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The Daily Drop-in

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    GGC will be next door today so I will pop in there later. Later I have to go to the local garage to pick up a parcel from JL, fill up with petrol and pick up a few bits from the shop there. I must first get some beef and veg in the slow cooker. The sun is shining but Jack Frost paid us a visit in the night.

    Lizzie, well done for making your own jackets, I am past that now. Paisley is a nice pattern to use, is it a cotton material?

    Nanto, I am not sure if the beef casserole I am going to cook will be ready for this evening but I can have an omelette instead.

    Oma, I hope you find a replacement for the mirror on the wardrobe, as you say they do need cleaning often.

    Daisy, I expect Eva will enjoy getting back to her classes.

    Gemini, It is very unsettling for the children to have their schooling disrupted.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Plant, the material isn't cotton, viscose I think, I have had it a long time in my material cupboard!!

      It is a bitter cold wind, I have taken a few shrubs out of the tubs on the balcony, I decided yesterday I will put small olive trees in as they always grow well on the balcony, when the warm weather comes I will get them, taking the shrubs out was more work than I anticipated though.

      Gem, GD1 will get settled back into school, I think that all schools start again on Monday here, saying that I did see some school children with bags in the shopping centre yesterday so some schools may have started.

      I was talking to the friends sister in law, the one that is going into care today, the lady went through the same 3 years ago with her DH so she knows what it is, she picked the friend up to go for coffee to another family member whilst the children get the furniture etc in her new room.

      Daisy, get well wrapped up for the dog training or is it indoors?

      Gem, I had sprouts last night, the last ones from my veg man.


        Morning ladies,
        I have been to Asda and Aldi ,
        Its blooming cold out there ,

        took a carry bag of used Batteries I have been keeping for ages and Christmas ones that we have used to the battery recycle bin in Asda
        took ages to empty the bag , the slot to put them in was small so couldn’t just tip them in , had to do it little handful at a time

        B going to research new wardrobe doors this morning

        I have Dentist after lunch , a broken tooth next to front tooth so not attractive , Hope they will do a proper job not just a patch up ,

        Gem the children get fed up at times with all the changes at school and like adults I think just don’t want to go like when adults don’t want to go to work 😁
        Dont you think they also like to see how far they can push their parents the little tykes

        Daisy the Painting sounds lovely especially the snow around ,
        Hope you both enjoy dog training today , is it back to normal lessons now or only so many allowed at one time ?

        Lizzie I love paisley too what colour is it ? Do your GDs like to sew ?
        when I used to make all my DD clothes and coats from a small age I used to try teaching her but she had no interest in sewing ,
        she will now at a push after I gave her a new sewing machine a few years ago , thing is she does a really good job when she puts her mind to it

        Nanto Chicken and veg always goes down well doesn’t it and doing a big batch means always having a hearty meal in , you will never starve 😉

        Plant how are you today what happened at the Dentist yesterday did you have treatment or just a check up ?

        How are our other Ladies hope everyone is ok xxx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Oma, bitter cold here as well, GD2 is interested in sewing, but, they don't really learn at the moment do they! I have just looked at the material, it isn't really paisley, it is blue with pinkish tints

          My swimming friend has just been up for coffee, she messaged me a few times, my phone was switched off, why I do not know, she was getting worried.

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            Afternoon(just) everyone. Cold and frosty here too in Hertfordshire.

            Lizzie you are a clever seamstress. I’m never pleased with things I sew so stick to knitting.

            DD and I took the dog for a long but very muddy walk this morning.

            All being well , DD ,GD and I are going up to London to see he musical “Frozen” this evening. It’s part of my birthday present.I expect there will be a lot of little girls there dressed as Elsa! DD keeps checking to make sure its going ahead and trains are not being cut.

            Things seem to be getting back into routine for most people though of course I am still away.
            Yesterday I helped get the Christmas tree down and then hoovered up the needles though I think we’ll be finding them for days.

            Hope you all have a good day and wrap up well if venturing out.


              Clover, thank you, enjoy the musical, I took GC to see The Lion King a few years ago, that was fantastic. We never got to see Frozen.


                They are lovely Lizzie ,

                Clover hope you enjoy the musical , let us know what you think of it 😁
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Back from Dentist , two fillings done in no time , no numbing a lovely new Polish Dentist she was very efficient and gentle
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Clover, hope you enjoy the musical.

                    Lizzie,we saw The Lion King a few years ago in London.
                    Love the jackets,they look very proffesional.

                    Oma, glad the dental appointment went well.
                    How's B doing,researching for the wardrobe door?
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Still trawling through the internet Nanto , I have a feeling it will be all new doors
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        I felt dizzy going to the toilet during the night, almost fell, I woke this morning and thought I must have dreamt it, I hadn't, I was doing the balcony this afternoon and actually fell, luckily a pot stopped my fall but it shook me! I phoned the surgery and the nurse said it could be my BP or moving too fast from low to high, that could be it as I was doing the roof with a long brush, I have to see if it happens again and if it does phone for an appointment.


                          We saw The Lion King year ago and loved it. I'm sure you will enjoy Frozen Clover.

                          Good to get those fillings done Oma. I need an appointment!

                          ​​​​​Oh take care Lizzie. It may just be a one off, but best to get it checked if it happens again .
                          The jackets are lovely btw.

                          DD2 had a cuppa and chat with us before she went upstairs to work. I dropped her back at the garage when the car was ready.
                          OH and I took decorations and outside lights down this morning. Just the Christmas trees to take down in the morning.
                          I was very busy all afternoon at the library. Feet up for a bit now!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Lizzie that happens to me with my BP if I get up quickly ,

                            Gem everything back to normal now isn’t it , bit of a flat feeling when the decorations come down
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Life seems to be getting back into routine, after all the Christmas and New Year shenanigans.

                              Lizzie - do take care and I think it would be a good idea to have your blood pressure checked asap, but don't go climbing ladders or anything before you do! If you haven't got your own BP machine I think we can go into a pharmacy to have it checked (or have I dreamt this?). Can you do that, too? The jackets and fabrics are lovely - you're very talented.

                              Gem - Nice to have DD2 working at yours, and I'm sure she was very comfortable. It sounds as though your decorations are mostly down now, and after a busy afternoon at the library you've earned a bit of 'feet up' time.

                              Clover - I hope you were able to go up to London tonight - a lot of shows have been cancelled. I've never seen The Lion King but everyone says it's brilliant. I do hope you enjoy it. I hope the little Elsas are dressed up warmly or else they really will be frozen.

                              Oma - good to get a couple of fillings and no injection! She sounds like a good dentist.

                              Plant - same here, It's been very cold but sunny.

                              I didn't get any painting done today! Never mind. Dog training went well but both Eva and I came back very tired.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Good morning everyone, I think (know) it is vertigo, it really frightened me when I went to bed, it felt like everything was moving, like a fairground attraction with me hanging on! I will phone the surgery but I don't know if they can do anything, in the mean time I won't be doing anything where I have to move my head!!

                                Daisy, I have my own BP machine, that is fine, we can go to the pharmacy as well here. In the night I was on my phone checking for high/low blood pressures or sugars. Then I came across vertigo.

                                I am not a musical fan, I have seen Wicked etc, didn't excite me, but, The Lion King was amazing!!

                                You will be pleased you got the fillings done Oma, we have had the same dentist for almost 40 years, he will be stopping in a few years and now he has taken a new partner on, well 2 actually as they are a couple.

