We won't be having fish and chips after all All fish and chip shops are closed here today. I am waiting to find out if the Chinese is open at teatime. If not we will just find something quick to eat in our freezer or cupboards
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Thank you all for your kind thoughts. Yesterday went very well. The service was just what he'd have wanted with his best friend amusing us with stories from their uni days and fate having them meet up in unlikely places after time apart. Music was some of his favourites and when he came into the crem Also Sprach Zarathutra was played, this was the music we walked down the aisle to, so I felt it was appropriate. Celebrant spoke as if she'd known him and DD read a poem The Last Journey after telling everyone that her dad was Not a trainspotter and he'd be horrified for people to think that! She did very well, but there were a few noses being blown around the room. We had a reception in a local pub and most of the food disappeared and chat and wine flowed freely. Several people commented that they were surprised to find out about D's past life as they'd always thought of him as a quiet chap! Little did they know! DS and DB ended up putting the world to rights at the local pub and both are regretting it this morning! It was just as he would have wanted and now we plan to scatter his ashes from a favourite spot in Somerset. It was good too that the service was webcast so those who couldn't be with us were able to join us virtually. Flowers looked beautiful on the wicker coffin.
Took DB to Stansted for his flight home earlier and now I'm just chilling. I think I've found all the Christmas presents which will need to be wrapped at some point before going to DD's tomorrow.
If I don't get on here again, a Very Merry Christmas to all of you and here's to a much better 2022
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
WG enjoy your Christmas you deserve a lovely day and we are all sure D would want that and for you to think of him in happier times with a smile and a laugh xxxx
Good morning everyone, my hairdresser has just been and made me feel better! DS2 and DIL are coming late afternoon then we are doing to DS1 for the meal, DIL2 has a friend, she lost her son, he was in his teens at the time I think,
about 20 years ago and on the day they go to his grave so will be going there first.
It is warmer here than it was yesterday, I have all I need for the Boxing day meal and if I have missed anything Lidl is across the road. I was at the supermarket in the village at 8am, there is usually just me at that time but it was already very busy.
Daisy, enjoy having all the family together for a change.
I don't use much mail either Oma, I use if for my kefir and now and again for my porridge. DS1 goes to the dairy farm for his once a week.
Plant, I had never heard of blini's so had to Google them!
I will have a ride to nowhere on my exercise bike! The young man I know at the fysio said he would get me in for fysio fit, I may take his advise, I will see how it goes after Christmas etc.
Good morning ladies, and Merry Christmas!🌲 🎅🎁
after breakfast we will visit my mum for an hour or so, taking her presents.
Then to DD2's for the rest of the day.
I hope everyone is well today and has a lovely day with someone they love xxxxx
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
My Niece hosts Christmas dinner for half the family then all 6 siblings their partners and children go for tea ,
She buys and cooks for the whole lot .
She didnt feel well during night so did a lateral flow test this morning and its positive
So Her Husband is cooking lunch plating it up and taking it to all those that should be at theirs for Dinner then making goody bags up for the rest of the family who were going for tea and delivering them or all that food would go to waste