Enjoy the outing to the coast, if the weather is anything like it is here you could go for a dip!

                            Daisy, you should enjoy the jazz group, it will certainly be a change.

                            My balcony door is open and it is warm in here.


                              Lizzie, it's 10 degrees so not too cold, but with high winds at the coast today, I think we will need all the warm gear we are taking!

                              Daisy our favourite seaside fish and chip restaurant isn't open today, but we may find some!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Morning all
                                I’m being swept along in the busy lives of DD and family muddy dog walks and all.
                                Yesterday I watched the Panto DD has directed.It’s still going on on a knife edge of Covid tests. My GD is standing in for one character and SIL has taken over the lighting box as that operator has had to take over on stage as the Sheriff reading his lines but still giving an excellent performance. My DD had to hold a crisis meeting/rehearsal yesterday when the original Sheriff reported positive! A few people stayed away but masks and fully opened windows and doors
                                were the order of the day. I’m hoping to go again today.

                                I hope everyone has /is enjoying the long weekend and keeping healthy. GD had her booster this morning at a walk-in.

                                Take care everyone, the dishwasher is crying out to be unloaded so I must go😀

